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Abbottabad protests against Osama killing


Aug 29, 2010
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Abbottabad protests against Osama killing

Hundreds protest against bin Laden killing in Pakistan | Provinces | DAWN.COM


ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (AFP) – Hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets on Friday, cheering Osama bin Laden and shouting "death to America" to condemn a unilateral US raid on their soil that killed the Al-Qaeda chief.
In Abbottabad, not far from where bin Laden was found and killed by US commandos in a shock operation on May 2, police marshalled a rally of about 1,000 men who gathered at the downtown bazaar to march after Friday prayers.
Setting fire to tyres and blocking a main road, the protesters yelled: "Down, down USA!" and "Terrorist, terrorist, USA terrorist".
The crowd waved banners that condemned the Sunday-Monday overnight raid, which both the Pakistani and US governments have said was carried out without Pakistani leaders being given prior notice.
"If you want to save Pakistan, you will have to break the chains of American slavery," read another banner.
Pakistan's weak and fractured civilian government is widely unpopular among the country's population of 170 million, and seen as a lackey to the United States.
Widespread anti-Americanism in Pakistan is fuelled by the 10-year war in neighbouring Afghanistan and a CIA drone war targeting Al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders who live in Pakistan's tribal belt in the northwest.
Hundreds of people also gathered in the southwestern city of Quetta at the behest of the pro-Taliban Jamiat-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) political party, where the crowd shouted "Long Live Osama," called for holy war and burnt a US flag.
"Osama's services for Muslims will be remembered forever," said Abdul Qadir Looni, a senior JUI figure addressing the rally.
"He challenged the greatest Satan and usurper like America and awakened Muslims across the globe. This gathering pays tribute to him," Looni said.
Hafiz Fazal Bareach, a former federal senator and senior party leader, said the US killing of bin Laden would create thousands of others like him.
"One Osama has been martyred and now thousands of Osamas will be born, because he created a movement against anti-Muslim forces which is not dependent on personalities," Bareach said.
"America first martyred Osama and then desecrated his corpse," he said, vowing that "jihad (holy war) will continue against America and its allies."
Pakistan's largest religious political party Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) had called for protests across the country on Friday to denounce the US operation, but gatherings were not as large as some people had expected.
In the northwestern city of Peshawar some 400 people heeded JI's call, shouting "Death to America", "Death to Pakistani rulers" and "Long Live Osama".
Another 300-man strong rally was held in the central city of Multan.
Friday is a traditional day of protest in the Muslim world, where demonstrations frequently take place after the main weekly prayers.
Pakistan on Thursday demanded that the United States cut its troop presence in the country to a "minimum" as the fallout from the raid intensified and threatened to review cooperation in the event of another similar operation.
Obviously those protesters support terrorism. When our Navy Seals eliminated Osama there was celebrations all across America. Not one Pakistani flag was burned and nobody shouted down with Pakistan. It's time to re-evaluate our relationship with Pakistan.
Abbottabad protests against Osama killing

Hundreds protest against bin Laden killing in Pakistan | Provinces | DAWN.COM

Pakistanis protest over bin Laden killing - Yahoo! News

ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (AFP) – Hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets on Friday, cheering Osama bin Laden and shouting "death to America" to condemn a unilateral US raid on their soil that killed the Al-Qaeda chief.
In Abbottabad, not far from where bin Laden was found and killed by US commandos in a shock operation on May 2, police marshalled a rally of about 1,000 men who gathered at the downtown bazaar to march after Friday prayers.
Setting fire to tyres and blocking a main road, the protesters yelled: "Down, down USA!" and "Terrorist, terrorist, USA terrorist".
The crowd waved banners that condemned the Sunday-Monday overnight raid, which both the Pakistani and US governments have said was carried out without Pakistani leaders being given prior notice.
"If you want to save Pakistan, you will have to break the chains of American slavery," read another banner.
Pakistan's weak and fractured civilian government is widely unpopular among the country's population of 170 million, and seen as a lackey to the United States.
Widespread anti-Americanism in Pakistan is fuelled by the 10-year war in neighbouring Afghanistan and a CIA drone war targeting Al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders who live in Pakistan's tribal belt in the northwest.
Hundreds of people also gathered in the southwestern city of Quetta at the behest of the pro-Taliban Jamiat-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) political party, where the crowd shouted "Long Live Osama," called for holy war and burnt a US flag.
In the northwestern city of Peshawar some 400 people heeded JI's call, shouting "Death to America", "Death to Pakistani rulers" and "Long Live Osama".
Another 300-man strong rally was held in the central city of Multan.

First of all Indians will take every chance to worsen relations between Pakistan and the US, but lets get t the point

(01) As the articke states Hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets on Friday?

(02) In the northwestern city of Peshawar some 400 people ?

(03) Another 300-man strong rally was held in the central city of Multan ?

Actually Pakistan is a country of 184,000,000 people (184 million) and with the census underway, it will come out between 190+ million to 200 million.

300, 400 and 1,000 whatis that 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 of the population.

Though I do agree that it is time to re-evaluate our relation with the US. We also need to improve our relations with Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. Russia and Iran can be both trade and strategic partners.
First of all Indians will take every chance to worsen relations between Pakistan and the US, but lets get t the point
Yeah, everything is done by India. Its very easy to blame others just like PM Gilani blamed the world for failure to find OBL near Islamabad staying in a million dollar mansion.

(01) As the articke states Hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets on Friday?

(02) In the northwestern city of Peshawar some 400 people ?

(03) Another 300-man strong rally was held in the central city of Multan ?

Actually Pakistan is a country of 184,000,000 people (184 million) and with the census underway, it will come out between 190+ million to 200 million.

300, 400 and 1,000 whatis that 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 of the population.

Though I do agree that it is time to re-evaluate our relation with the US. We also need to improve our relations with Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. Russia and Iran can be both trade and strategic partners.

This is not any equation and keep Russia out. lol



Obviously those protesters support terrorism. When our Navy Seals eliminated Osama there was celebrations all across America. Not one Pakistani flag was burned and nobody shouted down with Pakistan. It's time to re-evaluate our relationship with Pakistan.

Y u forgot Osama was an American Soldier and An American hero when he won the war against USSR!!!

It was u (USA) who potrated him as a hero in the world.......Y blame others for ur sins
“If the instigation for jihad against the Jews and the Americans in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy Ka’aba is considered a crime, let history be a witness that I am a criminal!” Osama Bin Ladin.
I think it's dumb of you to determine what the nation thinks by basing your facts on 1000 demonstrators.


+ this so-called "War on Terror" is completely bullshit, anyone who does agree with Western politics is labeled as a terrorist.
People there are protesting against air space violation by U.S. Not on Osama's death. .

With Osama's posters in hand?..did you see the video provided in the first link?..protest in Abbottabad was organised by Jamat-e-Islami...a legitmate political party in Pakistan.

I guess the statement at 2:05 stands obsolete now huh???
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