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Abbottabad Commission clears Pak govt, military

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Enough of your anti pakistan propogsnda..
No idea why you bother displaying Pakistani flag when you never have anything positive to say about the country.

Buddy you are debating like RazPak telling me to remove the Pakistani flag, etc.

Come on, you are Jr.Think Tank, act like it.
Because my house is only 3 km from the alleged osama hideout and nobody knew who was living in that house..

I guess thats the whole point of a "hideout" mate.

The commission report clears pakistan of knowingly protecting osama and they are right..
The commission wasnt created to verify if osama was there or not..
It only says that if something called osama was there un Abottabad...the local people or army didnt know about it....

The fact that Osama was THERE is a given. The only issue was, was Pakistan or any of its establishments complicit in this. This has been proven to be false, essentially absolving Pakistan of all responsibility. But then again, I feel thats highly unlikely. There must have definitely been SOMEONE who knew he was living there! Such a high profile figure and NOONE knew about it? That is a little bit hard to digest. But whatever.
I guess thats the whole point of a "hideout" mate.

The fact that Osama was THERE is a given. The only issue was, was Pakistan or any of its establishments complicit in this. This has been proven to be false, essentially absolving Pakistan of all responsibility. But then again, I feel thats highly unlikely. There must have definitely been SOMEONE who knew he was living there! Such a high profile figure and NOONE knew about it? That is a little bit hard to digest. But whatever.

I don't think so.

Even USA acknowledged that they didn't find any smoking gun evidence from Bin Laden compound which proved that Pakistan was hiding him there.

This was just pure and utter incompetence on the part of Pakistan that they failed to notice such a massive house with huge security fences being constructed right near their military establishment.

I guess it was hubris on the part of ISI and Army that they could not comprehend that the world's most wanted man could be living so close to their nerve center.

I personally do not think that Pakistan was involved in sheltering Bin Laden but it showed utter incompetence on the part of Pakistan for its failure to detect him.
I don't think so.

Even USA acknowledged that they didn't find any smoking gun evidence from Bin Laden compound which proved that Pakistan was hiding him there.

This was just pure and utter incompetence on the part of Pakistan that they failed to notice such a massive house with huge security fences being constructed right near their military establishment.

I guess it was hubris on the part of ISI and Army that they could not comprehend that the world's most wanted man could be living so close to their nerve center.

I personally do not think that Pakistan was involved in sheltering Bin Laden but it showed utter incompetence on the part of Pakistan for its failure to detect him.

If you been to Pakistan you wont say that..
Most large houses are with tall walls and security arrangements...Thats nothing abnormal in Pakistan.
If you been to Pakistan you wont say that..
Most large houses are with tall walls and security arrangements...Thats nothing abnormal in Pakistan.

Then how is it that CIA were able to figure out that Bin Laden lived here? Its the physical features of the house which gave it away as a hideout.
How utterly absurd. The GoP/PA knew he was there. Otherwise the most wanted man on earth sat in his huge house without battering an eyelid from the throughly useless law enforcement. If the ISI is as powerful and omnipotent as they like the world to believe how did they miss this? And surely that means hey are likely to have missed So much else. It is either complicity or incompetcance either way it makes the Pakistani state look like a failed one because both scenarios are equally as scary. Either the Paksirani state is so incompetent they can't even find Osama a few hundred metres down the road from their officer training academy meaning they can't hope to Ben remotely keep their citizens safe or the Pakstani government were in cohoots with such an evil man meaning they are state sponsors of terror. Chilling indeed, their is no wriggle room in this one- it has to be admitted Paksitan is in the brown stuff.

I dearly hope this post isn't deleted because there is nothing I have said that is not true is there?
The Daily Telegraph quoting a senior government official says that no one else in the town knew the world s most wanted man had taken up residence there.

It clears Pakistan s government and military establishment of involvement, a verdict that will prompt accusations of a cover-up and infuriate Western diplomats.

The Abbottabad Commission had spent the past year and a half questioning military officers, Osama s wives and residents of Abbottabad.

Osama s presence in Abbottabad, a little away from Islamabad, was deeply embarrassing for the country s leaders.

The investigation describes how the daughter of one of bin Laden s two couriers, who lived with their families in separate buildings inside the high-walled compound, saw the al-Qaeda leader as she climbed the stairs in his private area for a Koran lesson with one of his wives.

According to the Pakistani source, she was oblivious to his identity until she saw his picture on television some days later.

This prompted a hurried security conference inside the compound, which ended with bin Laden giving up his exercise routine in a covered part of the courtyard.

A senior government source said they would find few answers in the commission s report.

"At the end of the day it really doesn t tell us much more than we already knew. It s a disappointment for those who thought this episode might represent a turning point for Pakistan s relationship with extremist groups," he said, adding that the investigation had spent more time considering infringements of Pakistan s sovereignty by the US Seals than probing how such a well-known fugitive evaded detection.

American critics have accused Pakistani officials of knowing more about Osama s presence than they were letting on.

"If Pakistan had taken this breach of sovereignty seriously - by which I mean the head of al-Qaeda sitting in a cantonment so close to the capital - we should have seen a very vigorous investigation," said Christine Fair, a Pakistan watcher at Georgetown University.

"This was a joke," she added.

The five-member judicial commission submitted its report to the government last week.he report also concludes that stealth technology used by the U.S. helicopters enabled them to enter Pakistani airspace without being detected.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Abbottabad Commission clears Pak govt, military ...

Abbottabad commission report is not limited to what you have posted!

Why are members hesitant to discuss the other part of commission's report?

Let's see who has the courage?
mullah umer is not ayash sex hungry lazy like OBL .:)

October 2, 2001: US Intelligence Cables Review ‘Hidden Agenda’ of ISI Support for Taliban
An agent of the Defense Intelligence Agency sends two classified cables to various US government agencies detailing how Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) created the Taliban and helped al-Qaeda. The agent writes that during the Soviet-Afghan War, the “Pakistan government also had a hidden agenda… Pakistan decided to deliberately influence the outcome. Rather than allow the most gifted Afghan commanders and parties to flourish, who would be hard to control later, Pakistan preferred to groom the incompetent ones [because] they would be wholly reliant on Pakistan for support… Pakistan also encouraged, facilitated, and often escorted Arabs from the Middle East into Afghanistan. Eventually a special facility was constructed… with [ISI] funding.” When Ahmed Shah Mossoud captured Kabul in the early 1990s, “Pakistan could not accept this result and the fragile Afghan coalition began another civil war, with the Pakistan stooge (Gulbuddin Hekmatyar) being backed to seize total power. In the end Pakistan was proved right about only one thing, Hekmatyar was incompetent. He was never able to wrest Kabul from Massoud, despite massive logistical and material (including manpower) support from Pakistan.” When Hekmatyar failed, “[Pakistan] created another force they hoped to have better control over than Hekmatyar’s rabble. It was called Taliban… To lead the Taliban Pakistan chose Mullah Mohammad (Omar), who was willing to do as he was told… Omar’s emergence is credited to Pakistan ISI actions… The fully supported (by Pakistan) Taliban prevailed over the unsupported legitimate government of Afghanistan…” [DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, 10/2/2001 ; DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, 10/2/2001 ]


Then how is it that CIA were able to figure out that Bin Laden lived here? Its the physical features of the house which gave it away as a hideout.

Again..you have no idea on how houses are built in Pakistan and in that area..
Even my househas high walls..razor wires and motion sensitive lights..
Its due to general law and order situation and old traditions..
People feel better if nobody can see inside their house...
It took 10 years to find Bin Laden.

It takes time to find these guys.

Mullah Omar is probably hiding out in Quetta.

What is the background of your assumption?

With regard to OBL, Pakistan army on record requested US army responsible, before 11-9 to take away their asset OBL.

Pakistan has handed over Afghan ambassador to US, in punishment for not handing over OBL... who was later released, with some anti Pakistan understanding/agenda.

While, the expected age of dialysis patient at the end of hunt is expected to be, 80 years.

Please, save us from this OBL hunt $hit, while you can clearly see that Pakistani commission's report discredit your version of story.
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