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Afg General Abdul Raziq spewing venom against Pakistan

We are BiG Country....we must treat Afghans with courtesy..........60% Afghans are Pashtuns (and they've no problem with us)...
North Alliance enjoying few days of Government, when US withdraws in 2016 they met with same Fate of IRAQ of todays....
..Lots of member here in that thread Deal with Afghans like Aliens...?? Remember we are BiG...So Patience is Virtue :smitten:

This is all ethnic squabbles, like in Urdu we say
Qom Parasti
There is no Islamic Brotherhood in here, neither from the Afghan side, nor the Pakistani side.
Its plain and simple politics.
Happy politics.
If you want to have a good laugh , turn off the volume and play the video , the dumb expressions of this afghani are epic
General Raziq the man!
Hello!o_O ... Whats the Problem with you??
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I think Pakistanis need to acquaint themselves with the sour truths here. To Afghans, we were grateful that Pakistan and especially the United States helped us against the Soviet terror we raised arms against. However, that never gave you a license to become king-makers in Afghanistan and with the type of murdering louts you would never accept for your own leaders. I don’t hold the ordinary Pakistani people responsible, although your leaders clearly overstepped the line there. Did they really think that after losing life, limb and our possessions to liberate ourselves from the once powerful Soviet army, we’d simply roll over for them? We’d have been far more grateful, had Pakistan respected our determination to realize our national sovereignty.
To Afghans, death is better than to lose our liberties. The Americans, who happen to be world leaders enjoying the most powerful military force on the planet Earth, our prized sovereignty is respected. However, how is it you Pakistanis feel entitled to something different? I’m not here to argue with you….just telling you how it is.
You seemz me a Good man....nice to meet with you
Thats funny, because the Afghans have ruled over Punjabi Musalmans over many centuries.
Pakistan was Passage of all Traders / Warriors / Good ones / Bad ones.....to HOME INDIA
Pakistan is not One nation we are mix of Turks/Aghans/Kashmiris/Persians/Arabs....
Iam Punjabi (Awan) we are here for last 10 Centuries....We were brought here by Sultan Mehmood Ghanzavi....We always supported Mughal, Afghan attacks in INDIA :angel:
Your Above claim is so Baseless....it irritates me.....?? i think thats why you used them repeatedly here..:hitwall:
Musalman and Sikh helped the British to suppress the 1857 mutiny which happened mostly in central and north-central India. Both Muslims and Hindus of Delhi, Oudh, Bihar, Bengal etc. were at the forefront of the anti-British mutiny, and none of them made it to the 'Martial races' list.
There is not only 1 factor that you've mentioned above, Britisheers ruled Indian Subcontinent by HINDUS Muslim follies
- Marhata factor
- Deccan Tipu Factor
- Punjab Sikh factor
- Mughal decline
they kept on fighting each other & Britishers took one by one each of us...:devil:
14 people said the same, now they rest in one of Kandahars graveyards, will you become the 15th?
Baba G ! When you & your nation support VIRTUOSITY...then you get succeeded in Short or Long term, BUT If you are acting like Gang Warrior then your ARROGANCE will not Last long....:cool:
Baba G ! When you & your nation support VIRTUOSITY...then you get succeeded in Short or Long term, BUT If you are acting like Gang Warrior then your ARROGANCE will not Last long....:cool:

Agha Gul, is was your countryman who acted like a gang warrior o_O

@mAsT bAbA

Brother, Iranians have a great and historic civilization. Moreover, Iran was one of our best allies uptil the Shah and many Pakistanis remember that alliance. The current theocratic regime is also liked by many pakistanis and our relationship , though currently up and down, SHOULD not be allowed to turn sour.
On the Mughal alliance with Ottomans or different local tribes, we are talking about a time when the idea of making alliances across different communities was the norm. Agreed on that.
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14 people said the same, now they rest in one of Kandahars graveyards, will you become the 15th?
tell him to get out of his castle built in Kabul he will feel the same pain felt by ahmad shah masood terrorist :) and by the way stop using punjabi this punjabi that as you know all the ISI agents in afghanistan are pushtoons :P

Sub kuch haum he daien, to aap kis marz key dawa hoe?:rofl::rofl:
nai yar market me khudkhush hamla awaro ki kami hai maybe someone from afghan refugee camp :P
You're a Pakistani, your people have never been rulers of their own land until the British created your country and "partitioned" you from India. Your country didnt even exist until 1947. Before that you were the most conquered and defeated part of India, always losing to invaders and being ruled by foreigners that you now try to identify with because you are ashamed about historically being the losers among Indians.
You were the slaves and servants of the Moghals, not their equals. Babur wrote in his own autobiography that he hated the subcontinent and that your people were ugly and filthy. I dont know why you think you can lie to other people across the internet and act like these foreign empires are apart of your peoples' past achievements when they are not. Moghals have nothing to do with Pakistanis. They were Timurid Turks came from Fergana in what is now Uzbekistan.
I realised you are retarded racist Iranin, need some attention.
Iam Persian from my Father side & Moghul from Mother side,...And my new Identity is Pakistan
1. (It wont matter for me to be asked iam persian, infact i prefer to be called Pakistani), In pakistan We are called Awans, we live in PUNJAB REGION....We have so many tribes living here for centuries, they all live in all parts of Pakistan but majority of them lives in PUNJAB
2. Turks were recognised after 1300 under Ottomans Empire, before they were Slaves of Arabs and Brave Soldiers, they took advantage of Arab Decline & become MASTER of their Master ...very next day.....
So we pakistanis are recognised after 1947......Now we're reality after HUGE Geographic / Demographic changes
3. If babur wrote...then What I do....Iam not INDIAN
4. I understand your point of Anger, Your Country is Middle size Country & you people just ruled your OWN KIND. No warfare history After ARABS CONQUEST OF IRAN.......Its a FACT UNCLE TOM

You're Indians that were converted to Islam and became a new country only after World War 2, everybody knows this.
Stupid Man you dont know much about Pakistan....so...Shhhhhhh.....

List of Pakistani family names - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I realised you are retarded racist Iranin, need some attention.
Iam Persian from my Father side & Moghul from Mother side,...And my new Identity is Pakistan
1. (It wont matter for me to be asked iam persian, infact i prefer to be called Pakistani), In pakistan We are called Awans, we live in PUNJAB REGION....We have so many tribes living here for centuries, they all live in all parts of Pakistan but majority of them lives in PUNJAB
2. Turks were recognised after 1300 under Ottomans Empire, before they were Slaves of Arabs and Brave Soldiers, they took advantage of Arab Decline & become MASTER of their Master ...very next day.....
So we pakistanis are recognised after 1947......Now we're reality after HUGE Geographic / Demographic changes
3. If babur wrote...then What I do....Iam not INDIAN
4. I understand your point of Anger, Your Country is Middle size Country & you people just ruled your OWN KIND. No warfare history After ARABS CONQUEST OF IRAN.......Its a FACT UNCLE TOM

Stupid Man you dont know much about Pakistan....so...Shhhhhhh.....

List of Pakistani family names - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wish! Your family isnt 'Persian' and isnt Mongolian either, so stop lying. You're just a sad little Pakistani that is ashamed of his Indian history so is trying to fake his own family tree. How sad and pathetic. The name Moghal comes from the Persian word moghul which means Mongolian, but the irony is that the so-called "Moghals" never actually called themselves that so if you were really connected to those Turks that ruled you then you would have more sense and woulnt call yourself that either. But you are an obvious liar so it doesnt matter anyway.
You're Indians that were converted to Islam and became a new country only after World War 2, everybody knows this.

I dont agree with you because i have read differently.

You're a Pakistani, your people have never been rulers of their own land until the British created your country and "partitioned" you from India. Your country didnt even exist until 1947. Before that you were the most conquered and defeated part of India, always losing to invaders and being ruled by foreigners that you now try to identify with because you are ashamed about historically being the losers among Indians.

You were the slaves and servants of the Moghals, not their equals. Babur wrote in his own autobiography that he hated the subcontinent and that your people were ugly and filthy. I dont know why you think you can lie to other people across the internet and act like these foreign empires are apart of your peoples' past achievements when they are not. Moghals have nothing to do with Pakistanis. They were Timurid Turks came from Fergana in what is now Uzbekistan.

About 10 years ago i was sent a copy of Babur's autobiography as a gift and have read through it twice. There wasnt any place called "Punjab" in his day, that name was given to northwest India by a different Moghal king over a century later, and Babur insulted and did not respect the natives that lived in northwest India in his book. Babur wrote about putting to death and beheading many Afghans and Indians in what is now Pakistan and building towers of skulls there as a warning to people not to resist the Turks invasion and to terrorize the locals into submission.

I have the original hardback version of his book from OUP but you can buy the re-released paperback edition here and read it all for yourself: The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and Emperor (Modern Library Classics): W.M. Thackston Jr.: 9780375761379: Amazon.com: Books
Babur and his mughals themeselves were not beautiful, Afghan historian of akbar times , abbas khan sherwani describe mughals as chinky eyed people with short legs, broad upper bodies with big round heads.
Babur and his mughals themeselves were not beautiful, Afghan historian of akbar times , abbas khan sherwani describe mughals as chinky eyed people with short legs, broad upper bodies with big round heads.
Correct, they have been described in that way in many accounts from that time. Temur and his army were described in the same way by eye-witnesses. Babur and his people were of course Timurids themselves so that is no surprise.
You're Indians that were converted to Islam and became a new country only after World War 2, everybody knows this.

I dont agree with you because i have read differently.

You're a Pakistani, your people have never been rulers of their own land until the British created your country and "partitioned" you from India. Your country didnt even exist until 1947. Before that you were the most conquered and defeated part of India, always losing to invaders and being ruled by foreigners that you now try to identify with because you are ashamed about historically being the losers among Indians.

You were the slaves and servants of the Moghals, not their equals. Babur wrote in his own autobiography that he hated the subcontinent and that your people were ugly and filthy. I dont know why you think you can lie to other people across the internet and act like these foreign empires are apart of your peoples' past achievements when they are not. Moghals have nothing to do with Pakistanis. They were Timurid Turks came from Fergana in what is now Uzbekistan.

About 10 years ago i was sent a copy of Babur's autobiography as a gift and have read through it twice. There wasnt any place called "Punjab" in his day, that name was given to northwest India by a different Moghal king over a century later, and Babur insulted and did not respect the natives that lived in northwest India in his book. Babur wrote about putting to death and beheading many Afghans and Indians in what is now Pakistan and building towers of skulls there as a warning to people not to resist the Turks invasion and to terrorize the locals into submission.

I have the original hardback version of his book from OUP but you can buy the re-released paperback edition here and read it all for yourself: The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and Emperor (Modern Library Classics): W.M. Thackston Jr.: 9780375761379: Amazon.com: Books

An Iranian who has never been to Pakistan pretends to known more about Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves. You people were ruled for 700 years by your arch enemies, the Arabs. Mongols killed and raped thousands of weak cowards who live in your country. Alexander and his soldiers also raped hundreds of Persian women. And get your historical knowledge right before making a fool out of yourself and your countrymen. Perhaps your Imam Khomeini has blinded you people with pseudo-history and a fallacy of grandeur that you guys never had in your histrory. Rajputs of India were noble people, whose women would voluntarily commit mass suicides rather than finding themselves into the hands of foreign invaders. Persians on the other hand though, always offering cheap whores to please all the lusty foreigners. Perhaps you might also be a result of Alexander's soldiers' mass rapine in Persia.

All mongols got resisted by Khokhar rajputs of Punjab, including Genghis Khan and Tamerlane. The Khokhars also killed the Afghan Tajik invader Muhammad of Ghaur. Get your history right. And Babur clearly mentions in his diary that he ordered his men to respect the Punjabis/Potoharis of the salt range for he considered them "his own people". His first major allies in Punjab were the Janjua rajputs, who gifted him a horse in chain mail. He allied janjuas and everyone in "hills of Jud" because Janjuas had supported Tamerlane in his Indian invasion as they were staunchly anti delhi sultanate. Truth is, no one can subdue us martial races of Punjab. You might win in battle, but you won't be able to subdue us. Unlike Persian cowards, always getting their arse kicked by foreigners and then handing over their women to save their own miserable lives. Now buzz off.
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