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Afghan military threatens strong response to Pakistani incursions

No you represent that army want to start nuking on a word go,even if its small nation like afganistan,i may be new but dont use personal comment like you.and if elite member start using so personal comment like you god save the forum.
No you represent that army want to start nuking on a word go,even if its small nation like afganistan,i may be new but dont use personal comment like you.and if elite member start using so personal comment like you god save the forum.

How did you come to this conclusion? Pakistan army doesn't even use heavy weapons in retaliation to ANA attacks.
Exactly the kind of news that absorbs 'let's nuke Afghanistan' kind of guys with hyper-nationalist emotions.
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I have a quick fix. Send them to India, their liberator.

I have always wondered why Afghans never choose to go to India. Are they afraid of something?
Indians will not allow a single Afghani to settle in their country.
Only NDS agents are trained and Northern Alliance affiliated Politicians are welcomed in India.
They might be drug addicts , they might be ill trained, they might be be lacking in motivation and incentive. But these are the very same people ,who parred with superpowers of their time and held their own.

Give them a good enough reason to get them motivated, like a much more powerful neighbor attacking their homeland, they will give their all to defeating such an aggressor.
Brother they are outsiders not real Afghanis

Real Afghanis has one big thing in it he will love to die any day before selling it's dignity

So these people ANA ETC sold out they are on EBAY so they have no stacks in Afghanistan they just came from Kurdistan etc

No you represent that army want to start nuking on a word go,even if its small nation like afganistan,i may be new but dont use personal comment like you.and if elite member start using so personal comment like you god save the forum.
And who you represent that army who pay ur media to start torture cell every night and say we buy Nimitz class aircraft carrier we buy F 22 we sell brahmos to Russia

Yes we nuke if we have left no option

And it's in Indian benefit stop selling terrorism in Pak via Afghan and Iran

Because we won't go down alone we take u and ur patrollers with us
The whole story is that the strings are pulled by someone else (Everyone knows who), the singer here is Afghan, but lyrics came from elsewhere and this has been going on for a while now. Secondly, we are hosting millions of refugees, 3.2 to be exact, refugees of the same country that is backstabbing Pakistan and whose Army Chief has given this statement. when it comes to sending these refugees back, they start requesting and begging Pakistan for extending their stay as their capacity is not sufficient for a return and on the other hand they are talking about their so called strong response....these are two extremes. All we can say is "go ahead and we'll see mate",
Our foreign policy also should a bit strict, see where our leniency is leading us to.
hah... this is a proof that they know we have diluted the Taliban threat therefore they are showing their true color...
its Iraq war all over again.. the moment they got rid of their missiles they were attacked...over past few months i have strongly came to conclusion that Taliban really were our assets...they need to be there to protect our interest in Afghanistan... If i would be head of army or ISI i would definitely fuel up pakhtoon moment in Afghanistan against northern alliance remains in government of Afghanistan...
Indian's be like .." Begaani shadi main Abdullah Deewana" :lol::rofl:

On Topic ... For a strong response afghan military:pleasantry: have to get out of Kabul :woot:
Even their father india don't have balls of any stronk response against our so called incursions.. :lol:
The father beat ur. ..s 4 times .anged ur. ..s ...ked u and made u his ...ch and ..oved his. ..lls every time and made a ...sda out of ur ....ing ..nt
The father beat ur. ..s 4 times .anged ur. ..s ...ked u and made u his ...ch and ..oved his. ..lls every time and made a ...sda out of ur ....ing ..nt

The only time we lost clearly was 71 . The rest three times was shame for you . You lost kashmir in 48 , in 65 a country 5 times smaller country than you ripped your airforce apart and an army twice bigger a tough time to a stalemate , In 99 a few hundred soldiers without any help kept the indian posts for months .

So yes Its you who should be ashamed that an arch rival 5 times smaller than you has given you a good smacking in three wars . Lets not go into 2001 and 2008 when your army started shivering and went back .

You should thank god you have 5 times bigger population and hence double the armies , airforce and still an arch rival giving you such a tough time . We would have eaten you alive if the armies , airforce were of the same size .

So just thank your bhagwan you are alive because well you guys reproduce well and bigger than us . And still with all that you guys didnt have any guts to cross in 2001 and 2008 .
How did you come to this conclusion? Pakistan army doesn't even use heavy weapons in retaliation to ANA attacks.
No i did not come to conclusion,was replying to Pakistani poster want to nuke Afghanistan with tactical nuclear weapon.
No i did not come to conclusion,was replying to Pakistani poster want to nuke Afghanistan with tactical nuclear weapon.

I distinctly remember YOU saying PAK ARMY wants to nuke Afghanistan for border skirmishes. Did you not?
The only time we lost clearly was 71 . The rest three times was shame for you . You lost kashmir in 48 , in 65 a country 5 times smaller country than you ripped your airforce apart and an army twice bigger a tough time to a stalemate , In 99 a few hundred soldiers without any help kept the indian posts for months .

So yes Its you who should be ashamed that an arch rival 5 times smaller than you has given you a good smacking in three wars . Lets not go into 2001 and 2008 when your army started shivering and went back .

You should thank god you have 5 times bigger population and hence double the armies , airforce and still an arch rival giving you such a tough time . We would have eaten you alive if the armies , airforce were of the same size .

So just thank your bhagwan you are alive because well you guys reproduce well and bigger than us . And still with all that you guys didnt have any guts to cross in 2001 and 2008 .
Really..!! as far as world knows even in 48 we checked ur advances in kashmir, we almost conquered lahore in 65, not to forget how ur prime minister run to Clinton during kargil, eating alive my .ss, u should be thankful to ur Allah that we are big hearted and despite ur advances we want peace had we been something like an Israel or USA, u would have been done and dusted long time ago and it is not our problem that ,only an incompetent attack hapless public and thats why ur k..um doesn't reproduce well.
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