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Abhinandan Not First To Get A Fake Medal !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
It's widely reported that Indian Air Force's Wing Commander Abhinandan, who made world headlines after getting shot down over Pakistan, roughed up by the locals before being rescued by Pakistani troops, and eventually being returned to India minus his uniform, has been recommended to receive an award, for whatever the reasons, from the Indian Government.
Albeit, this announcement raised many eyebrows, Ironically this is not the first time the GOI is giving awards to IAF pilots for dubious and even fabricated achievements. At least one other case has come to light which transpired during the Kargil Conflict in 1999. A Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) was awarded to a Flight Lieutenant Gaurav Chibber who belonged to 223 MiG-29 Squadron. Albeit he died when his aircraft crashed on 6th August 1999, nonetheless, it should be remembered that all IAF action during the Kargil Conflict, took place on the Indian side of LOC. Neither Airforce crossed into the other's airspace and when the IAF aircraft did cross the LOC, either deliberately or inadvertently, they paid the price.
Here's what the citation for Flight Lieutenant Gaurav Chibber reads.

Flight Lieutenant Gaurav Chibber
Service No & Branch 22926 F(P)

Date of Birth: 04 May 1972 Commissioned 18 Jun 1994 Course: 153 Course Entry Mode : NDA
Service End Died in Service 06 Aug 1999
Remarks :
Promotions Gazetted
Fg Offr
: 18 Jun 1995

Notes:1)Branch is at retirement and may not match with branch at Commission 2)Notional seniority is reflected in dates of substantive rank.
Awards and Decorations

Number of Awards: 1

Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)
Flt Lt
Gaurav Chibber 22926 F(P) Award Date Announced 15 Aug 1999
Details :
Flight Lieutenant Gaurav Chibber (22926-T) Flying (Pilot) was on the posted strength of a Fighter Squadron, AF, since 01 June 98. Before coming to this Squadron, he was a Fully Ops Pilot on the Jaguar aircraft with numerous qualifications; like Photo recce and EW. His transformation from a Strike Pilot to an Air Defence Pilot, flying a Russian aircraft for the first time, in such a short duration, is truly praiseworthy.

Flight Lieutenant Chibber was the youngest MiG-29 Pilot taking part in the Kargil Operations. He performed admirably in carrying out 29 missions which included Area CAP, Tied Escorts and CRC missions by day and night. As a young leader he led many of these missions ensuring the strike aircraft achieved their objectives unhampered by enemy air opposition. Despite having only 100 hrs on type he made noteworthy contribution towards the success of operations in this sector. In one mission he handled the aircraft radar systems optimally to search and acquire two enemy F-16 aircraft, warding off a possible threat, enabling our strike force to destroy their designated target.

Flight Lieutenant G Chibber had a very good rapport with the airmen and his warm and friendly nature had kept the morale of the men high. In this high pressure situation he had been an asset to the Squadron, admirably performing his duties. He had shown great keenness and involvement in all activities.

For this dedication to duty, perservance and professionalism beyond the call of duty, the Hon'ble President is pleased to award 'Vayu Sena Medal' to Flight Lieutenant Gaurav Chibber, Posthumous.

Unit : 223 Sqn

Accidents and Incidents: 1
Date Aircraft Type Tail No Pilot/Crew Unit Remarks
06 Aug 1999 MiG-29 Flt Lt Gaurav Chibber +
223 Sqn Cr in Nainadevi Area
India will even claim that their off duty sepoy shot down a PAF F-16 with a stone while he was sleep walking.
In one mission he handled the aircraft radar systems optimally to search and acquire two enemy F-16 aircraft, warding off a possible threat, enabling our strike force to destroy their designated target.

What, recognised for knowing how to use a radar?

So, by that Indian logic, the JF17 pilot who was pinging M2ks, Su30MKIs over Srinigar after operation retort would be be promoted to AVM if he was in the IAF..

.... https://hushkit.net/2019/07/19/flyi...erview-with-pakistan-air-force-fighter-pilot/

“One mission took place in the days following the Indian Air Force’s attempted strikes in Pakistan border region- at five in the night I took off in rain and low cloud with TS in the vicinity. Clouds were from 4,000 till 33,000 feet. Got out of clouds and controller reported two Su-30s ‘across the fence’. I targeted them at ranges beyond 50-60 NM but didn’t get authorisation to engage from controller, continued to grind above 32,000 flowing hot and cold 20-30NM from fence targeting the Su-30s. The IAF scrambled a total of six more Su-30s and finally I had eight Su-30s in front. Would turn hot and target each one in sequence from north to south (just spike them seeing whether they get lured in or not). After hitting texaco (air refuelling) returned to based amid rain and wet runway.. the first thing ground crew did was count the missiles.. gave a disappointed look once all were intact. the same profile continued for a couple of month but that first mission was an unbelievable experience.”
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Indians give Vir Chakra to anyone who sees F16 in their dreams....

Telescope you are the only nation where loosing three planes to MANPAD by an enemy sitting miles inside your own territory is a reason to celebrate.....

Your planes never dared to cross into Pakistan territory. Remember in Feb someone was stupid enough to try.....
When you award such medals to losers/cowards than medal loses its value. Feel pity for the able officers of Indian armed forces who genuinely won these medals for their services for the country.
None of us were born to an English speaking family , so there is NO SHAME in reaching out to others when English comprehension is a HUGE problem.
So let's see how you make a spectacle of your self this time with your high-grade English comprehension.
Let me help you understand this topic.

WRONG. The PAF was INCAPABLE of engaging the IAF in that period. The 3 losses of the IAF was due to MANPADS.
No PAF for miles and days on end./quote]

This means that Flt.Lt. Chibber's presense scared off the PAF and allowed the Mirages and the Jaguars to blow up the Pak Army troops into smithereens. You have highlighted in red , the disappearing act of the PAF.
Now read the highlighted parts and see apart from just typing in English, if you are also able to understand how you habitually smear your own face.

This part explains why he got a medal. You yourself have given the answer.

Kaiser Tufail himself stated how F16s were sent scurrying away by IAF Baaz fighters.

There is a detailed explanation of this incident right here on this forum :

There was a CAP of F-16's flying near the border of which the no-2 was a relatively new F-16 pilot(a rising star so to speak) who had recently converted into the F-16. On the opposite side, he was locked on by what was most likely a Mig-29 .. Now the warning starts going off in his cockpit and tries some basic maneuvers that he recalled which are used to break the lock of a Pulse-Doppler radar using its weaknesses(rapid changes in velocity(speed/direction)). These however did not work too well as the mig kept re-establishing the lock.
Now hearing imagine hearing this sound in your head constantly and you will realize why the said pilot got flustered since he could not cross the border to close in and engage nor could he keep diving into the clouds to try and use mountains as cover since he would probably have CFIT'd.

Dear Lord, you are losing it old timer, even if you have to adopt a fake iD.....so let's assume even if this is true, it was your deceased pilot out of all others, do you have any knowledge, how many times the F-16s had advantages over IAF flights.....including a case where a formation of 5 MiG-29s was tailed for some 20 minutes, who panicked once their GCI warned them

Now please desist from running to your PET mod and complaining that your lies got exposed.
They say a cat has nine lives.....a Rat only lives once.....then he might reincarnate as something else....that should ring a bell
Even if that gullible child deletes my post, what will you do about all those other Pakistanis who treat you worse than my GSD treats the fire hydrant near our home ?
You must have the nasty habit of sniffing every Pakistani's backside to draw this conclusion.....i make mistake they correct me and vice versa.....then there are those idiots who in the same breath claim they can't read Urdu but none they less do splash their brains.....but then if you are a faker.....what's harm in being also shameless.
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Couple of things here. First in Punjabi lexicon “Chibber” means an ugly face. The word started getting used in Punjab when South Indian troops started coming to North West of India with the British. This guy is relatively fair and good looking so must have had some European, Punjabi or Pashtun blood in him. The second thing is if you give enough fake medals, everyone will know about it and it will ultimately lead to breakdown of the Military Ethos.

BTW other words that came to Punjabi lexicon due to the British bringing South Indians to the North West was “Talanga”. My mother used this term for me when I was misbehaving which was most of the time but never Chibber because of my great looks . We used that term for some of our rich relatives.

Sikhs also contributed with “Churas”. Originally the word did not have the same connotation as today in Pakistan as Churas kicked some British *** so the British started using the term in a derogatory terms.
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