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Abdul Sattar Edhi Passes away


From my Point of View
our real heros are
1.Quaid -e Azam and Great Iqbal
2.A.Q Khan
3. Abdur Sattar Eidi
they are our real heros no bhutto no nawaz no one
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

His service to humanity will always be remembered & he will be greatly missed

May ALLAH (S.W.T) grant him jannat Ameen
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Great loss of humanity, there is no replacement for this noble person. He died but he saved thousands of poor from dying. He will live in the heart of every Pakistani.
Will there ever be another Pakistani like him? One that Pakistanis themselves recognize, I mean.
Another Great loss of Pakistan. R.I.P to departed Soul.

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