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Admiral Rachel Levine Has Become Nation's First Openly Transgender Four Stars-Officer

Some of comments from Facebook. I'm surprised, there are so many conservative Christian Americans.

I thought most of Americans are atheist/agnostic-theist.
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Who is saying that? All I am saying is that it is not for me to judge that at all, but only for Allah.

I see. So your problem is why a man "demoted" himself and that offends your clearly bigoted belief as you mention, and you do not have the mental capacity to resolve such an apparent conflict. Thank you for clarifying that. I think I am done at this point.

Exactly, it is not a bigoted belief, it's just facts. This person is changing the ways Allah created him, that in itself is a big no no. How can he go against Allah's will for him. He is is challenging Allah's creation how can you not get that.
Why? The same Allah that created you and me also created Rachel. She has every right to pursue her career, and for others to judge her on ability and merit, not her phenotype.
Allah created you for being what to you are , not being able to what you want
What about hazrat Khizr?

And bs, he was created as a man by Allah, he decided to become a women which is going against nature and Allah.
What are you talking about?? I have never heard this and I just spent time researching and there is nothing of the sort on hazrat khizr. Do u belong to some weird sect that makes up stuff? If not I want refences @waz @WebMaster
Why? The same Allah that created you and me also created Rachel. She has every right to pursue her career, and for others to judge her on ability and merit, not her phenotype.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the man who wears women’s clothing and the woman who wears men’s clothing. Narrated by Abu Dawood (4098) and classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi in al-Majmoo’ (4/469) and by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
Absolutely. And His has promised His wrath on those who deny His creations their due and fair rights, or discriminate between them based on their own prejudices.

Sahih al-Bukhari 5886 Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet (ﷺ) cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses ." The Prophet (ﷺ) turned out such-and-such man, and Umar turned out such-and-such woman.
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This freak changed his gender. This freak was born perfect, had marriage for 25 years, had 2 kids but then decided to change the gender since he's a faggot now.

This person is a satan worshipper and of the people of Qom Lut(AS) who were faggots and received the worst punishment inflicted upon any nation. You can see how disgusting and ugly this freak looks like.

I don't know if you are a Muslim, if you aren't, please refrain from talking about Islam when you don't know anything about it. If you are a Muslim, i suggest you go back to the fundamentals of Islam because living in west you have been brainwashed and forgotten how satan misleads these people into hellfire.

Transgender people are no different than faggots, they change their gender so they can do their faggotry with ease.

A eunuch is someone who is born with deformities, this neo-transgender lgbt satan worshipping freaks are the nation of faggots now in full power in west. They are disgusting waste of oxygen.

This freak takes all kinds of hormonal medicine to stay "female", this freaks fights his body every second which tries to go back to being male. When this freak dies, when his genes would be examined, they would be male not female.

How dare you defend this disgusting faggot through Islam? Nauzbillah
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because ALLAH has forbad such act. :hitwall:

Such forbiddance is for me to act upon for myself. I have no right to force my beliefs on someone else, or to take it upon myself to judge anyone else, specially a non-Muslim, a power that Allah has reserved for Himself. No one else has a right to force their own beliefs on someone else, either. Allah will judge every human when they die, and I am perfectly content in my faith in Him that He will judge us all fairly and benevolently.

This will be my last post in this thread.
Absolutely. And His has promised His wrath on those who deny His creations their due and fair rights, or discriminate between them based on their own prejudices.
He cursed the human being who did not like his creation but changed it according to his wish.
Changing gender or even wearing cloth resemblance to opposite gender is cursed from all beings created by ALLAH.
Don't tell us about humanity
Such forbiddance is for me to act upon for myself. I have no right to force my beliefs on someone else, or to take it upon myself to judge anyone else, specially a non-Muslim, a power that Allah has reserved for Himself. No one else has a right to force their own beliefs on someone else, either. Allah will judge every human when they die, and I am perfectly content in my faith in Him that He will judge us all fairly and benevolently.

This will be my last post in this thread.

So I guess we should stop judging & telling ppl to not lie, murder, steal, rape, be pedophiles, commit incest as well? Why stop there? Why have any rules or laws altogether? After all, we shouldn't be forcing our beliefs onto others, right?
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Instead of launching supersonic missiles China should start misgendering people instead
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