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Abdul Aziz is going to resign as TTP negoitator

It feels Gen Raheel is far smart politicians then these so called politicians. How easily he show the real faces of extremist supporters.
It seems a big clash is imminent ....TTP Sharia VS Constitution of Pakistan...
there will be more, turns & twists!
just wait, to see these lunatics & their political supporters, get caught all of thier small size CHADDIES down?
demanding BURQAA,s?:yay:
:What: and here i thought we were celebrating the resignation of maulan sahib , didnt know we woud be going down the islamic road......
On the loghter note i agree with what @Pak-one have said on first page, it was sami ul haq and that mullah aziz who satrted this talk of sharia before the talks actually begin.....lanat hai sb pe
Mullah Aziz is accurately reflecting the sentiments of the TTP in demanding " sharia". So where does this so called sharia come from??

During a TV interview today, he proudly pointed to the global revolution to implement so called sharia( read: salafi doctrine) currently underway in Syria, and other places. He was basically referring to the global salafi jihadist movement underway and orchestrated by the salafi establishment in Saudi.

The fact of the matter is that just as there are non-state actors in Pakistan fighting to carve out a salafi-inspired state, there are 'non state directors' in the Saudi Salafi establishment, orchestrating these violent insurgencies and propping up non state actors: the TTP and Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Al Nusra in Syria, AQAP in Yemen, AQIM in Mali, ISIS in Iraq, Al Shabab in Somalia, Abu Sayyaf in Philipines, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Ansar Al Sharia in Tunisia...the list goes on and on.

While TTP and other foot soldiers fight on the ground, the Salafi jihadist establishment provides the violent salafi ideology and operational guidance, as well as the funding to all these organizations through its Al Qaeda affiliates as directed by its 'non state directors' sitting in Saudi.

This is a war being waged by Salafi jihadists against the rest of the muslim world, and the western world.The goal is to overthrow existing states and set up salafi takfiri states around the world and eventually link them under the umbrella of a salafi caliphate.

The Salafi-funded TTP is intent on taking over the Pakistani state and turning it into a salafi fiefdom. And that is why the TTP refuses to accept the Pakistani constitution or the democratic system. They are looking to take over the state as per the directive from their masters.

Hopefully the Pakistani state and the US establishment are smart enough to realize that this war cannot be won just by targeting the non-state foot soldiers like TTP. At the end of the day, the fight must also be taken to the ' non state directors' sitting in Saudi , dreaming of a salafi caliphate and orchestrating diabolical insurgencies around the world.

It is time we bluntly told the Saudis to shut down the funding channels for the TTP currently being run by their Salafi backers in Saudi. The Saudis have being stabbing us in the back for far too long.

Perhaps the military chief on his current visit to Saudi will explain to the Saudis the painful consequences awaiting the Salafi-inspired TTP thugs and its sympathizers/abettors in Pakistan in the not too distant future.
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Good, now drop 100 tonnes of high explosive on him. Target kill filth like him. If they are able to carry on with their fitnah they will create more problems in the future.
What a joke. Sharia not a solid concept. No one knows what Sharia is.

If they are serious..then come out and present a written-draft of "Sharia" that they want. What "specific" changes they would like to see and come clear on issues.

And then we can talk.

If they say that rapists should be punished according to Sharia..then this can be acceptable..but if they say that EVERY girl must wear hijab..then this is bullshit and can't be accepted.

The point is, what 'exactly' are they arguing for? Just yelling sharia sharia is nothing but stupidity.
What a joke. Sharia not a solid concept. No one knows what Sharia is.

If they are serious..then come out and present a written-draft of "Sharia" that they want. What "specific" changes they would like to see and come clear on issues.

And then we can talk.

If they say that rapists should be punished according to Sharia..then this can be acceptable..but if they say that EVERY girl must wear hijab..then this is bullshit and can't be accepted.

The point is, what 'exactly' are they arguing for? Just yelling sharia sharia is nothing but stupidity.
no one knows what sharia is, it is a mystery, it has 1000000 interpretations !.......this is the propaganda by seculars, getting popular in attock-key-uss-paar pakistan.
no one knows what sharia is, it is a mystery, it has 1000000 interpretations !.......this is the propaganda by seculars, getting popular in attock-key-uss-paar pakistan.

What do you want to say exactly then?
Mera matlab hey key allah aur uskey rasool key saath nazdeek ho ja, shariat jaisi mystery samaj ajai gi.

Bhai tu serious hai ya joking? Don't you support MQM or something?
Talking about shariat. These negotiations are also unislamic according to the sharia. Since TTP guys are baghis(rebels) and it is duty of the Islamic state to quell such elements by force. So if TTP want shariah, we can start implementing it by simply killing everyone who is part of TTP and doesn't want to lay down weapons.

Is TTP ready? I am in support of shariah and want it to be implemented. Let's implement it starting from death of Mullah radio and the other crooks.
Don't get me started there. There 1000 of interpretation of Shariat e mohammadi, Which interpretation you want to follow?
mund dey, tey chk they phatey, baoo soni gadi alyaya?lolzz

Unlike some members here, i dont joke around when i am talking about allah, rasool and sharia.
allah, rasool never ever told us , to follow the islam , we hve these days?
in which every sect is trying hard to destory the others?
thus we all hve made ourselves a huge joke?

:What: and here i thought we were celebrating the resignation of maulan sahib , didnt know we woud be going down the islamic road......
On the loghter note i agree with what @Pak-one have said on first page, it was sami ul haq and that mullah aziz who satrted this talk of sharia before the talks actually begin.....lanat hai sb pe
all of this, is a big joke?
this faked & ever failed damo-crazy?
its political players, who are giving the breathing spaces to the terrorists, because these political thugs, wants to bankrupt the country, & they dont want to give, the militry the time & action to stop them , in their croupt plans & practices?
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Unlike some members here, i dont joke around when i am talking about allah, rasool and sharia.

Here is an article which raises some very valid points which some pea size brains like you, or the talibs or any shariat lover can't seem to answer or understand

One important allegation Taliban make against Pakistani rulers is that they are not implementing the Islamic Shari'ah. By failing in doing it, they claim, they have become Kafir (incorrigible denier of the truth), Fasiq (deliberate transgressor of God's law), and Zalim (unjust) in the eyes of God. The Qur'an says: "Those who do not judge by what God has sent down are Kafir ... Zalim ... Fasiq." (5:44,45,&47) The Qur'an tells us that Kafir and Munafiq (the hypocrites) should be fought against and dealt with sternly: "Prophet, fight against those who deny the truth (Kuffar) and the hypocrites (Munafiqin) and deal severely with them." (Qur'an; 66:9) And that is exactly what Taliban are doing with the Pakistani Muslim rulers and whoever is supporting them in their system. If their claim that they are following exactly what God has desired them to do is not responded to properly, they will continue to influence the hearts and minds of a large number of Muslims.

The fact is that Taliban read the Qur'an in a dangerously naive manner. Add to it their problem of stubbornness, and you have a perfect example of a group of people who are fully dedicated to their ideology on the one hand but practically are its biggest enemies in the manner they understand and practice it on the other. Let us take into consideration a few facts.

The verses referred to above (5:44,45,&47) are condemning those who don't take into account what God has revealed while judging. What Taliban think is that God has revealed punishments for certain crimes which our rulers aren't implementing. The fact is that God has revealed much more in the Qur'an. For instance, the book of God requires the believer to invite people towards God's path with wisdom (16:125); it requires the reader to listen to others with an open mind and follow what is good (39: 18); it asks God's servants to talk to people politely (2:83); it strongly condemns those who take human life (5:32); and it requires Muslims to run their affairs on the basis of mutual consultation (42:38). How do Taliban fare in all these criteria? Who then qualify to be described as Kafir, Fasiq, and Zalim?

Let us also be clear that the Islam law (Shari'ah) was gradually revealed in Madinah where the prophet (pbuh) had become the unquestionable ruler. However, despite his inimitable personality and unquestionable status as a ruler, the law was not implemented in one go as Taliban are demanding it to be done in Pakistan. Prohibition of alcohol, for instance, was done in three stages, the first two of which didn't prohibit it categorically. (See Qur'an: 2: 184-5;4:43; 5:90-1) Likewise was the case with many other laws like punishment for extra-marital sex, fasting, prohibition of riba, and law of inheritance etc The wisdom behind the gradual process of Shari'ah implementation was to prepare believers morally and spiritually first before requiring them to follow the relatively demanding expectations of Shari'ah. While the Qur'an expects the society to improve morally and spiritually first before they are given to take the full responsibility of the Shari'ah, Taliban believe it is the full implementation of the Shari'ah that will bring about the requisite moral and spiritual change. We have already experienced it in General Zia's era how erroneous this understanding is. And let's not discuss the Saudi Arabian society as an example at the moment where non-Saudi Muslims enjoy the status of at best second-rate citizens if not worse.

What mechanism do Taliban suggest to implement the Shari'ah? They believe it is going to be a committee of scholars who will decide the Shari'ah law that will be implemented in accordance with the policy given by the committee? What role will the parliament play in it then? Their answer is categorical: None. The question is who are going to be the scholars who will form the committee: Are they going to be Deobandi, Barelvi, Ahle Hadith, Shia, extremist, moderate, or liberal? How many of them are they going to be and what is going to happen if they disagree? Are the Taliban suggesting that God's book has left all these questions unanswered? Haven't they ever reflected upon the verse of Surah Shura which states that good Muslims take consultation as seriously as they take take their prayers and Zakat: "... those who establish prayers and whose decisions are based on mutual consultation and who spend (in Our way) from the sustenance we gave them." (Qur'an; 42:38) Do they not realize that the constitution of Pakistan and its parliament is functioning exactly in accordance with the Qur'anic requirement of Shura (mutual consultation) and the only right way of introducing the Shari'ah is to do it gradually by teaching, preaching, and convincing the majority, doing all this in the democratic and constitutional way? Have they ever realized that by resorting to violence they are blatantly violating God's injunction of consultation? Do they not know that the constitution of Pakistan is a promise that binds all Pakistanis to follow it in letter and spirit? The Qur'an binds all believers to honour their commitments. The prophet of God (pbuh) clarified that the one who breaks promises has no religion.

The fact is that as good Muslims we are expected to be law-abiding citizens of Pakistan. We need to be well-wishers of both the rulers and the common people as indeed we are expected to be well wishers of God and His messenger. That is exactly what the famous hadith al-Din al-Nasihah requires. Did Taliban really consider all these religious arguments before they launched their killing spree to introduce the Shari'ah? If they are deliberately ignoring these facts, they might find themselves struggling to respond to several allegations in the court of the Almighty: for killing innocent people, breaking promises (Pakistani constitution), showing arrogance, and preventing humanity from coming close to God's message by tarnishing its image.

Talibans Demand to Implement The Shari’ah Law | Concerned Citizen - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
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There are no two opinions on the fundamental teachings of Islam, hence above list. One does not need more than obvious laws of Islam to be a good practicing Muslim. Whatever is in Quran, take it, whatever is in Hadith, and if it is supported by Quran take it. Have doubt about something, leave it. Islam and its laws (shariah) are as simple as this. I have reached to this conclusion after reading of Tafseer Kabeer, Tafseer al-Quran from Moulana Moudoodi, saha Sitta, Kashaf al Mahjoob and many other books.

There is a differences between Shariah and Fiqah. The differences we see among various sects are in Fiqah, but not on shariah, which is consisted of fundamental Islamic laws, nothing more and nothing less. Even the two largest sects, Shia and Sunnis agree to the fundamental laws let alone the offshoots.

Indeed , there aren't . Except of course for a few exceptional cases . However , I am starting to feel that you are quite oversimplifying things because if the belief was enough to keep us united then surely we wouldn't have been fighting civil wars all along our history , right ? There are little differences over what is in Quran but the question is " What is in Hadith ? " . If you cant even agree which narrator is reliable and trustworthy then there's little scope for Muslim unity , my friend . The end result in all the cases will still be the same - nothing short of a civil war because I do not agree to your interpretation . If these are fundamental and obvious laws , then I personally believe they need not be enforced by the state . Unless of course they are much more complex than you are putting it out to be and not suitable for this century without modification and alteration remaining same in principle .

no one knows what sharia is, it is a mystery, it has 1000000 interpretations !.......this is the propaganda by seculars, getting popular in attock-key-uss-paar pakistan.

How many Pakistans do you have , boy ? :azn: Your culture and agendas of a few mixed with the batter of Islam and cooked half isn't Sharia by any chance and neither it is acceptable to anyone in Pakistan except of course for a few areas in F.A.T.A. . Even KPK would resist the seventh century laws in their old form . It is unclear and has different interpretations , after all , not all in Pakistan are Deobandis .
According to Pakistan constitution the SHARIYAAH is supreme Law.
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