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Afghan cadet trouble hounds Indian military academy

The taste of the pudding is in eating. The IA Officer Corps is unsmart, professionally deficient, not articulate, with poor leadership quality and generally lousy compared to others in SA. We know; we saw them in action. And in peace time they are no patch on our officers attending the same course in BD or India. Sorry, but that's the truth. And this may be because youth from good background or with with scholastic output prefer to serve in the private sector paying far more.

sounds rich coming from a Bangladeshi :rofl: what have you got to show for yourself in any battlefield in the world ?

Because of this Indian army that you defame here today you have a country and a flag to call your own .:sick:
sometimes I wonder would it not have been better not to intervene in 1971 and let the massacres continue ?

Atleast we would have clearly seen them as an enemy than being in a state of confusion about their intensions . They anyway continue to behave like Pakistan's eastern wing .

The average Bangla knows he has a nation because of us.

The average Bangla knows he continues to have a nation because of us.

The average Bangla would have heard from his father or grand-father who stopped the rape of their helpless women and the genocide of their "brave fighters".

The cyber heroes here are also average Banglas.

We know the reality. Why get unnecessarily perturbed by their lashing out as a venting of their inadequacies?

It would be a truly bitter pill to swallow for a Muslim Bangla that it was Hindu India that came to their rescue against their own Muslim "brothers."

The same Hindu India that they fragmented in 1947 with their Muslim brothers to the West.

Delicious irony if ever there was one.
This is unfortunate that people are trying to "inject" secularism in Muslim heart and minds.. and like America, if India is unable to understand that, it doesn't know how few cadets would be more than enough to roll its entire training program down the drain.


In Indian Military Academies things happen the Indian way.

It must be working coz Indian officers are the only ones in the sub continent who have stuck to what is taught to them and not overthrown elected Govts.

Hope this helps.
Both institutions impart training to Officers.

OTA, Chennai ( erstwhile OTS, Madras) is for short service commission officers ( Ladies & Gents).

Thank you, that explains the challenge.

It is always tough to indoctrinate Cadets in a " Short Service Commission " timeframe.

There is not enough time to inculcate discipline in such short span.
Thank you, that explains the challenge.

It is always tough to indoctrinate Cadets in a " Short Service Commission " timeframe.

There is not enough time to inculcate discipline in such short span.

The standards of discipline and training are the same in both institutions.

SS Commission training is harder coz the same syllabus ( Physical, tactical & weapon training) is crammed in a lesser span of time.

In this case it appears to be a perception issue.
It would be pretty dumb for a army to attack Bangladesh and all of Bangladesh millions of soldiers are busy praying.

Does this mean its best to attack Bangladesh on Friday around noon then? (according to bangladeshi theory?)

In Indian Military Academies things happen the Indian way.

It must be working coz Indian officers are the only ones in the sub continent who have stuck to what is taught to them and not overthrown elected Govts.

Hope this helps.

It is not the preferred choice of Pakistan Armed Forces to take over from the Politicians.

It is always an action of last resort.

The problem with Pakistan since its birth was that apart from three or four aging individuals, there was no one to groom new generation of politicians after the Partition.

We Pakistanis consider the Armed Forces to be our SAFETY NET of last resort, in case the Politicians totally FU the situation. Notice how bad things have gotten lately with Zardari/Gillani tag team and yet General Kiyani is holding his nose and staying above the fray.

The standards of discipline and training are the same in both institutions.

SS Commission training is harder coz the same syllabus ( Physical, tactical & weapon training) is crammed in a lesser span of time.

In this case it appears to be a perception issue.

I am a graduate of Pakistan's elite " PAF Academy Risalpur " and my training duration at the Academy was almost three long years. Our day started at 5 AM and ended with lights out at 11 PM and a pretty full day in between. There is no way that can be replicated in a 6 month Short Course even by a miracle. Something's gotta to give and that something usually is A Grade training. At least that has been my experience.
It is not the preferred choice of Pakistan Armed Forces to take over from the Politicians.

It is always an action of last resort.

The problem with Pakistan since its birth was that apart from three or four aging individuals, there was no one to groom new generation of politicians after the Partition.

We Pakistanis consider the Armed Forces to be our SAFETY NET of last resort, in case the Politicians totally FU the situation.
Notice how bad things have gotten with Zardari/Gillani tag team and yet General Kiyani is holding his nose and staying above the fray.

You trust your army the most but what has your army given you in return? 1965 war or 1971 war, which both were started under military dictator & ended in humiliation for Pakistan. Not only this Kargil war was also started by unilateral decision of Gen. Musharraf & the civilian govt. in Pakistan was caught dumbfounded. Was your economy any better when Gen. Musharraf was in power for 8 years, din't he compromised your country by giving US complete access in it's war on terror? To be completely practical here, PA has for 65 years since independence has only shown people of Pakistan, fear of India to control Pakistan politically, they are the biggest hurdle in any peace process between India & Pakistan.
Ya right, shave off all the Shiks beard and take off their turban. Dont you think those are religious thingy. I dont know about Hindu symbols, as Shiks were allowed so does Hindus as well. Only problem is Muslim?? They need to pray 5 times a day. Thats not optional dude. Take it or leave it.
There's no such thing as 'Shiks'! It is 'Sikhs'. Your ignorance is supreme!

Secondly, you mentioned that praying 5 times a day is not optional? Get real. In the Army, when your Company or Battalion is going in for an assault on enemy positions would you stop and start praying? Whilst in hand-to-hand combat in enemy trenches would you tell the enemy, 'Hey guys! Hold on! Can we have a quick 5 minute break for Namaz? We'll carry on the assault after that. You guys have a cappuccino in the meanwhile! Thanks!" :cheesy:

Afghan Army should send cadets to BMA. Here the environment of an Islamic society.
HAHAHA... Lolzz When still Bangladeshi officers r them selves coming to be trained in India ...

& Dont forget after Bangladesh Got independence from there Brothers allmost all the army top officers where trained in NDA & IMA ... they followed the Same Rules which Afgans r asked to Follow...
It is not the preferred choice of Pakistan Armed Forces to take over from the Politicians.

It is always an action of last resort.

The problem with Pakistan since its birth was that apart from three or four aging individuals, there was no one to groom new generation of politicians after the Partition.

We Pakistanis consider the Armed Forces to be our SAFETY NET of last resort, in case the Politicians totally FU the situation.
Notice how bad things have gotten with Zardari/Gillani tag team and yet General Kiyani is holding his nose and staying above the fray.

Surely Kiyani is doing no one a favour by doing his job and staying out of the fray. Though the world feels otherwise - its more a deal, he ( the prefered General) gets an extension and stays on to monitor the ' bloody civilians' while the US deals with a ' civilian Govt" designed not to have any teeth.

As regards the prefered option , its quite an internal issue of Pak.

The problem as seen from the outside is not as explained above ( which any patriotic Pakistani would explain). The Military has not let the civilian establishment grow roots .

Where was the FU when Zia over threw Bhutto, similarly wasnt Nawaz withing the rules when on 12 Oct 99 he replaced Mush ?

Anyway, thats outside this topic.

I am a graduate of Pakistan's elite " PAF Academy Risalpur " and my training duration at the Academy was almost three long years. Our day started at 5 AM and ended with lights out at 11 PM and a pretty full day in between. There is no way that can be replicated in a 6 month Short Course even by a miracle. Something's gotta to give and that something usually is A Grade training. At least that has been my experience.

The diff in training at IMA / OTA is approx 6 months.

What is mentioned above does not apply
Listen, these guys came to be trained by the IA not to get involved in such things. Why the hell did these "professionals" let it go so far? They talk about respect for their values what about respect for the institution and action imparting this training? The reason the IA is so successful is, in part, because of these secular values. An army is not a place for religious debate or political correctness- I is a fighting force first everything else is immaterial. Th ANA need to learn this before they run into serious trouble.

An utterly shameful incident by the Afghans I'm afraid.
You trust your army the most but what has your army given you in return? 1965 war or 1971 war, which both were started under military dictator & ended in humiliation for Pakistan. Not only this Kargil war was also started by unilateral decision of Gen. Musharraf & the civilian govt. in Pakistan was caught dumbfounded. Was your economy any better when Gen. Musharraf was in power for 8 years, din't he compromised your country by giving US complete access in it's war on terror? To be completely practical here, PA has for 65 years since independence has only shown people of Pakistan, fear of India to control Pakistan politically, they are the biggest hurdle in any peace process between India & Pakistan.

Speaking of Humiliation of India, I think your Army brings bigger shame to India.

Were you not humiliated after the attack by militants on your Parliament.

Were you not humiliated after the MUMBAI attack. Yet your Army stayed back like a coward and did nothing.

I think Indians are known as TALKERS as they can talk up a storm. You guys keep getting slapped and humiliated and yet like shameless people keep talking and no action.

You want to speak about Humiliation ?
+ I don't know why BD is getting involved saying Afghans should have gone to them- the ANA came to indian army for a reason and didn't ask BD army.

Speaking of Humiliation of India, I think your Army brings bigger shame to India.

Were you not humiliated after the attack by militants on your Parliament.

Were you not humiliated after the MUMBAI attack. Yet your Army stayed back like a coward and did nothing.

I think Indians are known as TALKERS as they can talk up a storm. You guys keep getting slapped and humiliated and yet like shameless people keep talking and no action.

You want to speak about Humiliation ?

Ignorant,ignorant fool. IA plaed no part in Mumbai, internal security is not in their remit.
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