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Activists sail from Hong Kong for Diao Yu Dao

香港保钓人士成功登陆钓鱼岛 遭日本非法抓扣

"Salute to our 14 national hero" shame on the gutless PRC and KMT regime for stopping activists to join force the demonstrating of China's sovereignty on the Diaoyu island mission.

And people got the nerve to say HK people are not patriotic? Never forget the first and only Chinese sacrificed his life for the Diaoyu island was a Hongkonger!

Hopefully our government will finally grow some spine, making sure our hero return quick and safe from the illegal arrest by the low life midget regime.




[Note: Thank you to Greyboy2 for the post.]

It is not that i don't trust the HKers and Taiwanese, but i don't trust those guys because they are the democrazy supporters.

It is not about to like or to dislike CPC, at the stage of development, CPC is our Great Wall, if you destroy CPC, then it is like you are destroying your own Great Wall against the external threat like USA.
Japan to deport pro-China island activists

Japan was readying to deport 14 people it arrested after pro-China activists landed on a disputed island, reports said Thursday, in what was being seen as an attempt to defuse a growing row.

The day after historical wounds were torn open on the anniversary of Japan's World War II surrender with calls from Seoul and Beijing for atonement, Tokyo scrambled to find a solution to another potentially explosive situation.

Five men, who became the first non-Japanese to set foot on the East China Sea island for eight years, and a further nine arrested aboard the boat that had carried them from Hong Kong, would be sent home as early as Friday, Kyodo news and other media reported.

The 14 had all been arrested for violating Japanese immigration law.

Nine of the Chinese were heading to an immigration facility in Okinawa late Thursday night according to a report in the Kyodo news agency which did not cite a source.

A commentary in Xinhua, China's state media, slammed Japan's capture of the activists, saying "In the current civilised world, flexing military or administrative muscle in front of unarmed citizens in their own land is a relic of militarism and a degeneration of morality and conscience."

It added the islands had been a part of Chinese territory since the Ming dynasty which began in 1368, and called upon Japan to release the activists "immediately and unconditionally".

The decision to deport the 14 was widely expected, with Tokyo looking to avoid a repeat of the diplomatic calamity of 2010 when it held a Chinese trawlerman for two weeks after he rammed coastguard vessels.

full story>Japan to deport pro-China island activists: reports - Yahoo! News
foolish decision by Japanese. It will give rise to more such occurrences in future. it was all orchestrated by ccp.
U are anti-china, you are just a CCP fan. you are not protecting china interests, you are protecting your interests-太子党's interests.

I am not a big fan of the current CPC, and i know that they are far from perfect.

However, no government can do a better job than them for now, and they are the wolves with full stomach, and the newly government or KMT are going to be even more corrupt than CPC, because they are the hungry wolves.
I am not a big fan of the current CPC, and i know that they are far from perfect.

However, no government can do a better job than them for now, and they are the wolves with full stomach, and the newly government or KMT are going to be even more corrupt than CPC, because they are the hungry wolves.

You hope Chinese people dont become trouble-maker of your master-CCP。so CCP can enjoy their interests under维稳policy.you are against the ones who make trouble for your master. this is clear, no matter the so-called trouble maker is mainlander, Hker or taiwanese.
I am not a big fan of the current CPC, and i know that they are far from perfect.

However, no government can do a better job than them for now, and they are the wolves with full stomach, and the newly government or KMT are going to be even more corrupt than CPC, because they are the hungry wolves.

You hope Chinese people dont become trouble-maker of your master-CCP。so CCP can enjoy their interests under维稳policy.you are against the ones who make trouble for your master. this is clear, no matter the so-called trouble maker is mainlander, Hker or taiwanese.
You hope Chinese people dont become trouble-maker of your master-CCP。so CCP can enjoy their interests under维稳policy.you are against the ones who make trouble for your master. this is clear, no matter the so-called trouble maker is mainlander, Hker or taiwanese.

If CPC's corruption becomes uncontrollable one day, we will get rid of the current leaders and rebuild the new socialist China.

However, KMT is already in the trash can of the history, you guys don't belong to the Mainland anymore, if you wanna make any bold move, we will smash you along with DPP. :coffee:
You hope Chinese people dont become trouble-maker of your master-CCP。so CCP can enjoy their interests under维稳policy.you are against the ones who make trouble for your master. this is clear, no matter the so-called trouble maker is mainlander, Hker or taiwanese.
共产党并不反对民主。 但是民主的深化程度 和速度, 国家是必须要调控的。这关系到中华民族的命运。
这种调控的力度和强度都是很难准确掌握的,而且没有什么先例可参考。 摸着石头过河 而且如履薄冰。
共产党并不反对民主。 但是民主的深化程度 和速度, 国家是必须要调控的。这关系到中华民族的命运。
这种调控的力度和强度都是很难准确掌握的,而且没有什么先例可参考。 摸着石头过河 而且如履薄冰。

Your analysis is very good, but just add few English sentences in your post, since a pure Chinese post is not allowed in this forum.
The CPC is indeed corrupt and staffed with a horde of sellouts and rogues. But they are also performance oriented technocrats and have performed their duties well for the last 3 decades. They are really the best option (by far) China and Chinese have for the forseeable future. Chinese tradition of 'mandate of heaven' still stands today and the CPC fully understands this.
Look at Indian government today and shudder at what could have been.
Your analysis is very good, but just add few English sentences in your post, since a pure Chinese post is not allowed in this forum.
It is very sensitive Topic, do not want every understand it.
I just hope that the people who can read chinese do not make internally conflict.
The CPC is indeed corrupt and staffed with a horde of sellouts and rogues. But they are also performance oriented technocrats and have performed their duties well for the last 3 decades. They are really the best option (by far) China and Chinese have for the forseeable future. Chinese tradition of 'mandate of heaven' still stands today and the CPC fully understands this.
Look at Indian government today and shudder at what could have been.

Indeed, we the people will eventually ask CPC to reform when we become highly developed.

And our advice to KMT members who wanna bring back their corrupt oligarchy to Mainland China and become the power usurpers, then the rage of the Chinese people will guarantee to put them in the museum forever.
Indeed, we the people will eventually ask CPC to reform when we become highly developed.

And our advice to KMT members who wanna bring back their corrupt oligarchy to Mainland China and become the power usurpers, then the rage of the Chinese people will guarantee to put them in the museum forever.

you are a big supporter of CCP but I am a big fan of democracy, freedom, human rights and justice etc. this is the difference between us. if you like your master so much, you can come back to china to serve your master and harm the chinese people.
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