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Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips forced to leave Dhaka

^^^ yes We don't need man like billal philips he is dangerous to national security , we need to bring more dancer and singer from Bollywood to perform and make our young generation modern and DIGITAL .
I guess it's an attempt by the government to gain legitimacy by appeasing the Western Powers, an imbecile attempt anyway.
Not surprising. We have a anti-islamic facist witch in power. Dr.Philip's Islamic online University is a huge success though.
I haven't heard any lectures by this guy.so shouldn't comment, yet.
But giving the guy the boot so to speak is utterly humiliating. Why let him enter the country in the first place?
These kind of actions will make sure anger towards government grows in Bangladesh will not be of any help to Bangladesh government

BD government is Islamophobic and that's all can
I haven't heard any lectures by this guy.so shouldn't comment, yet.
But giving the guy the boot so to speak is utterly humiliating. Why let him enter the country in the first place?

He delivers online seminars and visits countries such as Sri Lanka(I think), parts of the ME and other places to deliver his lectures and classes. He covers topics regarding Christianity, social issues etc. Western countries banned him because they can't handle the truth, in this case Bangladesh also.
^^^ yes We don't need man like billal philips he is dangerous to national security , we need to bring more dancer and singer from Bollywood to perform and make our young generation modern and DIGITAL .

Heh, I'd rather invite a group of savannah wildlife to perform if we had to go for cheap entertainment. But most BD people are as low IQ as their Indian counterparts, so Bollywood will continue to remain popular among the masses.

As for Billal Phillips, he is not only dangerous to national security, he and the likes of him are dangerous to international security - more like WMDs against the development and progress of the Islamic World.
Bilal Phillips may be banned in some countries. then again, Yusuf Islam (ex-Cat Stevens) also got a ban to travel to the US. they still tour a lot of countries. i heard some of Bilal Philips' Youtube lectures and maybe Peace tv showed something on him as well. i really did not find anything even close to controversial. Bilal Philips should be apologized to and more lecturers like him should be invited to BD

the nationalist nutjobs of Europe and North America are also an interesting case. it is still sort of mainstream for US personalities like Brigitte Gabriel to say that "tens of thousands of Islamic militants now reside in America operating in sleeper cells, attending our colleges and universities,” and “they have infiltrated us at the CIA, at the FBI, at the Pentagon, at the State Department". extremist nutjobs like Debbie Schlussel can still say with impunity that Zain Malik (British boy band singer) is a "jihadi extremist". some actions taken against Muslims and specific Muslim individuals should at least be taken with a grain of salt

Philips came under criticism in Britain for seeming to condone suicide bombers. He said of suicide bombing: "When you look at the mind of the suicide bomber, it's a different intention altogether ... The [enemy] is either too heavily armed, or they don't have the type of equipment that can deal with it, so the only other option they have is to try to get some people amongst them and then explode the charges that they have to try to destroy the equipment and to save the lives of their comrades. So this is not really considered to be suicide in the true sense. This is a military action and human lives are sacrificed in that military action. This is really the bottom line for it and that's how we should look at it."

However, Philips did condemn the takfiri group Boko Haram during a visit to Nigeria.

Philips also said that there is no such thing as rape in marriage. He argued that a woman is obliged to give herself to her husband and that the husband may not be charged with rape.

Source: Wikipedia
Instead of deporting him back to Qatar why wasn't he remanded to find out about his sympathizers and supporters in Bangladesh? Who supports him?Where does he get the funds? Many of these people are Western agents in the first place going to different Muslim countries to incite terrorism. Is it by coincidence that he lives in Qatar, a very close ally of US in its so-called "war on terrorism"?
Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and grew up in Toronto, Canada, where he converted to Islam in 1972. His whole life has been exemplified by his goal of seeking and conveying Islamic knowledge in order to “Change the Muslim Nation through Islamic Education.”

In preparation for this goal, he first acquired a B.A. from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Medina (1979), then an M.A. in Aqeedah (Islamic theology) from King Saud University in Riyadh (1985), and finally a PhD in Islamic Theology from the University of Wales (1994). Interestingly enough, his PhD thesis was on “The Exorcist Tradition in Islam.”

After graduation from the University of Medina, Dr. Bilal spent ten years teaching Islamic studies in an Islamic high school in Riyadh, and another ten years lecturing in Arabic and Islamic studies in the American University in Dubai, UAE.

In 1994 he founded the first Islamic Information Center in Dubai. He has served as the head of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Preston University-Ajman, UAE; lecturer and director of the Da’wah and Education at Qatar Guest Center, Doha, Qatar; founder and head of the English medium Islamic studies department of Knowledge International University, Riyadh; founder and head of the College of Da’wah and Islamic Culture (English Section) at Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan; founder and head of Preston International University College in Chennai, India; and founder and Dean of the Islamic Studies Academy in Doha, Qatar.

But perhaps his greatest achievement, and the one for which he was listed in the Jordanian publication “The 500 Most Influential Muslims” is the historic founding of the Islamic Online University (IOU) which by the end of 2013 had over 150,000 students registered from 219 countries in the world, making IOU the number one university in the world with respect to the diversity of its student body. Unlike the other educational programs he has founded and overseen over the years, IOU makes it possible for any person from any location in the world to receive an Islamic education absolutely free or degree in Islamic Studies and other fields tuition-free.

IOU was launched in 2007 with a free diploma program in Islamic Studies and introduced its fully accredited tuition-free Bachelor’s program (BAIS) in 2010. New IOU departments were introduced in the beginning of 2014 and plans are currently being made for a Master’s program (MAIS) to be launched later in 2014. Dr. Bilal has served as IOU’s chancellor from the beginning.

Dr. Bilal Philips has written, translated and commented on over 50 published books on various Islamic topics and he has also edited and published the 56-book Eemaan English Reading Series for children and Muslim schools. Dr. Philips has also presented Islamic programs for a number of years on Riyadh Channel 2TV, Sharjah TV, Peace TV, Huda TV, Islam Channel, UK, and the Deen Show, Chicago, USA and GuideUS TV, from Washington USA.

Currently (2014), Dr. Bilal is the imaam and khateeb at Abu Hurairah Center where he teaches 5 free university-level classes weekly and counsels Muslim families two days per week.

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - Founder of Islamic Online University

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