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Afghan military threatens strong response to Pakistani incursions

That might be the case but ANA are a two hundred and fifty thousand strong force. They might not have many modern tanks or artillery or aircrafts.

But they are a strong enough force, that any Pakistani confrontation with will forever alter Pakistan's strategic scenario.

Henceforth Pakistan will have to always watch its back, it will need to have sizable portion of its forces deployed in the west on permanent basis.

Pakistan military doctrine, which at one time envisioned to find strategic depth with in Afghanistan, wil now have to contend with possibility of being surrounded in a two front war.

Afghanistan neither has the capability nor logistics to ever dare to step one inch into Pakistani territory. Any opening of a second front would lead to tens of thousands of Lashkars and hundreds of tribes to take up arms and declare war on Afghanistan. A force of 50,000; supported by Lashkars, Armored Corps and the Air Force has the capability to easily take Afghanistan with little casualties.

We continuously launch operations into their territory to a point where they no longer offer resistance. Last time they intervened in 2012 - it led to 11 Afghan military deaths when they surrounded an SSG team sent to track down militiants responsible for a cross-border attack. SSG withdrew without a scratch.

Afghanistan neither has the capability nor logistics to ever dare to step one inch into Pakistani territory. Any opening of a second front would lead to tens of thousands of Lashkars and hundreds of tribes to take up arms and declare war on Afghanistan. A force of 50,000; supported by Lashkars, Armored Corps and the Air Force has the capability to easily take Afghanistan with little casualties.

We continuously launch operations into their territory to a point where they no longer offer resistance. Last time they intervened in 2012 - it led to 11 Afghan military deaths when they surrounded an SSG team sent to track down militiants responsible for a cross-border attack. SSG withdrew without a scratch.


Well if you believe that, then go ahead , launch an operation in to Afghanistan, capture fazllulah..as you said, you would, after Peshawar...What are you waiting for?
For me this is the most important statement in whole article.

"Sediqqi also called on Pakistan to fight terrorism within its borders"

This, ladies and gentlemen the first admission from a foreign government official that we are indeed going inside Afghanistan to hunt down the terrorists. #52inchRaheelShareef .
Our government lacks the balls and are only busy defending their corruption otherwise a county like Afghanistan can be brought to its knees in a matter of days along with their puppet regime.
Pakistan has allowed these pathetic nations to run their mouth for far too long and without any repercussion. Our spineless government needs to grow a pair.
Well if you believe that, then go ahead , launch an operation in to Afghanistan, capture fazllulah..as you said, you would, after Peshawar...What are you waiting for?
Your changing topics now - but; lets say we find Fazullah and launch an operation; that would lead to international outrage and a diplomatic incident. Cooperating with Afghanistan on capturing Fazullah far outweighs the risk and cost compared to a reckless attitude.
They might be drug addicts , they might be ill trained, they might be be lacking in motivation and incentive. But these are the very same people ,who parred with superpowers of their time and held their own.

Give them a good enough reason to get them motivated, like a much more powerful neighbor attacking their homeland, they will give their all to defeating such an aggressor.
Come on man. u must read history correctly, they fought superpowers because they got support from Pakistan and Iran. without neighbor support they cant fight long enough.
secondly Pakistan will not go for occupation it will just do wht it did along with some border level conflicts.
thirdly Pakistan has strong weapon Afghan refuges. just flush them back to Afghanistan on a week time afghan regime will collapse itself.
That might be the case but ANA are a two hundred and fifty thousand strong force. They might not have many modern tanks or artillery or aircrafts.

But they are a strong enough force, that any Pakistani confrontation with will forever alter Pakistan's strategic scenario.

Henceforth Pakistan will have to always watch its back, it will need to have sizable portion of its forces deployed in the west on permanent basis.

Pakistan military doctrine, which at one time envisioned to find strategic depth with in Afghanistan, wil now have to contend with possibility of being surrounded in a two front war.

They are poorly trained and have weak morale. We can crush them.
Afghan army cannot do much to Pakistan but they are welcome to try.
Their frustration is due to their own lack of training, discipline and leadership. They are one of th most disorganized army in the world. They should be threatening Taliban not Pakistan.
Northern alliance puppet government can go take a dive. Seal the border and blow the shi out of anything that attempts to cross.
The recent Hashish Supply to Afghan military HQ gone horribly wrong ..
what on earth they are smoking these days man...
I spent time in Afghanistan with ANA, ANA has many ghost soldiers.. 250,000 is just a number on paper and NATO officials knows about it. 80% of Afghans which means vast majority of their Army is Hashish Addicts (Youtube it). Soldiers are loyal to their tribe or ethnic group and only show up in uniform to get paid. Fact to be told average ANA soldiers wouldn't able to finish 500 meter run without tipping over. They will not train or listen to their US trainers. Even a local Karachi gang member is more disciplined that an ANA soldier.
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