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Act of War by Lt General Tariq Khan

Can some Pakistani military developer come up with a drone design that is meant for border security and high altitude survalence????

These drones should be pretty straight forward to design... because you don't need to reinvent the wheel. These drones don't need to be complex since they will not need to travel long distances into enemy territory .. Nor do they need to be armed.

1. Need long flight times (weeks on end without refuelling)
2. Need to be stationary over a single or multiple points of scooe
3. Need day and night time camera cabalilities (thermal)
5. Be ae to relay information in real time
6. Need to be able to handle different weather conditions

What i mean is a mix of a drone and a weather baloon:




But it doesn't need to be so big... just a stationary eye in the sky... so when the terrorists cross into Pakistan... the rapid reaction force guns them down. India has to just cry about CPEC instead of blowing people up.

This shouldn't be too hard a technology to come up with... come on entrepreneurs make this happen!

Put these on the afghan Pak border... http://intercepts.defensenews.com/2...blimp-to-start-tracking-objects-in-dc-region/
:lol:American sundi se hi jaan churwa le PTV, baki ko forces sambhal le gi.

Na g Na... American sundi PTV kay lye bilqul aese he hay jesay Pakistan kay Lye Afghan taliban. Ye khatam to Phir PTV or Pakistan ko kon Pochay ga. ? Aap b na Yar, bohat bholay ho. :D

No better way than committing Diplomatic Hara Kiri than this.

Would the ' Erudite' General agree that India too should be allowed the same freedom of action for actions like Mumbai/ Attack on Parliament/ Uri/Pathankot etc ?

The author retired as a General but still thinks like a Lieutenent ! These are not Platoon level actions, striking across an IB with the firepower suggested has ramifications which Generals alone cannot handle. Kargil was one such stupidity.

Wonder what he feels about UN declared terrorists openly spewing venom against another nation living happily in his nation ?

Isnt this what the ISI has been trying to do all along ?

Again, thinking like a Lieutenant.

Does he feel the IA is so dumb to allow such the NH1A to be severed ?

Does mere mobilization sever a NH ?

The more one reads such suggestions the more realises how shallow the thoughts are & when such thoughts translate into actions the results are to show.
And who exactly are you to talk about a lieutenant, a tactical platoon level attack and a strategic offensive, I am sure the general knows more of that then they average layman.
As far as severing NH1A is concerned more outrageous featshave been performed in war by men who had no option but success or death.
If you have any past and/or present credentials that would legitimise your criticism please state them and such a hypothetical scenario would make for a good conversation.
But it doesn't need to be so big...

Let see..

1. Need long flight times (weeks on end without refuelling)

You would need many batteries for this. which eventually will increase weight. lets assume all the batteries combine weigh 50 kg. (6-8 batteries or a single large battery)

2. Need to be stationary over a single or multiple points of scooe

would need stabilizers. add further weight.

3. Need day and night time camera cabalilities (thermal)

Day camera (50 kg Avg if high foucs) night camera (thermal 50 kg Avg if high focus). 50 kg weigh because you need drone for high altitude. high altitude mean's camera's with large size to zoom more.

5. Be ae to relay information in real time

You mean data link. add 10-15 kg further.

6. Need to be able to handle different weather conditions

Again. need stabilizers. further add weight.

So in short, the drone with your desired capabilities will not come less then 150-180 kg. So Your desired capabilities can not be achieved in a "small drone" as per my knowledge. Expert's can draw the accurate figures here. as i am no expert. (just taking guesses )
In my opinion, there is no guaranteed defense against terrorist activity except equitable terror.

I would agree with this ............ unless they too feel the pain and witness human blood and flesh of their own in their streets, they won't stop nor they would understand. Unfortunately sometimes it becomes the necessary evil to make others end their madness.
Na g Na... American sundi PTV kay lye bilqul aese he hay jesay Pakistan kay Lye Afghan taliban. Ye khatam to Phir PTV or Pakistan ko kon Pochay ga. ? Aap b na Yar, bohat bholay ho. :D
American sundi or PTV ka rishta janmo janmo ka ha. Ap chah kr bhi unko juda ni kr sakte. kisi ne sach hi kaha ha jorey aasmano pe bantey hain.:D
Any cross border firing should lead to offensive concentration of Strike Formations with a view to severing the Madhupur-Jammu Road before the Indians can even mobilise.

As far as severing NH1A is concerned more outrageous featshave been performed in war by men who had no option but success or death.

Does the General talk of war ? See quote above, he talks of mere mobilisation. (offensive concentration, to use his words).

I do not wish to share my credentials .

You are welcome to reach any assumption you feel.

My views are based on what he writes where I find the recommended courses of action school boyish .
Let see..

You would need many batteries for this. which eventually will increase weight. lets assume all the batteries combine weigh 50 kg. (6-8 batteries or a single large battery)

would need stabilizers. add further weight.

Day camera (50 kg Avg if high foucs) night camera (thermal 50 kg Avg if high focus). 50 kg weigh because you need drone for high altitude. high altitude mean's camera's with large size to zoom more.

You mean data link. add 20-30 kg further.

Again. need stabilizers. further add weight.

So in short, the drone with your desired capabilities will not come less then 150-180 kg. So Your desired capabilities can not be achieved in a "small drone" as per my knowledge. Expert's can draw the accurate figures here. as i am no expert. (just taking guesses )

Not exactly a drone... but how about a hybrid between a drone and this.....

The U.S. Army has launched the debut flight of its massive Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LEMV), a souped-up blimp designed to fly continuously for 21 days and provide full surveillance of an area.

The LEMV was launched Tuesday from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey. The test flight lasted about 90 minutes.

The all-seeing airship is longer than football field and taller than a seven-story building, according to maker Northrop Grumman. Its shape separates the 21st-century “hybrid air vehicle,” as Northrop Grumman calls it, from the blimps that have flown over sporting events for decades.

The LEMV is aerodynamic, with a shape closer to an airfoil than an elongated football like classic blimps. So while old-school blimps stay aloft because of the helium inside, the LEMV uses the helium and its shape to achieve lift.

Northrop Grumman has a $517 million contract to build three airships for the Army.

The first test flight included two pilots, but in the future, the Army hopes to have unmanned flights.

“I think the Army sees this as truly an exciting breakthrough,” said Dave Nagy, vice president of business development for military aircraft systems at Northrop Grumman.

He says the Army will benefit from the LEMV because just a handful of these airships will be able to do what no other monitoring system can do. They can stay up in the air for long periods of time and can cover a significant area of ground. And the LEMV will not only be able to scan the ground for insurgents, but it may also have other uses, like hauling supplies and precious cargo to troops.

At a time when the military is looking for more cost-effective options for intelligence and surveillance gathering in places like Afghanistan, fueling the blimp will cost approximately $11,000 for a 21-day period of service.

Coincidentally, the debut flight took the LEMV right over the site of the fiery Hindenburg disaster on May 6, 1937. Nagy says the location, however, was deliberate.

“It’s one of few locations that has hangar infrastructure for this size of vehicle,” he said.

For now, Northrop Grumman will continue to test the LEMV from Lakehurst, New Jersey, where the company will continue to “expand the flight envelope,” Nagy says. He said this technology will allow the military to be more flexible in the future.

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massive Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LEMV)

i have no objection with your desired capabilities. i have objection with your desired "size and weight".. this drone provide them the desired capabilities but is "massive" as per your quoted article.

A drone with such capabilities at present technologies can not be that small. Maybe 5-8 year's later, with the rise of nanotechnology.
Snipers taking out Afghan leadership at the highest level - ashraf ghani, abdullah abdullah and the like. Cut the snake's head and keep chopping off as soon as it regenerates. Similarly, if Narendra Modi was to disappear into thin air, the situation could change drastically.

Finally, escorting petulant subs to the door will not send a firm message in eternity.
Hard hitting article from the general Sahab.

Gen. Tariq was in the running for Army chief position along with Raheel Sharif, Haroon ul Islam etc.

Seems like our military is losing its patience.

20 NOVAct of War

We are honored to post a guest article from Lt. General Tariq Khan.

What I am going to write here is neither politically correct nor diplomatically proper. Also, that whatever views I am going to express are mine and must not be associated with the institution I belong to or the country that I am a national of. Besides, what I write should not be lumped with my attitude when I was in service since the environment I am going to address is a new phenomenon that did not exist then.

Baluchistan is in the throes of terrorism. This terrorism is not indigenous nor a product of grievances. It is an outcome of an Achakzai and Rasik collaboration at the behest of RAW. Its nature and character is to attack soft targets and cause mass murder. Its purpose is to destabilize the region with a view to scuttle CPEC. The manner of activity is likely to soon expand to Gilgit-Baltistan with the same objective. In the former case the projection of conflict is based on an alleged but utterly false Baluchistan Separatist Movement and evolves around accusations of human rights against the Government. In the latter it will be inspired by artficially raising sectarian strife. The mayhem is likely to grow in magnitude with an international appeal to intervene through the United Nations. While this blatant act of terrorism is applied against Pakistan, India will continue to engage Pakistan all along the Line of Control play-acting that it is undertaking strikes against terrorist camps, routes and launch pads. In the meanwhile, Afghanistan will continue to project hostility and demand border concessions, they will not agree to demarcation nor to sealing the border but will continue to accuse Pakistan of cross border terrorism. They will allow TTP to live in safe havens in Kunar and under the Coalition’s watch facilitate, fund and resource violence against Pakistan.

The world will buy these stories, Pakistan will be accused of aiding and abetting the violence in Kashmir of scuttling the peace process in Afghanistan, of gross human rights violations in Baluchistan, sectarian violence against the Shia community and harboring non state actors against everyone in the neighborhood. A nuclear Pakistan becoming a failed State labelled as the most dangerous country in the world.

Pakistan has no narrative, presents no case and does nothing at any level to clarify its position. Any accusations against India are taken as business as usual. That a colonel, Kulbushan was captured as a unique precedence holds no water for the world. We have no diplomatic recourse, no political body to turn to, no agreements or treaties that are binding and no bi-lateral way forward. What should Pakistan do, who can it complain to and where should it go?

With no one in the world willing to hear us out, no one willing to validate our narrative or reject it through an international fact finding mission, with callous indifference to our situation and criminal silence as we are subjected to such blatant and covert terrorism on a daily basis the bias and prejudice against Pakistan is conspicuous. It appears that India is accumulating brownie points every time it attacks a post or fires across the border. Pakistan is expected to take all this in, not complain or inconvenience the world by its ‘meaningless’ accusations.

Well then what are Pakistan’s responses if it is not to succumb to terrorism, disruption, instability and international indifference? They are limited. It could define an ‘Act of War’ and then respond to such an act against itself through overt conventional measures by undertaking military strikes likely to escalate to war and lead to a probable nuclear exchange. Alternatively it can undertake covert operations and pay the Indians back in the same coin. In my opinion, there is no guaranteed defense against terrorist activity except equitable terror. State sponsored terrorism must lead to a response where the State initiating such violence is effectively engaged in the same manner. My recommendations:

  1. Any terrorist activity or physical hostility from Afghanistan would be treated as an Act of War. The response would be a fire raid on Kabul and Bagram through missile attacks. Deploy and ready launchers for such a strike
  2. Long range strikes against Fazalullah group in Kunar to commence till he is handed over.
  3. For every Indian/RAW inspired terrorist act, at least three similar acts on a greater scale to be undertaken in the Indian main land.
  4. Any cross border firing should lead to offensive concentration of Strike Formations with a view to severing the Madhupur-Jammu Road before the Indians can even mobilise.
Such a posture will scare many and even subject us to sanctions but enough is enough. Every two bit country cannot just come and kick us around. We have nothing to lose, its another word for freedom. We are free to do what ever we need to do for our survival. Besides there us no other alternative.

Lt. Gen (R) Tariq Khan

Lieutenant General (R) Tariq Khan, an erudite general from Pakistan's Armored Corps and a decorated War Veteran, recently spoke on critical issues related to Terrorism & Insurgencies. Gen Tariq Khan during the Battle of Bajaur, transformed and re-shaped Frontier Corps into a relentless fighting force and raised FC's own special forces popularly known as SOG. Commanded and led major operations in FATA from the frontline, his model on counter-insurgency is still applied to this day.

I have said this many times on this very forum that for how long are we going to allow even countries like Afghanistan to take us for granted and do nothing about it. Finally someone who is at the level of the Lt General is of the same opinion. The reason nothing happens and people will again bash me for it is because of the non existent policy of this government and the previous one. Today Nawaz and his ilks only talk when it comes to defending their corrupt king and his princess. PM house deliberately releases classified information to the media to marginalise army, what can we expect from a government such as this one who is hell bent to destroy its own institutions, one that are responsible for protecting Pakistan from internal and external enemies.
Even when a serving Indian Naval official was arrested in Pakistan somehow that eluded Nawaz's mind during his speech in the UN. This should tell us where or who his loyalties lie with certainly now with Pakistan.
For the approach mentioned above, we first need to get rid of traitors placed at the highest ranks in Pakistan. No just rid but they should be brought to justice for all they did. Pakistan needs to be stronger from within to take on external enemies such as India.

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