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Abdul Aziz is going to resign as TTP negoitator

Don't get me started there. There 1000 of interpretation of Shariat e mohammadi, Which interpretation you want to follow?
One thousand interpretations? My friend, can you even list down 10% of the 1000 sects, or sub-sects, or groups who follow these 1000 interpretations of Shariah? From where (reference?) did you come up with this number? Maybe a difficult questions; let me ask something easier.

How many interpretations on belief in one Allah?
How many interpretations on Mohammed (PBUH) as his prophet?
How many interpretations on dis-allowance of pork consumption?
How many interpretations on dis-allowance of alcohol consumption?
How many interpretations on dis-allowance of a dead or non-slaughtered animal consumption?
How many interpretations on saying 5 times, and Juma prayers?
How many interpretations on paying annual zakat?
How many interpretations on on making once-in-a life-time pilgrimage to Mekkah?
How many interpretations on reading and understanding Quran?
How many interpretations on making money through halal (legitimate) means?
How many interpretations on personal hygiene?
How many interpretations on a legitimate marriage (nikkah) in presence of 4 witnesses?
How many interpretations on not falsely accusing people?
How many interpretations on not killing anybody except in defense of one's honor, property, and life?

And the list goes on...

Back to the topic of the thread...

It is nothing less than a slap on the face of Pakstani society in general, and judiciary/ law enforcement agencies in particular, that a terrorist owner and sympathizer, Abdul Aziz is roaming freely, and now sitting on the committee representing the rebels of the state.

Jis thhali mein khhatey hein, us mein hi chhed kartey hein. Beyghairat.
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On the whole bareilvis very loosely follow islam but they make two third population of pakistan. The who idea behind bareilvi sect was to protect and maintain "hindostani cultural practices of islam" i.e urs, milad, mazar-parasti, qawalis, pir faqeeri, malang dances etc. So its evident that they would oppose any school which is against their traditional unislamic practices. Their concept of islamic laws, moral code are not wrong but they are simply not interested in enforcing it. Religous activities in punjab are promoted by deobandis,...bareilvi population is so relax that mosques in their areas are attended mostly at nimaz e juma.

First iron out your own differences as to what it is and who accepts your interpretations amongst thousand others . Just a mention of Sharia and there you are , talking against a sect with so much zeal , emotions and enthusiasm , the same they will be saying about you and the drama continues . You cant even agree on something which they understand as the " right away " and they wouldn't what you understand as the " right way " . So , what are we going to enforce ? :D

One thousand interpretations? My friend, can you even list down 10% of the 1000 sects, or sub-sects, or groups who follow these 1000 interpretations of Shariah? From where (reference?) did you come up with this number? Maybe a difficult questions; let me ask something easier.

Sectarianism !The number of interpretations doesn't mean that a sect does even have to follow them . We are all aware of how Muslims follow their religion in their own lives , so to talk of enforcing it on a societal and by extension country level here is pure idealism , the reality is far different and actually sinister . Are there a thousand interpretations ? Actually , yes , even more . Will a single sect agree to that of other regardless of following its own version itself ? They cant even co-exist peacefully in Pakistan let alone talk of accepting the version of religion of other . The list you gave , the Sharia extends far , far beyond that and to things , to which you cant even dream on consensus and compromise . You didn't delve deeper than the basic things here and the upper part of the picture .
First iron out your own differences as to what it is and who accepts your interpretations amongst thousand others .

The list you gave , the Sharia extends far , far beyond that and to things , to which you cant even dream on consensus and compromise . You didn't delve deeper than the basic things here and the upper part of the picture .
There are no two opinions on the fundamental teachings of Islam, hence above list. One does not need more than obvious laws of Islam to be a good practicing Muslim. Whatever is in Quran, take it, whatever is in Hadith, and if it is supported by Quran take it. Have doubt about something, leave it. Islam and its laws (shariah) are as simple as this. I have reached to this conclusion after reading of Tafseer Kabeer, Tafseer al-Quran from Moulana Moudoodi, saha Sitta, Kashaf al Mahjoob and many other books.

There is a differences between Shariah and Fiqah. The differences we see among various sects are in Fiqah, but not on shariah, which is consisted of fundamental Islamic laws, nothing more and nothing less. Even the two largest sects, Shia and Sunnis agree to the fundamental laws let alone the offshoots.
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The situation is becoming more clearer the talks are doomed.

Pakistan Taliban negotiator pulls out of talks

's fledgling peace talks with the Taliban suffered a fresh blow Friday as a negotiator for the militants said he would take no further part until the agenda included the imposition of Islamic sharia law.

The intervention from firebrand cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz comes a day after teams representing the government and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) held a preliminary round of talks in Islamabad.

There has been widespread scepticism about the chances of the peace initiative achieving a lasting solution to the TTP's bloody seven-year insurgency.

Aziz, the chief cleric at Islamabad's radical Red Mosque, said Pakistan's constitution should be replaced by the Koran and the hadith, or sayings of the Prophet Mohammad.

"That should be the law in Pakistan and until the committee brings this point on the agenda I won't be part of negotiations," he told reporters on Friday.

He said he would remain part of the TTP's three-man delegation led by fellow cleric Maulana Sami-ul-Haq, unless told otherwise, but would not come to the negotiating table.

"I won't participate in talks until they include a clause about the imposition of Islamic law," he said.

On Thursday, the government and TTP negotiators, including Aziz, issued a joint statement agreeing to work within the framework of Pakistan's constitution.

Aziz's move threatens to further undermine the talks -- the government side has already voiced doubts about the composition and authority of the TTP's representatives.

The government delegation skipped an initial meeting on Tuesday citing confusion over the militants' team after two members pulled out.
Showing his true color and character, exactly as I was expecting. This is what happens when you don't bring the state rebels to justice. I cant say for others, but I have seen the entire 'lal masjid' saga unfolded. This person and his brother (Abdul Rasheed), who got killed for good in the military action, never believed in the constitution of Pakistan. They established a state within the state and terrorized the citizens living in and around that area. Was that not enough to have him tried and hanged for his actions, which resulted in martyr of several jawans and a SSG colonel? But as Mr. Ayaz Amir has said several times, we are a nation that never learns.
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Exactly as I and others predicted.

This guy is a lunatic, deserves to be put in jail for the rest of his life.

His very face wreaks of disgust....

These talks are bound to fail with the shame negotiators both sides have put up.
His very face wreaks of disgust....
Very true, and he is not alone with this face type; Fazal ur Rahman, Sami ul Haq, Munawar Hassan, and all of their kind wear this trophy.

Moderators: Is it possible to take off the title 'Moulana' before Abdul Aziz's name? PDF should have a policy on not addressing state rebels with titles such as 'Moulana'. This is an insult of this title.
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Very true, and he is not alone with this face type; Fazal ur Rahman, Sami ul Haq, Munawar Hassan, and all of their kind wear this trophy.

Moderators: Is it possible to take off the title 'Moulana' before Abdul Aziz's name? PDF should have a policy on not addressing state rebels with titles such as 'Moulana'. This is an insult of this title.


I actually have a problem with calling anyone Maulana.

What it means is "Maula-ana"...meaning Mera maula.

And since a human is not my maula, I don't call anyone Maulana.
Its not a question of if an operation will be started but when.....
Which sharia was enforced by holy prophet p.b.u.h in medina?
Islamic laws are same in deobandi, bareilvi and shia school of thoughts.
is holy prophet p,b,u,h is still alive & defining us, that in medina?
then who is going to define, it for US, mullha fazullha, mulana sami, mullana fazul rehman or mullha umar?
Its not a question of if an operation will be started but when.....
ohh no?
shouldnt be any opreation?
should be talks, when & how should be the pakistan would be given under TTp right?
that was the voice of heart from IMRAN, MUNNAWAR, FAZLU?
belive me just ask, them again these cowards, will yell you the same?
but why not, these pathatic peace lovers, went in to negociate, instead of mullana BURQAA comnando, azziz?
is holy prophet p,b,u,h is still alive & defining us, that in medina?
then who is going to define, it for US, mullha fazullha, mulana sami, mullana fazul rehman or mullha umar?

ohh no?
shouldnt be any opreation?
should be talks, when & how should be the pakistan would be given under TTp right?
that was the voice of heart from IMRAN, MUNNAWAR, FAZLU?
belive me just ask, them again these cowards, will yell you the same?
but why not, these pathatic peace lovers, went in to negociate, instead of mullana BURQAA comnando, azziz?

I dont have much care for Fazlu, Munawar etc, but for IK I still have some shred of respects, I believe IK had his own reasons to deny being the Taliban's representative, and the operation is imminent in my opinion, lets hope that it can be achieved with minimum loss of Pakistani blood both military and civilian, lets pray to the Almighty that the operation uproots the evil of the Taliban once and for all.....:pakistan:
I dont have much care for Fazlu, Munawar etc, but for IK I still have some shred of respects, I believe IK had his own reasons to deny being the Taliban's representative, and the operation is imminent in my opinion, lets hope that it can be achieved with minimum loss of Pakistani blood both military and civilian, lets pray to the Almighty that the operation uproots the evil of the Taliban once and for all.....:pakistan:
his reasons?
his reasons are quite financial, the aid he gets from western world, because they think him as a rebel libral, will be stop immeditly , i guss?
if he acecpts the, negociating chair from TTp side?
so thats what he was standing for, all theses years ?but when the time came he is another failed story of the day?
guss its the reall what he , it is?right
a coward who, just wishes to be a PM of pakistan?
It feels Gen Raheel is far smart politicians then these so called politicians. How easily he show the real faces of extremist supporters.
It seems a big clash is imminent ....TTP Sharia VS Constitution of Pakistan...
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