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Afghan military threatens strong response to Pakistani incursions

If it was that easy to bring Afghanistan to it;s knees, wouldn't US would have done the same as you suggest instead of military actions.
It would be better if you could reconcile your differences and have a friendly Afghanistan as your neighbor. It would be a grave mistake to do otherwise. Mark my words.

Fvck Afghanistan and fvck everyone else. We're going to build a wall and expell every last one of them. Period. We don't seek any relation with such a hateful opium infested country. A suicide factory where Indian terrorists are trained to kill Pakistanis. I want to see what anyone can do about that. Our country our rules.
Just so i fully understand this. Afghanistan has always alleged that due to Pakistan's support, the most eastern part of the country remains under Taliban control. So....

1. How does Afghanistan know what is happening near its border with Pakistan?
2. Before opening their mouth, they should probably secure 100% of the areas within their borders. By all accounts, 25% of the Afghanistan land is under the control of non-state actors.
Just so i fully understand this. Afghanistan has always alleged that due to Pakistan's support, the most eastern part of the country remains under Taliban control. So....

1. How does Afghanistan know what is happening near its border with Pakistan?
2. Before opening their mouth, they should probably secure 100% of the areas within their borders. By all accounts, 25% of the Afghanistan land is under the control of non-state actors.

Goes to show how failed Afghanistan is even after spending billions and billions of dollars and the entire world meddling in its affairs. LOL Not an iota of success. The entire country a no go area. A country run on mass opium production. A country where rape of infant boys is rife and a superpower turns a blind eye just so that powerful warlords don't get upset. A country where settling political and other enmities is culturally permissible through the barrel of a gun. If this is what you call success... What a terrible terrible failure. They can't even control their borders and Afghan Taliban rule the roost. These Afghan savages want to retaliate against a nuclear power.
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Fvck Afghanistan and fvck everyone else. We're going to build a wall and expell every last one of them. Period. We don't seek any relation with such a hateful opium infested country. A suicide factory where Indian terrorists are trained to kill Pakistanis. I want to see what anyone can do about that. Our country our rules.
Nice, we have Trump in the making here. :)
Fvck Afghanistan and fvck everyone else. We're going to build a wall and expell every last one of them. Period. We don't seek any relation with such a hateful opium infested country. A suicide factory where Indian terrorists are trained to kill Pakistanis. I want to see what anyone can do about that. Our country our rules.

Stop behaving like a lunatic. The topic is not about Afghan refugees in Pakistan, you indeed sound like Donald Trump.
Stop behaving like a lunatic. The topic is not about Afghan refugees in Pakistan, you indeed sound like Donald Trump.

We will make Afghanistan pay for that wall too..:lol:

@Dalit. Good luck making a wall here;

Took that pic in Waziristan.. The mountains on the other side are in Afghanistan.. :D

Nice, we have Trump in the making here. :)
Stop behaving like a lunatic. The topic is not about Afghan refugees in Pakistan, you indeed sound like Donald Trump.

So let's get on topic. When are you going to attack Pakistan?
We will make Afghanistan pay for that wall too..:lol:

@Dalit. Good luck making a wall here;
View attachment 303494

Took that pic in Waziristan.. The mountains on the other side are in Afghanistan.. :D


A wall or fence of some sort between Pakistan and Afghanistan in certain vulnerable and most infiltrated areas is possible and even a dire necessity. Other difficult terrain such as the picture can be dealt with the use of surveillance drones and appropriate manned posts. Stop downplaying this problem. The Afghans have destroyed Pakistan by smuggling opium and their kin into our territory. This isn't a matter of laughter anymore. Even if Trump could solve this problem today it would be considered a miracle. The Mexican border with the US in contrast is a kindergarten.

You must be a lunatic, i am not super-man

LOL evading the main question of this topic. Loony tunes Afghan, you don't have any answers.
I hope they will never try to scratch a nuclear power..... 5 tactical nuclear missiles will be enough for them if they decided to fool their self.....
Even on a small disorganize army u want to use nukes.Such a brave pakistani army is.

A ...:rofl::omghaha:........AFGH:omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......AFGHNISTAN:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Will :cheesy:Attack:guns::guns::butcher::butcher: ..........PAK:rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:....PAKISTAN...:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

LOL I M CALLING FOR HELP:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:

For Afghanistan Good luck with your attacks ,

LMAO LOL HAHAHAHA This News made my day,,,,
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