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Act of War by Lt General Tariq Khan


Apr 28, 2011
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20 NOVAct of War

We are honored to post a guest article from Lt. General Tariq Khan.

What I am going to write here is neither politically correct nor diplomatically proper. Also, that whatever views I am going to express are mine and must not be associated with the institution I belong to or the country that I am a national of. Besides, what I write should not be lumped with my attitude when I was in service since the environment I am going to address is a new phenomenon that did not exist then.

Baluchistan is in the throes of terrorism. This terrorism is not indigenous nor a product of grievances. It is an outcome of an Achakzai and Rasik collaboration at the behest of RAW. Its nature and character is to attack soft targets and cause mass murder. Its purpose is to destabilize the region with a view to scuttle CPEC. The manner of activity is likely to soon expand to Gilgit-Baltistan with the same objective. In the former case the projection of conflict is based on an alleged but utterly false Baluchistan Separatist Movement and evolves around accusations of human rights against the Government. In the latter it will be inspired by artficially raising sectarian strife. The mayhem is likely to grow in magnitude with an international appeal to intervene through the United Nations. While this blatant act of terrorism is applied against Pakistan, India will continue to engage Pakistan all along the Line of Control play-acting that it is undertaking strikes against terrorist camps, routes and launch pads. In the meanwhile, Afghanistan will continue to project hostility and demand border concessions, they will not agree to demarcation nor to sealing the border but will continue to accuse Pakistan of cross border terrorism. They will allow TTP to live in safe havens in Kunar and under the Coalition’s watch facilitate, fund and resource violence against Pakistan.

The world will buy these stories, Pakistan will be accused of aiding and abetting the violence in Kashmir of scuttling the peace process in Afghanistan, of gross human rights violations in Baluchistan, sectarian violence against the Shia community and harboring non state actors against everyone in the neighborhood. A nuclear Pakistan becoming a failed State labelled as the most dangerous country in the world.

Pakistan has no narrative, presents no case and does nothing at any level to clarify its position. Any accusations against India are taken as business as usual. That a colonel, Kulbushan was captured as a unique precedence holds no water for the world. We have no diplomatic recourse, no political body to turn to, no agreements or treaties that are binding and no bi-lateral way forward. What should Pakistan do, who can it complain to and where should it go?

With no one in the world willing to hear us out, no one willing to validate our narrative or reject it through an international fact finding mission, with callous indifference to our situation and criminal silence as we are subjected to such blatant and covert terrorism on a daily basis the bias and prejudice against Pakistan is conspicuous. It appears that India is accumulating brownie points every time it attacks a post or fires across the border. Pakistan is expected to take all this in, not complain or inconvenience the world by its ‘meaningless’ accusations.

Well then what are Pakistan’s responses if it is not to succumb to terrorism, disruption, instability and international indifference? They are limited. It could define an ‘Act of War’ and then respond to such an act against itself through overt conventional measures by undertaking military strikes likely to escalate to war and lead to a probable nuclear exchange. Alternatively it can undertake covert operations and pay the Indians back in the same coin. In my opinion, there is no guaranteed defense against terrorist activity except equitable terror. State sponsored terrorism must lead to a response where the State initiating such violence is effectively engaged in the same manner. My recommendations:

  1. Any terrorist activity or physical hostility from Afghanistan would be treated as an Act of War. The response would be a fire raid on Kabul and Bagram through missile attacks. Deploy and ready launchers for such a strike
  2. Long range strikes against Fazalullah group in Kunar to commence till he is handed over.
  3. For every Indian/RAW inspired terrorist act, at least three similar acts on a greater scale to be undertaken in the Indian main land.
  4. Any cross border firing should lead to offensive concentration of Strike Formations with a view to severing the Madhupur-Jammu Road before the Indians can even mobilise.
Such a posture will scare many and even subject us to sanctions but enough is enough. Every two bit country cannot just come and kick us around. We have nothing to lose, its another word for freedom. We are free to do what ever we need to do for our survival. Besides there us no other alternative.

Lt. Gen (R) Tariq Khan

Lieutenant General (R) Tariq Khan, an erudite general from Pakistan's Armored Corps and a decorated War Veteran, recently spoke on critical issues related to Terrorism & Insurgencies. Gen Tariq Khan during the Battle of Bajaur, transformed and re-shaped Frontier Corps into a relentless fighting force and raised FC's own special forces popularly known as SOG. Commanded and led major operations in FATA from the frontline, his model on counter-insurgency is still applied to this day.

@Horus @Oscar @Jango @Arsalan @nair @MilSpec @AUz @Areesh
Hmmm I am still trying to rationalise the solution part thinking what am I, a total novice to make up of this coming from a mouth of a retired Lt Gen.
I get his point. It is between choosing arsenic or strychnine. One kills you slowly but definitely other quite quickly but you may live if attended to quickly.
Pakistan will feel squeezed in coming days, months and years. American war machine is hungry. CPEC has put a lot at stakes for all the sides so rather than being a frog that boils to death slowly Pakistan should jump out from swiftly boiled water. I however think the solutions are a bit overkill for time being and suggest following;

  1. SORT out fifth columnists.
  2. Sectarian elements from both sects not just one need to be neutralised.Specially in GB. Iran either needs to be reigned in or persuaded to stop the double game. Pre empt.
  3. Pay Afghanistan in same coin. Afghani only knows fear and intimidation. Direct attack will create a perfect excuse for vultures to unite and attack back.
  4. War is coming. Start important acquisitions quickly. Do not bet everything on the assumption the enemy isn't stupid enough to start a war. Most wars happen when one side totally rejects chances of having one. Enemy maybe willing to sacrifice a lot. At the end of the day those who plan wars seldom face the consequences.
how about we allow a few chinese subs to be parked at gwardar ?

my only solution is seal off the damn afgan border, play a diplomacy game where iran will side with pakistan or atleast stay neutral.

and increase internal security efficiency

the days are long gone when india can dream of an invasion of pakistan. however as the general has rightly pointed out border hostilities and proxy are our biggest enemy and india's best tool

so to blunt those seal off the afgan border , increase internal security and offcourse escalate the situation at border where it is unaccpetable for india to continue
We are wasting our energies in useless and unproductive ways. Internally struck with Panama Leaks and PTV is chanting Sb acha ha rather than presenting country's pov.

a fire raid on Kabul and Bagram through missile attacks
This is insane idea of wasting millions of dollars worth missiles on useless folks. PAF strikes on terrorist camps would be enough.

As expected and no action will be undertaken as usual.

As far as sect. voilence is concerned, Iran and Arabs are fighting a war on Pak soil to guard their interests by state sponsored terrorism and we are still busy in Ummah Chummah with these hypocrites.

Better to push this war in neighbouring countries and get rid of people like Achakzai and Asfandyar internally to reap all benefits of CPEC.

indian muslim are more happy compare to pakistan
Right. They're happy for being killed in suspicion of eating beef.

China not allow to follow Islamic practice but pakistan have no problem
As per indians. Last time I checked, they can fast and pray on their own will. A group of Pakistan NA members and senators visited largest mosque in China and listened to the views of Chinese Muslims, and reported all is well. Its just a false propoganda of Western media.

China forced to head of mosques to dance on street
LOL. You can do better than this.

fighting against india on name of Islam
And on what basis do Indians fight Pakistan Leave our Kashmir, this will be the happiest region ever.
Gen Tariq is a hawk
He ha seen enough action, and I can fully support his views here.
I hope he has elaborated a little more ..

20 NOVAct of War

We are honored to post a guest article from Lt. General Tariq Khan.

What I am going to write here is neither politically correct nor diplomatically proper. Also, that whatever views I am going to express are mine and must not be associated with the institution I belong to or the country that I am a national of. Besides, what I write should not be lumped with my attitude when I was in service since the environment I am going to address is a new phenomenon that did not exist then.

Baluchistan is in the throes of terrorism. This terrorism is not indigenous nor a product of grievances. It is an outcome of an Achakzai and Rasik collaboration at the behest of RAW. Its nature and character is to attack soft targets and cause mass murder. Its purpose is to destabilize the region with a view to scuttle CPEC. The manner of activity is likely to soon expand to Gilgit-Baltistan with the same objective. In the former case the projection of conflict is based on an alleged but utterly false Baluchistan Separatist Movement and evolves around accusations of human rights against the Government. In the latter it will be inspired by artficially raising sectarian strife. The mayhem is likely to grow in magnitude with an international appeal to intervene through the United Nations. While this blatant act of terrorism is applied against Pakistan, India will continue to engage Pakistan all along the Line of Control play-acting that it is undertaking strikes against terrorist camps, routes and launch pads. In the meanwhile, Afghanistan will continue to project hostility and demand border concessions, they will not agree to demarcation nor to sealing the border but will continue to accuse Pakistan of cross border terrorism. They will allow TTP to live in safe havens in Kunar and under the Coalition’s watch facilitate, fund and resource violence against Pakistan.

The world will buy these stories, Pakistan will be accused of aiding and abetting the violence in Kashmir of scuttling the peace process in Afghanistan, of gross human rights violations in Baluchistan, sectarian violence against the Shia community and harboring non state actors against everyone in the neighborhood. A nuclear Pakistan becoming a failed State labelled as the most dangerous country in the world.

Pakistan has no narrative, presents no case and does nothing at any level to clarify its position. Any accusations against India are taken as business as usual. That a colonel, Kulbushan was captured as a unique precedence holds no water for the world. We have no diplomatic recourse, no political body to turn to, no agreements or treaties that are binding and no bi-lateral way forward. What should Pakistan do, who can it complain to and where should it go?

With no one in the world willing to hear us out, no one willing to validate our narrative or reject it through an international fact finding mission, with callous indifference to our situation and criminal silence as we are subjected to such blatant and covert terrorism on a daily basis the bias and prejudice against Pakistan is conspicuous. It appears that India is accumulating brownie points every time it attacks a post or fires across the border. Pakistan is expected to take all this in, not complain or inconvenience the world by its ‘meaningless’ accusations.

Well then what are Pakistan’s responses if it is not to succumb to terrorism, disruption, instability and international indifference? They are limited. It could define an ‘Act of War’ and then respond to such an act against itself through overt conventional measures by undertaking military strikes likely to escalate to war and lead to a probable nuclear exchange. Alternatively it can undertake covert operations and pay the Indians back in the same coin. In my opinion, there is no guaranteed defense against terrorist activity except equitable terror. State sponsored terrorism must lead to a response where the State initiating such violence is effectively engaged in the same manner. My recommendations:

  1. Any terrorist activity or physical hostility from Afghanistan would be treated as an Act of War. The response would be a fire raid on Kabul and Bagram through missile attacks. Deploy and ready launchers for such a strike
  2. Long range strikes against Fazalullah group in Kunar to commence till he is handed over.
  3. For every Indian/RAW inspired terrorist act, at least three similar acts on a greater scale to be undertaken in the Indian main land.
  4. Any cross border firing should lead to offensive concentration of Strike Formations with a view to severing the Madhupur-Jammu Road before the Indians can even mobilise.
Such a posture will scare many and even subject us to sanctions but enough is enough. Every two bit country cannot just come and kick us around. We have nothing to lose, its another word for freedom. We are free to do what ever we need to do for our survival. Besides there us no other alternative.

Lt. Gen (R) Tariq Khan

Lieutenant General (R) Tariq Khan, an erudite general from Pakistan's Armored Corps and a decorated War Veteran, recently spoke on critical issues related to Terrorism & Insurgencies. Gen Tariq Khan during the Battle of Bajaur, transformed and re-shaped Frontier Corps into a relentless fighting force and raised FC's own special forces popularly known as SOG. Commanded and led major operations in FATA from the frontline, his model on counter-insurgency is still applied to this day.

@Horus @Oscar @Jango @Arsalan @nair @MilSpec @AUz @Areesh
If the world is unwilling to act or complicit in ignoring pakistan's legitimate concerns regarding Indian sponsored terrorism in Baluchistan via Afghanistan... then pakistan should also fight back with the same ... bullet for bullet... eye for an eye.

This would mean sealing the afghan border and deep penetrating surgical strikes into Afghanistan to eliminate the Indian sponsored terror bases.

And kick out all the afghans.
Apologize for my long reply!!!

General's analysis and suggested way of action is symptomatic of the lethargic state we are in led by a selfish, self-serving, and family ltd government. Military cannot take unilateral actions without support of the political government, and that government, unfortunately running affairs to serve the interests of political dynasty, Sharif Family. Sharif Govt is hurting federalism badly as all members are from one province which has created a bad taste in the mouths of rest of the Pakistanis. This is one big issue that should be addressed.

Now, on another point, note the report filed by Eric Dellman of WSJ on Feb 25, 2016, that almost 5 billion US dollars were remitted from Pakistan to India just in last year, $4.79 billion the previous year and $4.67 year before that. Now India is supposedly our sworn enemy so how the hell this Gove not only totally oblivious of that but no other in Pakistan took notice of that? SBP and intelligence organization? This is base treachery!

Now when NS Govt abetting India by covering up Kulbhoshan Yadav spy scandal, what else they had not been doing in the last three years.

In that situation when this political Govt is serving the interests of an enemy country how can we fire missile on TPP hideouts and do tit for tat for RAW sponsored terrorist’s acts? The house is in complete disorder, MQM A raising its head again, and G for Zardari inching to return to resume his role of agent provocateur in Sind and to make rangers operation to a full standstill. Mind you, it is already grinding to an end.

Army already missed the opportunity to fire this Govt when it expanded its operation in Karachi to include corruption, as portrayal was that corruption money was finding its use in acts of terrorism, there was a momentum to nab corrupts but RH was too focused on Op ZA to fully understand how important it is to have a competent and honest civil machinery to back it up.

I also always have taken it with a pinch of salt the claims of breaking the back of terrorists but though frequency of small acts has lowered but bigger and impactful acts are occurring every few months and we could do nothing but to cry over the dead bodies of our innocents.

If action is to be taken it has to be swift and spontaneous and without making stupid claims that we are ready for all aggressions etc. As we say a judge's order speaks, so army's gun should speak not the press releases.

Salah Uddin once said if my enemy is in front of me I can take them, but if my enemy is behind from within, my sword will only shake in its sheath but not be bared.
100% agree on it
Its time to pay back and take serious and hard actions against our enemies and tell them the cost of messing with Pakistan
Any terrorist activity or physical hostility from Afghanistan would be treated as an Act of War. The response would be a fire raid on Kabul and Bagram through missile attacks. Deploy and ready launchers for such a strike


No better way than committing Diplomatic Hara Kiri than this.

Would the ' Erudite' General agree that India too should be allowed the same freedom of action for actions like Mumbai/ Attack on Parliament/ Uri/Pathankot etc ?

The author retired as a General but still thinks like a Lieutenent ! These are not Platoon level actions, striking across an IB with the firepower suggested has ramifications which Generals alone cannot handle. Kargil was one such stupidity.

Long range strikes against Fazalullah group in Kunar to commence till he is handed over.

Wonder what he feels about UN declared terrorists openly spewing venom against another nation living happily in his nation ?
For every Indian/RAW inspired terrorist act, at least three similar acts on a greater scale to be undertaken in the Indian main land.

Isnt this what the ISI has been trying to do all along ?
Any cross border firing should lead to offensive concentration of Strike Formations with a view to severing the Madhupur-Jammu Road before the Indians can even mobilise.

Again, thinking like a Lieutenant.

Does he feel the IA is so dumb to allow such the NH1A to be severed ?

Does mere mobilization sever a NH ?

The more one reads such suggestions the more realises how shallow the thoughts are & when such thoughts translate into actions the results are to show.
And Pakistan should convey this message to India that if CPEC is derailed. than Pakistan will be after u with full force


No better way than committing Diplomatic Hara Kiri than this.

Would the ' Erudite' General agree that India too should be allowed the same freedom of action for actions like Mumbai/ Attack on Parliament/ Uri/Pathankot etc ?

The author retired as a General but still thinks like a Lieutenent ! These are not Platoon level actions, striking across an IB with the firepower suggested has ramifications which Generals alone cannot handle. Kargil was one such stupidity.

Wonder what he feels about UN declared terrorists openly spewing venom against another nation living happily in his nation ?

Isnt this what the ISI has been trying to do all along ?

Again, thinking like a Lieutenant.

Does he feel the IA is so dumb to allow such the NH1A to be severed ?

Does mere mobilization sever a NH ?

The more one reads such suggestions the more realises how shallow the thoughts are & when such thoughts translate into actions the results are to show.

There is a difference between Afghanistan and Pakistan
But dumbos like u and Gen. GD bakhshi won't understand
PTV is chanting Sb acha ha rather than presenting country's pov.

Bhai PTV ne Kapaas b ugaane hoti hay.. Bechaara PTV aap kay lye or kia kia kary ? Apne to PTV ko Pakistan samaj kar Do more Do more laga rakha hay... Very bad Hareeb G Very bad.

No better way than committing Diplomatic Hara Kiri than this.

Would the ' Erudite' General agree that India too should be allowed the same freedom of action for actions like Mumbai/ Attack on Parliament/ Uri/Pathankot etc ?

The author retired as a General but still thinks like a Lieutenent ! These are not Platoon level actions, striking across an IB with the firepower suggested has ramifications which Generals alone cannot handle. Kargil was one such stupidity.

Wonder what he feels about UN declared terrorists openly spewing venom against another nation living happily in his nation ?

Isnt this what the ISI has been trying to do all along ?

Again, thinking like a Lieutenant.

Does he feel the IA is so dumb to allow such the NH1A to be severed ?

Does mere mobilization sever a NH ?

The more one reads such suggestions the more realises how shallow the thoughts are & when such thoughts translate into actions the results are to show.

OP highlights and to an extent justifies why Pakistan is in a condition it is now. His solutions are not an answer to the problems facing Pakistan but key to another pandora's box worth of problem.
There is a difference between Afghanistan and Pakistan
But dumbos like u and Gen. GD bakhshi won't understand

If there was a difference what was holding back Pakistan from striking Af so far ?

Internationally , striking across an IB has ramifications , Generals are always Gung ho about what their weapons can do.

Weapons do not solve issues .

Please refrain from making personal attacks, I too have views but choose to keep them to myself.
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