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Activists sail from Hong Kong for Diao Yu Dao

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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More island trouble for Japan.




Activists sail for disputed islands | Video | Reuters.com
Are the Taiwanese activists joining them too?

Chan Miu-tak, chairman of an activist group called Action Committee for Defending the Diaoyu Islands, said the "protect Diaoyu" boat will be joined at sea on Tuesday by two other vessels, one from Xiamen in southern China and another from Taiwan, in a coordinated attempt to sail to the islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan, Diaoyu in China, and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan.

H.K. protesters set sail for disputed Senkaku isles | The Japan Times Online
And what's the point of this? Japanese coast guard will arrest them and throw them into Japanese prison as soon as these boats cross the 10 nm maritime border.

This is not something that could be resolved by a few activists, but by the government actions, such as a war or an economic sanction.
Don't forget the ROC flag, remember that time Taiwanese forgot to bring their flag with them?
Diaoyu Island is a lost cause. Japan has been exercising de facto adminstration for 50 years now after US returned it alone with Ryukyu(Okinawa) back to Japan. As part of Ryukyu islands, ROC and PRC lost Diaoyu Island when Chiang Kai-shek rejected US's proposal of returning Ryukyu back to China's control not once but several times during that period.
Diaoyu Island is a lost cause. Japan has been exercising de facto adminstration for 50 years now after US returned it alone with Ryukyu(Okinawa) back to Japan. As part of Ryukyu islands, ROC and PRC lost Diaoyu Island when Chiang Kai-shek rejected US's proposal of returning Ryukyu back to China's control not once but several times during that period.

It is not a lost cause. These fishing boat trips are to remind the world that the Daiyou (or Senkaku) Islands are Chinese.

In twenty years, when the PLA Navy has finished building a mighty fleet, we will evict the Japanese from our islands by force if necessary.

Right now, we have seven Type 052C AESA-equipped destroyers. We should have 60 Type 052C (or Type 052D) destroyers in twenty years. We'll squash the Japanese like a bug.

We'll also have hundreds or a thousand stealth fighters. Those Japanese will be shaking in their boots.
Diaoyu Island is a lost cause. Japan has been exercising de facto adminstration for 50 years now after US returned it alone with Ryukyu(Okinawa) back to Japan. As part of Ryukyu islands, ROC and PRC lost Diaoyu Island when Chiang Kai-shek rejected US's proposal of returning Ryukyu back to China's control not once but several times during that period.
So says a guy who quotes Wen Jiabao in his signature :rofl: Just a bunch of hanjians.

Beijing is not yet ready to go to war against Japan because we need to build the pipeline first otherwise USA will blockade our oil shipping through the Malacca Straits. The pipeline will be online June 2013 just in time for PLA to confront Japanese army landing on the islands.
It is not a lost cause. These fishing boat trips are to remind the world that the Daiyou (or Senkaku) Islands are Chinese.

In twenty years, when the PLA Navy has finished building a mighty fleet, we will evict the Japanese from our islands by force if necessary.

Right now, we have seven Type 052C AESA-equipped destroyers. We should have 60 Type 052C (or Type 052D) destroyers in twenty years. We'll squash the Japanese like a bug.

We'll also have hundreds or a thousand stealth fighters. Those Japanese will be shaking in their boots.

Only if things will work that way. Yet I have not even seen PRC government doing any gunboat diplomacy against these little trouble makers in South China Sea, nor does I think that is what the government should be doing anyways. The problem of Diaoyu Island is not actually between China and Japan. If you really want to find someone to take on, then it is US of A you should be after, since Diaoyu Island was included in "Treaty Between Japan and the United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands"--commonly known as the Okinawa Reversion Treaty, ratified by the U.S. Senate in 1971. And since you and Sinochallenger are so eager to jump in to start a war. Realisticly are you that confident maybe even in 20 years PRC can have an open confrontion with US? If not, then before you are ready or even you are ready don't talk about war if it is not your blood that is going to be spilled.
Only if things will work that way. Yet I have not even seen PRC government doing any gunboat diplomacy against these little trouble makers in South China Sea, nor does I think that is what the government should be doing anyways. The problem of Diaoyu Island is not actually between China and Japan. If you really want to find someone to take on, then it is US of A you should be after, since Diaoyu Island was included in "Treaty Between Japan and the United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands"--commonly known as the Okinawa Reversion Treaty, ratified by the U.S. Senate in 1971. And since you and Sinochallenger are so eager to jump in to start a war. Realisticly are you that confident maybe even in 20 years PRC can have an open confrontion with US? If not, then before you are ready or even you are ready don't talk about war if it is not your blood that is going to be spilled.

1. You are not truthful. It is Japan claiming China's Daiyou/Senkaku Islands, not the U.S.

2. Yes, I am confident the PLA Navy can smash the Japanese navy in twenty years with little trouble. Also, I am confident the U.S. Navy (with sequestration coming in January of 2013) will be cowed in twenty years.

In decades past, the U.S. would not have claimed neutrality. We see the U.S. making ambiguous statements now as the PLA Navy grows stronger with a large submarine force and DF-21D ASBMs. In twenty years, the U.S. will unequivocally tell the Japanese to take care of their own problem.
As part of Ryukyu islands, ROC and PRC lost Diaoyu Island when Chiang Kai-shek rejected US's proposal of returning Ryukyu back to China's control
Why would the US make such proposal? Ryukyu had nothing to do with China throughout its history, the very name Ryukyu itself is a Japonic word, not a Chinese word.
Chinese Navy has No Naval Tradition. It is just another Land Based Power. A Couple of Virginias will Annihilate the Chinese Flotilla with Thousands of Liters of Chinese Blood disappearing somewhere in the East Sea!
Why would the US make such proposal? Ryukyu had nothing to do with China throughout its history, the very name Ryukyu itself is a Japonic word, not a Chinese word.

It's utterly silly!

your bombay, calcutta, madras ... are all english names and even your major language is English! why dont you return the whole thing back to the Brits!

The islands which cause dispute between Russia and Japan have their respective names in Russia and Japan:

Iturup (Russian: Итуруп)/Etorofu Island (Japanese: 択捉島 Etorofu-tō?)
Kunashir (Russian: Кунашир)/Kunashiri Island (Japanese: 国後島 Kunashiri-tō?)
Shikotan (Russian: Шикотан)/Shikotan Island (Japanese: 色丹島 Shikotan-tō?)
Habomai rocks (Russian: острова Хабомаи ostrova Habomai)/Habomai Islands (Japanese: 歯舞諸島)


Another example is Falkland Islands for the Brits, Islas Malvinas for the Argentinians!

Each claiming country maintains its own name over the land in dispute - its an universal truth!
Why would the US make such proposal? Ryukyu had nothing to do with China throughout its history, the very name Ryukyu itself is a Japonic word, not a Chinese word.

It's utterly silly!

your bombay, calcutta, madras ... are all english names and even your major language is English! why dont you return the whole thing back to the Brits!

The islands which cause dispute between Russia and Japan have their respective names in Russia and Japan:

Another example is Falkland Islands for the Brits, Islas Malvinas for the Argentinians!

Each claiming country maintains its own name over the land in dispute - its an universal truth!

I'm beginning to think Koreans are retarded. In another thread, "Korean" insinuated he had never heard of erosion.

Here, he's claiming he's never heard of the Chinese Daiyou Islands, which were first discovered and claimed by China in the year 1,403.

Senkaku Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Early History

Records of these islands date back to as early as the 15th century. They were referred as Diaoyu in books such as Voyage with a Tail Wind (simplified Chinese: 顺风相送; traditional Chinese: 順風相送; pinyin: Shùnfēng Xiāngsòng) (1403) [6] and Record of the Imperial Envoy's Visit to Ryūkyū (simplified Chinese: 使琉球录; traditional Chinese: 使琉球錄; pinyin: Shĭ Liúqiú Lù) (1534). Adopted by the Chinese Imperial Map of the Ming Dynasty, both the Chinese name for the island group (Diaoyu) and the Japanese name for the main island (Uotsuri) both mean 'fishing'."
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