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Afghan national army soldier treated at Pakistani post

They already did. they killed a lot of terrorists "wanted" in Pakistan.

Actually with regards to that part, can U plz come up with even a single news of such actions where the word "resolute force" or "coalition force" or "NATO" aint mentioned alongside Afghan National Army (the later one is used just customary, if U know what I mean). On the contrary there had been instances where NATO had literally snatched an "asset" travelling in NDS convoy who was most wanted to Pakistan. So yeah U know who is doing main action with regards to Pakistan specific targets.

Which is why the US has literally caught NDS agents escorting or meeting with top TTP leaders, right?

And Sir U just stole my thoughts as I had mentioned above.
we gave them refuge,food and jobs, we are still treating them when we know that they will go back and fire at our posts. Afghanis have serious loyalty issues. Truth is pashtuns are in majority and they dont hate Pakistan but that bloody northern alliance is in key positions because they are the ones with lowest prices in the market and every usurper buy them first. They are dominating afghan army and nds. they are killing Pakistanis in our own home. We must keep good relations with Pashtuns and should talk directly to russia who can control those barbaric freaks. Russia and Iran are now necessary part of afghan solution. Pak should talk with both countries in fact i believe in the next meeting in moscow between China Russia and Pakistan, they must invite Iran and turkey. The future of Afghanistan will be decided by decisions of pashtun majority which is being represented by Hisb e Islami and Afghan Taliban.

Our Great Friend Turkey Has A Lot of Influence on The Uzbek Factions of Northern Alliance.We Can Use That to Bring The Uzbeks to Our Side
we have been doing this for the last 40 years
Thats what is called honor man. If Indians were to think that way in 1971 then they could easily avoid the problems they face today but they didn't.

They already did. they killed a lot of terrorists "wanted" in Pakistan.
Our most wanted man is mullah fazlullah who is still enjoying safe heaven in afghanistan
Due to Afghan cultural ties they always bring there women and children in bordering hospitals or in Peshawar for treatment. Also poverty is another issue. Culture is always a binding force among different factions.
the first thing he is gonna do after getting treated is to fire at our soldiers
Masha Allah ..
Brotherhood .

We've also requested 300 million for afghanistan in a conference and have given 3000 student visas to them in past . To help these poor .
Hope afghans now leave prejudice and bigotry .

Due to Afghan cultural ties they always bring there women and children in bordering hospitals or in Peshawar for treatment. Also poverty is another issue. Culture is always a binding force among different factions.

Yes , they come to quetta .
There are some special doctors doing for them here .
Especially for ladies .
It should be appreciated in Afghanistan but I was disappointed when an educated afghan told me that these sick pakistani doctors loot these poor afghans and take higher money from them .
Masha Allah ..
Brotherhood .

We've also requested 300 million for afghanistan in a conference and have given 3000 student visas to them in past . To help these poor .
Hope afghans now leave prejudice and bigotry .

Yes , they come to quetta .
There are some special doctors doing for them here .
Especially for ladies .
It should be appreciated in Afghanistan but I was disappointed when an educated afghan told me that these sick pakistani doctors loot these poor afghans and take higher money from them .
Actually these " so called educated " don t know, they have to pay in Pakistani currency. Otherwise if they have money they can go to India.
Actually these " so called educated " don t know, they have to pay in Pakistani currency. Otherwise if they have money they can go to India.
I hope day comes when they come to sense and start appreciating every blessing they get from God through pakistan.

OFF TOPIC but its an example how we humans feel so bad and bitter when seeing such ungrateful behave from those for whom we've done a lot .
Just imagine how God almighty would have been bearing our ungrateful to him . That is why being ungrateful to blessings is prohibited .

If Afghans were grateful to these all blessings that they get from pakistan, there wouldn't have been such hate against them among pakistanis .
I hope day comes when they come to sense and start appreciating every blessing they get from God through pakistan.

OFF TOPIC but its an example how we humans feel so bad and bitter when seeing such ungrateful behave from those for whom we've done a lot .
Just imagine how God almighty would have been bearing our ungrateful to him . That is why being ungrateful to blessings is prohibited .

If Afghans were grateful to these all blessings that they get from pakistan, there wouldn't have been such hate against them among pakistanis .
Actually when they land from mountain to Pakistani cities , its kind of eye opening situation and hatred against structural development gush in there veins. Its natural human phenomenon , they blame of there failure to next door neighbors. Peshwar is living example , a very clean and cultured city is totally ruined by Afghans. Peshwari hate Afghans . They literally want them to go back Afghanistan.
Actually when they land from mountain to Pakistani cities , its kind of eye opening situation and hatred against structural development gush in there veins. Its natural human phenomenon , they blame of there failure to next door neighbors. Peshwar is living example , a very clean and cultured city is totally ruined by Afghans. Peshwari hate Afghans . They literally want them to go back Afghanistan.

They were poor and had no education that's why they didn't have any mannerism how to act in a foreign developed land. Plus , the amount of leniency and kindness we had for them , they misused it .
Hope pakistan learns now .

The ansaar muhajreen example has gone , muhajreens didn't have this ungrateful and undisciplined mannerism that we got from afghans that's why now we want them to go .

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