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Afghan Mujaheddin release new pictures of their Fighter

who the hell is paying them to buy this equipment

they seem better armed the the namak haram afghani army
who the hell is paying them to buy this equipment

they seem better armed the the namak haram afghani army
Well the cia and the pentagon have been blaming the Russian fsb for training and arming the afghan taliban.
They look more professional and intimidating than ANA......ANA is gonna get its *** handed to them :o:
Imran bhai, are you jealous of their dashing looks?

terrorists propaganda video
they know mentally 90% of afghans and pakistanis want to become soldiers these videos attract youth and fulfill the dream to become commando . it must be banned here

it could be that Pak Military is training them.

Because Afghan Talibs have always been pro-Pakistan. That's why when Talibs were in power in Afghan, Pak was peaceful. Only when al-dajjal invaded Afghan & removed Talibs from power, then terrorism started to happen in Pak.

So my guess is that Talibs are being trained by Pak Army. Which will be good for Pak.

Also looking at the title "Khandaq", I have a strong feeling it's Pakistani guys who are planning for them. Afghan don't use such alluding titles, Pak does use such meaningful titles for war exercises & missile etc. Khandaq means they're gonna silently sit and watch the surrounding enemy exhaust itself. And when the exhaustion and frustration takes over enemy they're gonna make offensives.

whatever it is it should be banned there should be no terrorist propaganda here

Original Talibs are pro-Pak.
They are not terrorists.

There were criminal gangs who falsely adopted the name "Taliban" because al-dajjal & indians instructed them to do so. So that when they carry out terrorism, the original pro-Pak Talibs will look bad.
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Well the NATO and US spent billions of dollars to position trainers in Afghanistan.

The Af-gand army is still the same,
but it seems the Taliban have taken good lessons.
ever wonder how this things ended up in taliban hand :)
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