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advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

Actually only one picture is of Sikkim, the one with the lake. I was about to add a warning but thought people will not understand. :P Anyway it;s inside India and just above Bengal.

We are not comparing India with Pakistan. Bangladesh is beeing discussed. Anyway i recognize it from the very frst picture since the mountain you are showing in picture lies between the border of nepal and india and that is in Sikkim not west Bengal.
i think you are right. Infact you should start thinking on this now. Bangladesh size could be increased by minimizing India's northern limits.

Posting pictures were so much fun, and here you lot started talking about expanding territory. Be happy with the Status Quo, any expansion will be met with lot of bloods from both sides.

Anyway goodnight all!
Posting pictures were so much fun, and here you lot started talking about expanding territory. Be happy with the Status Quo, any expansion will be met with lot of bloods from both sides.

Anyway goodnight all!

i was just kidding since this was going on so nicely. Just exaggerating. Be cool. kisi key kehney se koi faraq nahi parta hehehehe
We are not comparing India with Pakistan. Bangladesh is beeing discussed. Anyway i recognize it from the very frst picture since the mountain you are showing in picture lies between the border of nepal and india and that is in Sikkim not west Bengal.

The mountain can be seen even from my Hostel which is on plains. The picture is of KanchanJangha and was taken from Darjeeling. You don't actually have to go to basecamps to capture Himalayas!
i was just kidding since this was going on so nicely. Just exaggerating. Be cool. kisi key kehney se koi faraq nahi parta hehehehe

[Bollywood mode] Haan bhai kya faraq padhta hain! Akhir aadmi to aadmi hota hain, hindustani ho, pakistani ho ya phir Bangladeshi! [/Bollywood mode]
This reply is so evident for every Pakistani how mischievous you people really are, 49 riots on coinage in bengali and 52 language agitation we never forgets. That's why history will remember you as "GADDARS"
Jafar es Bengal wa Sadiq es Dakan
Nange Qom, Nange Din, Nange Watan.

We dont speak Urdu. So do us a favor and write something which can be decrypted.

Well, we became GADDAR because we disagreed what you thought right and convenient for you?? Thats makes you what?? :disagree:
We are Pakistanis bcz we believe in two nation theory based on religion, Whereas bengalis opted for separation on the basis of race? bengali nationalism!!.
Now, you have just gone and shot yourself in the foot. Why ? Because it was Jinnah (based on Chaudhary Rehmat Ali's theory), who felt that the Subcontinent should be divided into 4 main contiguous units, Pakistan, Hindustan, Dravidistan and Bangalistan way back in June 1940. And when he felt that the Muslim League had no say at the national level to demand Independence, he played his Religion card to be supported by Suhrawardy, falling for his "united" Pakistan theory. So Jinnah, contradicted himself, simply to be seen as a Leader of the masses who played on the fear-psychosis of his followers of the Two-Nation theory. Which is exactly what you are doing now.

Off topic, but just to give you a complete Picture, when Jinnah ran riot for a mass contact province in Punjab, he argued that the Muslim League was the custodian and trustee of the whole Muslim Nation, despite the Muslim League being called the "Motor League" in those days. In fact, Sir Bertrand Glancy, the Governor of Punjab told Viceroy Wavell
Jinnah preached as if Pakistan is the panacea of all ills, but avoided any reasoned explanation of where it began or ended and what benefits it would confer. "He might make an ideal leader of a Demolition Squad, but anything in the way of constructive suggestions seem foreign to his Nature."

We are Pakistanis bcz we beliveve the supermacy of Urdu as the language of Muslims over all other regional languages, whereas bengalis hates Urdu in every aspect.
Do you know how many people speak Urdu in Pakistan ? About 8% of your population. Go figure.

Most of bengali people thinks that the sole burden of Pakistan separation is on the shoulder of West Pakistan whereas the fact is right from the begining you never trusted in two nation theory, Yes you created Muslim League but the sole purpose of it to secure your intrests in divided bengal circa 1906 division, you never dream of a nation base on religion.
Your entire BS has been supplanted by what i have mentioned above. Read carefully and assimilate.

The fact is after 38 years of seperation, you found yourself in a hole, bcz if you are true bengali than you should merge with West bengal or vise versa but west bengals hate you, you know why? Its your religion which you left behind 38 years back.
As i see now, Pakistan is the one which is in the Mother of all Holes, dug by Bhutto and later by Zia Ul Haq. Bangladesh, currently, has a growth rate of higher than Pakistan, and is doing well, where Droning and shelling and daily Diwalis are not the order of the day for them.

Today you could not claim to be the soldier of bengali nationalism (Amar sonar bangla) nor you are the soldier of Islam, I just don't know what you are hence called you only bengladeshis.
A long time ago i read an interesting fact about Pakistanis here. And that they think that they are more Arabic than the Arabs, and much more related to the Arabs than the Hindus ; What they don't understand is that they are also treated like the Bangladeshis and Indians in Arabia, as a 3rd rate national. So much for the "Soldier of Islam" mumbo-jumbo.
As i see now, Pakistan is the one which is in the Mother of all Holes, dug by Bhutto and later by Zia Ul Haq. Bangladesh, currently, has a growth rate of higher than Pakistan, and is doing well, where Droning and shelling and daily Diwalis are not the order of the day for them.

look who's talking, i suggest you check the mirror before spurting utter Bullsh*t out your mouth! 55% of your countrymen live under the global poverty line, your farmers have to eat rats in order to survive, and children are told to eat mud as they have no other food source while your political elite dream of india becoming a "superpower". Such a sad state indeed :agree:.

A long time ago i read an interesting fact about Pakistanis here. And that they think that they are more Arabic than the Arabs, and much more related to the Arabs than the Hindus ;

Firstly get this BS out of your mind, i don't think i'm an Arab and neither do i have a inferiority complex like you indians who are always trying to prove themselves "secular" and can't stop copying the west! At least we stick to our identity and don't try to adopt a foreign language as our national language, you indians try to be more Gora than the Goras themselves, a good example is how Bollywood depicts film stars fair skined when in reality they are dark complexioned!

And secondly, i have no Hindu blood in me and neither am i related to any Hindus, i'm of the same blood as those who conquered and looted india 10 times in 20 years. I'm of the same blood as those who defeated and humiliated hindu armies at the battle of Panipat

What they don't understand is that they are also treated like the Bangladeshis and Indians in Arabia, as a 3rd rate national. So much for the "Soldier of Islam" mumbo-jumbo.

I personally don't like Arabs, i keep my distance from them, Arabs treat all foreigners like sh*t except of course their western masters!
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look who's talking, i suggest you check the mirror before spurting utter Bullsh*t out your mouth! 55% of your countrymen live under the global poverty line, your farmers have to eat rats in order to survive, and children are told to eat mud as they have no other food source while your political elite dream of india becoming a "superpower". Such a sad state indeed.
That's a true fact ; and it cannot be denied ; And we have about 75.6% people living under $2 a day ; But FDI does not see the 42% B.P.L. (i.e. less than $1.25 a day, and not 55% as pulled out by you from where the sun don't shine), it keeps on adding a Pakistani GDP growth (YoY), i.e. Money attracts Money. So, Economic Disparity wise, India's position in the world is similar to Pakistan's stand in Terrorism. But while we are doing our level best to alleviate Poverty and bring down the people living under the BPL, Pakistan has been steadily increasing the Shahzad's and Kasab's in this world.

Firstly get this BS out of your mind, i don't think i'm an Arab and neither do i have a inferiority complex like you indians who are always trying to prove themselves "secular" and can't stop copying the west! At least we stick to our identity and don't try to adopt a foreign language as our national language, you indians try to be more Gora than the Goras themselves, a good example is how Bollywood depicts film stars fair skined when in reality they are dark complexioned!
So do you think Urdu is a local Pakistani language ? It is a "camp-language" for the infantry men of the Subcontinent, originating in India, which blended Persian with Hindi. Which means, Urdu is a foreign language to you. And Obama, who is droning you, is as Coloured as it gets.

And secondly, i have no Hindu blood in me and neither am i related to any Hindus, i'm of the same blood as those who conquered and looted india 10 times in 20 years.
Who knows, The previous Generations might have been converted down the line from a sycophantic weakling and produced the current Generation. As was Jinnah, your esteemed "Great Leader".
Atleast Bangladeshis would never be able to see snowfall, glaciers, snow toped mountains, frozen lakes, snow melting ice cold rivers, waterfalls falling from snow melt mountains 365 days in a year, green meadows with huge pine trees anymore in their own country which they might have dream to see once in their life. Because all of this existed in West Pakistan. If i would be a citizen of Bangladesh then i would always curse myself why our country do not possess these snowy beauties.

That's you, only you. No one else would curse themselves just because they're country doesn't have snow. We are happy with our lush greeneries, Alhamdulillah.

We are Pakistanis bcz we believe in two nation theory based on religion, Whereas bengalis opted for separation on the basis of race? bengali nationalism!!.

And what incited that nationalism? Discrimination; being viewed as a non-martial race becuase we are shorter and darker on average and because the British labelled us at non-martial and some people from these martial races could not get out of their little wet dreams.

We are Pakistanis bcz we beliveve the supermacy of Urdu as the language of Muslims over all other regional languages, whereas bengalis hates Urdu in every aspect.

So believing in Urdu is a requirement to being Pakistani? We did not hate Urdu, but what else can we do but oppose such a movement when we have a language that we do not speak being forced upon us when we are a large part of the Pakistani population. Why don't we speak it? Look at the distance that there was between East and West Pakistan, we were not as influenced by Urdu which is a "synthetic" language as it is a mixture created by scholars from numerous languages spoken by successive empires. This is because Bengal was not part of as many empires as the area of W. Pakistan was. So our language evolved with time and interactions between different groups. Even today, most Pakistanis do not have Urdu as their first language.

The fact is after 38 years of seperation, you found yourself in a hole, bcz if you are true bengali than you should merge with West bengal or vise versa but west bengals hate you, you know why? Its your religion which you left behind 38 years back.

As much I really do not want to have to say this, you left me with no choice. Please have a look at the two countries and tell me which one is really in a hole today. Then we will know who has left their religion.

Today you could not claim to be the soldier of bengali nationalism (Amar sonar bangla) nor you are the soldier of Islam, I just don't know what you are hence called you only bengladeshis.

Neither Islam nor Bengali nationalism is about being a soldier. You should remember that.

This reply is so evident for every Pakistani how mischievous you people really are, 49 riots on coinage in bengali and 52 language agitation we never forgets. That's why history will remember you as "GADDARS"
Jafar es Bengal wa Sadiq es Dakan
Nange Qom, Nange Din, Nange Watan.

There are things that I could definitely say to that, but when I try to type them, I remember by close Pakistani friends. Be happy that there are many people out there that represent Pakistan in a positive light unlike.. never mind.

About Mir Jafar

Mir Jafar came to Bengal as a penniless barbarian. He was a son of Arab immigrants from the region known as Najaf in modern day Iraq, and he was a Shia. He took up a job in Nawab's army and slowly promoted himself to higher class sweeper.
Firstly get this BS out of your mind, i don't think i'm an Arab and neither do i have a inferiority complex like you indians who are always trying to prove themselves "secular" and can't stop copying the west! At least we stick to our identity and don't try to adopt a foreign language as our national language, you indians try to be more Gora than the Goras themselves, a good example is how Bollywood depicts film stars fair skined when in reality they are dark complexioned!

And secondly, i have no Hindu blood in me and neither am i related to any Hindus, i'm of the same blood as those who conquered and looted india 10 times in 20 years. I'm of the same blood as those who defeated and humiliated hindu armies at the battle of Panipat

You have Turkic-Mongol background? Your talking about Timurids? If you are Punjabi Sindhi Pakistani, the chances of you having Hindu ancestory are high. And the fact you talking about conquearing and looting "India".This includes your land of Pakistan BUDDY!

There are many languages in India. English and Hindi is the default language to communicate.
That's a true fact ; and it cannot be denied ; And we have about 75.6% people living under $2 a day ; But FDI does not see the 42% B.P.L. (i.e. less than $1.25 a day, and not 55% as pulled out by you from where the sun don't shine)

don't believe me? read what times of india has to say.

55% of India's population poor: Report - The Times of India

at least i have sources to back up my claims, what do you have other than your own BS?

But while we are doing our level best to alleviate Poverty and bring down the people living under the BPL,

Really? is that so? then why has indias poverty stricken population increased by 100 million?

100 million more Indians now living in poverty | Reuters

so much for improvements eh?

So do you think Urdu is a local Pakistani language ?

Urdu uses mostly Persian and Arabic alphabet and a mixture of hindi and Farsi words. It originated from india. At least its not a foreign European language.

It is a "camp-language" for the infantry men of the Subcontinent, originating in India, which blended Persian with Hindi. Which means, Urdu is a foreign language to you.

support your silly childish claims with sources otherwise shut your trap!

Who knows, The previous Generations might have been converted down the line from a sycophantic weakling and produced the current Generation. As was Jinnah, your esteemed "Great Leader".

maybe that's how you were born! I'm a full Pashtun and unlike you i don't have a inferiority complex!
You have Turkic-Mongol background? Your talking about Timurids? If you are Punjabi Sindhi Pakistani, the chances of you having Hindu ancestory are high. And the fact you talking about conquearing and looting "India".This includes your land of Pakistan BUDDY!

There are many languages in India. English and Hindi is the default language to communicate.

Wrong guess, I'm a Pashtun!
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Wrong guess, I'm a Pashtun!

You know Afghanistan(full of Pashtuns) have been invaded or taken over by Mongols,Arabs,Persians,Greeks,Turkics,Indians,etc,etc,etc before right? Even right know your people in Afghanistan are being invaded and looted. So your the last person to talk.

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