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advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

Thats exactly what you need to do. Sort out your problem. Otherwise nobody will like to be your firend, be it BDeshi or any other Muslim country. We been there ;)


I sent you a PM . Check it out !!
Where as as a Pakistani i consider that Allah is trying & testing Pakistanis by this current situation of Pakistan(In Pakistan therez saying Allah apnay naek bandon ko hi aazmata hai):pakistan::pakistan:

If Allah tests people then it's fine but make sure that problems are not made by people from silly mistakes.
I personally believe Pakistan has benefited from separation of Bangladesh in many ways! Many reasons have already been mentioned by the article and by some members on this thread but another reason that we must take into account is that between east Pakistan and West Pakistan was a thousand miles of enemy territory which made it almost impossible to keep a strong link between the two Wings and to manage the defense, economy, and development of the Eastern Wing which by the way was surrounded by indian territory from all sides!

Now that Bangladesh is a independent sovereign country, a heavy burden has been lifted off the shoulders of Pakistan and Pakistan no longer has to stretch its resources thin in order to support a Eastern wing which BTW was surrounded by enemy territory from all sides and this made it difficult to transport goods and supplies during any kind of disaster or war!

Regarding Visa free travel, not a good idea at all, people that support such a thing will regret it if it became a reality! There's logic behind not allowing Visa free Travel but that discussion should be saved for another thread!
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I personally believe Pakistan has benefited from separation of Bangladesh in many ways! Many reasons have already been mentioned by the article and by some members on this thread but another reason that we must take into account is that between east Pakistan and West Pakistan was a thousand miles of enemy territory which made it almost impossible to keep a strong link between the two Wings and to manage the defense, economy, and development of the Eastern Wing which by the way was surrounded by indian territory from all sides!

Anyone with basic knowledge in strategic affair would agree that united Pakistan could not survive as nation however lose federation would have been possible if some how bloody civil war could have been avoided.

Now that Bangladesh is a independent sovereign country, a heavy burden has been lifted off the shoulders of Pakistan and Pakistan no longer has to stretch its resources thin in order to support a Eastern wing which BTW was surrounded by enemy territory from all sides and this made it difficult to transport goods and supplies during any kind of disaster or war!

I disagree that East Pakistan was burden of west otherwise west Pakistan based establishment would not have gone into confrontation to save the unity. Obviously Bangladesh still exist in the map of the world and on the way to become a mid economy in this decade. Our defense may not be as strong as Pakistan but Bangladesh economy based on solid foundation and soon it may surplus Pakistan economy if Pakistan fail to come out from present situation. I urge you too compare our foreign reserve and value of our currency.

Yes India is problem for us but we have survived all odd in past so Insh'Allah will survive the future.

Regarding Visa free travel, not a good idea at all, people that support such a thing will regret it if it became a reality! There's logic behind not allowing Visa free Travel but that discussion should be saved for another thread!

Visa free travel should be limited to higher up civil workers, business people and professional. It will bring two Muslims nation closer and may be fruitful for our people if we work together from common interest. We were one nation once so it may be worth if we try to work together again. Our generation is more mature and practical then post 71 generation.
I believe Separtion of East Pakistan was a good thing for Pakistan.It helped us a lot because West and East Pakistan was not viable.Pakistan now which used to be West Pakistan is much more viable state with strategic advantages and Pakistani Defense Planners can easily make our doctrines now.Pakistan now is much more viable state then pre 71.I would have been sad however if Bangladesh had merged with India but thankfully it is still a muslim majority state with its own identity.I have no bad feelings for Bangladesh>Hope they develop.

exactly i agree

lets think back to the british raj - what was the dream - independence right?

well the people east of india have bangladesh and the people west of india have pakistan, so the goals have been met but in different ways.

there was a very messy break up but deep down i think bengali's and pakistani's have shared interests and time will heal the wounds.
there was a very messy break up but deep down i think bengali's and pakistani's have shared interests and time will heal the wounds.

Agreed!!! You may want to refer to us as Bangladeshis. We refer all Pakistanis national as Pakistani instead of Sindhi, Punjabi.......:)
Agreed!!! You may want to refer to us as Bangladeshis. We refer all Pakistanis national as Pakistani instead of Sindhi, Punjabi.......:)

We are Pakistanis bcz we believe in two nation theory based on religion, Whereas bengalis opted for separation on the basis of race? bengali nationalism!!.
We are Pakistanis bcz we beliveve the supermacy of Urdu as the language of Muslims over all other regional languages, whereas bengalis hates Urdu in every aspect.

Most of bengali people thinks that the sole burden of Pakistan separation is on the shoulder of West Pakistan whereas the fact is right from the begining you never trusted in two nation theory, Yes you created Muslim League but the sole purpose of it to secure your intrests in divided bengal circa 1906 division, you never dream of a nation base on religion.

The fact is after 38 years of seperation, you found yourself in a hole, bcz if you are true bengali than you should merge with West bengal or vise versa but west bengals hate you, you know why? Its your religion which you left behind 38 years back.

Today you could not claim to be the soldier of bengali nationalism (Amar sonar bangla) nor you are the soldier of Islam, I just don't know what you are hence called you only bengladeshis.
According to the theory of AL that is Pure Secular BD: I think AL suppoters should not have any problem to merge with India. And in that case AL supporters can proudly say we have a big powerful country, lol.
According to the theory of AL that is Pure Secular BD: I think AL suppoters should not have any problem to merge with India. And in that case AL supporters can proudly say we have a big powerful country, lol.

I mostly don't understand your logic. What has secularism to do with merging with India? :s Is there somekinda secular brotherhood exists between secularists? :/

And why your thought always revolves around merging with India or Pakistan? Come on be an independent and strong country. Truly speaking, I'd be very happy to see that in my lifetime.

If somehow one day BD proofs that this change by AL was good for BD and if one day PK will also think that non-religion based PK may be good for PK's economy and removing extremism then what do you think? Would you talk on behalf People's republic of Pakistan for betterment?
Atleast Bangladeshis would never be able to see snowfall, glaciers, snow toped mountains, frozen lakes, snow melting ice cold rivers, waterfalls falling from snow melt mountains 365 days in a year, green meadows with huge pine trees anymore in their own country which they might have dream to see once in their life. Because all of this existed in West Pakistan. If i would be a citizen of Bangladesh then i would always curse myself why our country do not possess these snowy beauties.
Atleast Bangladeshis would never be able to see snowfall, glaciers, snow toped mountains, frozen lakes, snow melting ice cold rivers, waterfalls falling from snow melt mountains 365 days in a year, green meadows with huge pine trees anymore in their own country which they might have dream to see once in their life. Because all of this existed in West Pakistan. If i would be a citizen of Bangladesh then i would always curse myself why our country do not possess these snowy beauties.

Lol, do Pakistan have world's largest mangrove forest as well? :azn:
I mostly don't understand your logic. What has secularism to do with merging with India? :s Is there somekinda secular brotherhood exists between secularists? :/

Because BD was created as Islamic-state with PK in 1947. And India was secular. Now suppose that this is not 2010 but 1947 and BD wants secularism but not any Islamic-state. And it is offered to BD to decided which will BD choice - India or Pakistan. So since BD does not prefer Islamic state like Pakistan and it likes secularism like India so BD should join with India. And BD is also pure secular now by AL's change.

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