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Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

Afghanistan is a failed state. All countries in the region i.e. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Iran should come out from all directions and get their share of land.
Agreed. And banish those Deobandi extremists from the region.
Agreed. And banish those Deobandi extremists from the region.

You forgot to add handover India to Pakistan:lol:

Fuking Clown? If any of the powers in the eastern sector collide it will signal our end as Civilization meaning the end of the Islamic civilization. We will lose our gate-keeper In Pakistan. The Indians will reach Iraq and Jordan in no time. The Hindus have killed more Shia muslims then Sunnis in India and both targets. Iran-Af-Pak have common interests which is that Hindu filth being contained..

Iran's main theatre is Lebanon-Palestine whereas Afghanistan-Pakistan main theatre is India.. We will not cannibalize on ourselves
Wow,what an educated comment. Thank you professor.

What about subcontinent surrender to a few British for hundreds of years? Awww it sucks,doesn't it? Naughty,naughty boy!
Lol touché malaka!
This wont end well with Talis,
Since Pakistani Phooj always acts like cowards even after deaths of JAWANS. Tali are thinking same will happen with Iran.
You forgot to add handover India to Pakistan:lol:

Fuking Clown? If any of the powers in the eastern sector collide it will signal our end as Civilization meaning the end of the Islamic civilization. We will lose our gate-keeper In Pakistan. The Indians will reach Iraq and Jordan in no time. The Hindus have killed more Shia muslims then Sunnis in India and both targets. Iran-Af-Pak have common interests of that Hindu filth being contained

Shia here - Indians will die at the borders of Gilgit, Punjab, and Sindh. They ain’t reaching any past the international borders.
You forgot to add handover India to Pakistan:lol:

Fuking Clown? If any of the powers in the eastern sector collide it will signal our end as Civilization meaning the end of the Islamic civilization. We will lose our gate-keeper In Pakistan. The Indians will reach Iraq and Jordan in no time. The Hindus have killed more Shia muslims then Sunnis in India and both targets. Iran-Af-Pak have common interests of that Hindu filth being contained
Who's your gatekeeper? The Taliban?

The Taliban ARE A PROBLEM TO YOUR SECURITY. I guess you forgot the 2000s era. Swat Valley,tribal areas,Northern Waziristan. Red Mosque,random attacks at schools and everywhere.

1.Indians are not planning any invasion
2.If Pakistan doesn't stop the Indians,do you think the Taliban will?
3.What are you even smoking and thinking that Indians want to march all the way to Iraq and Jordan?
4.You're in Malaysia,why the f do you worry?

Lol touché malaka!
I didn't think that he would support the Afghans....
Who's your gatekeeper? The Taliban?

The Taliban ARE A PROBLEM TO YOUR SECURITY. I guess you forgot the 2000s era. Swat Valley,tribal areas,Northern Waziristan. Red Mosque,random attacks at schools and everywhere.

1.Indians are not planning any invasion
2.If Pakistan doesn't stop the Indians,do you think the Taliban will?
3.What are you even smoking and thinking that Indians want to march all the way to Iraq and Jordan?
4.You're in Malaysia,why the f do you worry?

Laughing my azz don't act dumb with me I know you bro.. You suggested last time Turkey and Iran should burn on each other and told me that is what you wanted openly :lol: So that both are easily picked out of the board.

Now you are suggesting Pakistan to burn inside Afghanistan or alternatively Iran so that they can also both be removed from the board. We aren't born yesterday you know..

India will attack Pakistan if it wastes itself on unwinnable conflicts elsewhere and leaves itself open and get dragged down a drain pipe.. India's wishes nothing more then a Pakistan free world without that gatekeeper shouting them inside
Laughing my azz don't act dumb with me I know you bro.. You suggested last time Turkey and Iran to burn on each other and told me that is what you wanted openly :lol: So that both are easily picked out of the board.
Are you retarded,mate?

I said it would be MILITARILY INTERESTING. Like,in which language do you want me to say it for you to understand? I don't speak Urdu. Want me to auto-translate it?

Besides,wtf do I have against Iran? Turkey,yes ok. But why Iran?

Now you are suggesting Pakistan to burn inside Afghanistan or alternative Iran so that they can also be picked up. We aren't born yesterday you know..
I'm not suggesting anything like that.

are the one saying it,right now.

I'm all for the partition of Afghanistan. It's a failed State. It's been a failed State that causes nothing but misery to its people and others. Iran could get one piece,Uzbekistan and Tajikistan could get the parts that have ethnic majority Uzbeks and Tajiks. Pakistan could get a piece too,if anything,to relocate all those wankers who sneaked into Pakistan.

Don't even try to put words in my mouth,you pajeet.
Afghanistan is a failed state. All countries in the region i.e. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Iran should come out from all directions and get their share of land.
If you have a rat infestation in a area, you don't try to stay along with the rats. You either destroy the rats with poison or traps, or prevent them from spreading to your house by putting barbed wires or rat repellent around the perimeter of your house.
Taliban are good at only one thing. War, and nothing else.
If there's no war they are a sorry waste of oxygen on earth, because they are useless in everything else.
That's why they have to constantly crest wars to be useful.
lol! seriously? people really think iran can do that? it hasnt fought a major war in years, and all the fighting in iraq and syria has been done foreign militias. iran will fare worse than pakistan in the early years of WoT.
Are you retarded,mate?

I said it would be MILITARILY INTERESTING. Like,in which language do you want me to say it for you to understand? I don't speak Urdu. Want me to auto-translate it?

Besides,wtf do I have against Iran? Turkey,yes ok. But why Iran?

I'm not suggesting anything like that.

I ain't no fuking Pajeet..

Besides why would a Greek care about all this. Your pimp Uncle sam couldn't do anything so now you want these states who have 100 times less resources to burn inside there because you and I know what is gonna happen in that scenario hence stop this innocent wolf cry I know your ugly azz..

You are a vicious MOFO you don't wish anything good on Iran, Pakistan, Turkey or Afghanistan stay out of our matters kindly..

You don't wish anything good upon us so don't act the part or separate us in category.. You are just doing the lesser evil but we are all evils in your fanatic azz POV
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