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Abandoned in life; forgotten in death: Shia minority of Pakistan!


Aug 19, 2014
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The writer is a Lahore-based lawyer. The views expressed by the author are his own saroop.ijaz@tribune.com.pk

‘Pakistan’s 9/11’, ‘Never again’, ‘united we stand’ and similar expressions of resolve and the severity of the situation post-APS, Peshawar were all natural, and perhaps justified in that moment of grief, and above all, horror. The All Parties Conference, the National Action Plan, the moving to tear tribute songs; it was ‘the’ moment. Except, it wasn’t. We perhaps, have spent all our outrage post-APS, Peshawar. Shikarpur happened weeks later, and the Media could not cover it because of the hysterics and silly frolics of two of our National leaders were keeping us busy. Sixty people died in Shikarpur. They were Shia. Peshawar has happened again, it is murder again this time, and those dead are Shia. It is a pity that they had to die just before the World Cup; nobody has the time for remorse, grief or horror. The Nation is bleeding green, while the Shias simply bleed.

Language gives much away. Many on the Media were conflicted between using ‘Shaheed’ (Martyr) and ‘Jaan Bahaq’ (dead) for those who died in the imambargah in Peshawar. Bewildered, they ask, why were namazis killed? Who can do such a heinous act? One would have thought them to be hopelessly naive, if one didn’t know better. Let us still break it down for them: they were killed because they were Shia, by extremists who believe themselves to be devout Muslims and further believe that the Shias are ‘kafir’ (infidels) and ‘wajibul qatl’ (liable to be murdered). Elevated talk of proxy wars, ‘sectarian violence’ and global politics does not obscure the fact that there are people, seemingly reasonable and formally educated, who believe that Shias are infidels and practice unsavoury rituals and are part of some secret conspiracy; you and I know these people and have heard many of them on national television and read them in mainstream Urdu papers.

They do not openly advocate murder, yet are expert proponents of the second worst thing: demonising and ‘otherising’. To mention the sect of those killed is to create ‘sectarian strife’, sometimes, it seems is worse than the killing itself. Since the killers are part of a global conspiracy to destabilise Pakistan and fuel ‘sectarian violence’.

Shias in Pakistan are not mainstream, the State does not own them, and the Shias who make it to the top do it in spite of being Shia and in most cases, change the topic when personal beliefs are brought up.


The entire point of ‘defining moments’ and tribute songs is to humanise the conflict and the loss. We managed to do it admirably post-APS, Peshawar. Yet, with the systematic killing of the Shia, we are unwilling to humanise them, and insist upon a language that makes them victims of some (partly imagined) global conflict. The dead are mere statistics. ‘innocent citizens’, ‘Pakistanis’ and many other terms are used to refer to those killed in imambargahs by all of our National leaders except the obvious: ‘Shias were killed for being Shias.’

An essay of Jean-Paul Sartre, “Reflexions sur la question juive” or “Anti-Semite and Jew” that I have previously relied upon in this context is worth repeating to our democratic leaders and their condemnations of the murder of Shias. Sartre writes about the democrat being a “feeble protector” of the Jews being persecuted, “The democrat says, ‘There are no Jews’, and he says, ‘there is no Jewish question’. This means that he wants to separate the Jew from his religion, from his family, from his ethnic community, in order to plunge him into the democratic crucible whence he will emerge naked and alone, an individual and solitary particle like all the other particles.”

To dehumanise the victim is to abandon her. The Shias are dehumanised in life by the ASWJ and LeJ affiliates, for whom they are nothing but embodiment of ‘kuffar’ and then dehumanised in death by well-meaning, ‘patriotic democrats’ by lumping them in a large pool of the entire citizenry, obscuring the reason for their murder and their identities.

In a real National Action Plan, the prime minister will first admit to the mass killing of the Shias, and then assert that nobody will be allowed to brand anyone else a ‘kafir’ or give any pronouncements on the faith of anyone else; anyone who tries this will have to face the might of the State. The prime minister cannot do that. Punjab has to be kept safe. The ASWJ and the SSP might not bring a lot of seats; however, they do bring votes. The prime minister cannot do that because the State can’t. The State has practised ‘takfir’, most notably while declaring the Ahmadis ‘kafirs’. If and when the real National Action Plan finally comes, it will start with the State apologising and giving the solemn guarantee that giving proclamations on personal faith is none of the State’s business. Sounds despairingly naive and idealistic at this point, right? It is, and so is the situation in our fight against the enemy.

What about General Musharraf’s recent tell-all? Admitting that the Pakistani security establishment “cultivated” the Taliban in his tenure. Why has hell not broken loose and heavens not crumbled? Because firstly, we already knew that, and secondly, as a former army chief, he has impunity and the gallant media warriors cannot brand him as a foreign traitor, agent, etc. Who will apologise for this? No one will. The harvest of this and past cultivation are the namazisin imambargahs in Rawalpindi, Shikarpur and Peshawar.

Shias are not the only groups under attack in Pakistan. Everyone is under attack, to a varying degree though. Yet, some are more vulnerable for now than others. To be dishonest to one victim of murder will and does lead to dishonesty about all victims of the same murderer. It is the job of the politician to play petty politics over dead bodies and it is sickening to see the circus of provincial versus federal government responsibility to protect. In times of war, leaders rise above petty point-scoring or they don’t; and nations do sink and states fail. As long as the ASWJ and LEJ leaders have government protocol and societal deference, this battle is a losing one; and not just for one group of the killed but for all.

Fortunately, we do have the distraction of the World Cup, so prepare for the ‘War’ on Sunday and bleed green, and try not to remember that the Shias in Peshawar simply bleed.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 15th, 2015.
Abandoned in life; forgotten in death – The Express Tribune

A very well-written masterpiece! All applause for the author!

@Daneshmand @Didact @rahi2357 @Judge @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Echo_419 @pursuit of happiness @SrNair @SOHEIL @kollang @Razia Sultana @ExtraOdinary @BDforever @Aarush @Keel @Dr. Stranglove @volatile @shontumontu @PurpleButcher @Alphacharlie @kaku1 @itachiii @Serpentine @mike2000 @HRK @syedali73 @Dominance @Major Shaitan Singh @graphican @halupridol @TejasMk3 @Kiarash @Shahryar Hedayati @Cheetah786 @Avtar @Gaber @DESERT FIGHTER @Takaavar @ShowGun @mohsen @SN320 @seiko @MehrotraPrince @Malik Alashter @sandesh kumar @ArsalanKhan21 @tahir195 @Arminkh @Hindustani78 @thesolar65 @raptor22 @Aamna Ali @levina @Nilesh Singh @Syrian Lion @Basel @Hakan @khujliwal @TWINBLADE @Not Sure @Hasbara Buster @Roybot @Gunsnroses @pkuser2k12 @The SiLent crY @TOPGUN @mb444 @vostok @AUz @Srinivas @Stealth @jack 86000 @Mike_Brando @wolfschanzze @kbd-raaf @Jaggu @my2cents @indiatester @Brahmos_2 @bhangi bava @volcano @ya hosein @VelocuR @mister @Lord Zen @hacsan @TankMan @Etilla @Srinivas @desert warrior @pumkinduke @wolfpack @rubyjackass @Derolo @Archdemon @Natan @500 @MarkovChain @Solomon2 @F-15I @A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @SHAMK9 @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @syedali73 @Tameem @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Cheetah786 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @420canada @sathya @HughSlaman @slapshot @raza_888 @SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @WishLivePak @Waffen SS @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @CHARGER @yesboss @TheNoob @Bratva @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @Force-India @faisal6309 @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @Donatello @Darth Vader @wolfschanzze @TheFlyingPretzel @DRAY @narcon @FaujHistorian @1000 @FNFAL @gau8av @abhi21 @naveen mishra @Kunwar Anurag Rathore @AgNoStiC MuSliM @LeveragedBuyout @MastanKhan @Agent Smith @shuntmaster @Slav Defence @sur @XenoEnsi-14 @DESERT FIGHTER @p100 @BDforever @hunter_hunted @Mav3rick @rockstar08 @asad71 @Major Sam @Faizan Memon @Spy Master @ozzy22 @Manticore @war khan @Afridistan @Razia Sultana @madmusti @ghazaliy2k @Khalid Newazi @Ammyy @bloo @Marxist @karan.1970 @thesolar65 @Not Sure @Arav_Rana @Avik274 @SamantK @Major Shaitan Singh @Omega007 @farhan_9909 @haviZsultan @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @ravi Nair @WAR-rior @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando @SarthakGanguly @sreekumar @Pakistani shaheens @ChennaiDude @Akheilos @Hyperion @Soumitra @TimeTraveller @pursuit of happiness @TankMan @T-123456 @madooxno9 @scorpionx @Capt.Popeye @Tridibans @christian warrior @GR!FF!N @SpArK @utraash @Falcon29 @levina @Jf Thunder @Metanoia @halupridol @Krate M @dexter @jbgt90 @Pride @Star Wars @ROCKING @waleed3601 @ShowGun @danish_vij @manojb @Wolfhound @Koovie @KingMamba @venu309 @Pak_Sher @OrionHunter @Dr. NooB NinjA
I wish Pakistan all the best!
What is going on now, is happening all over the world, Muslims killing each other, that is because of the west's divide and conquer, what needs to happen that is each country must have its own independent foreign policy... when a country follows not its own policy, their interest in the long run will be damaged...

notice that wherever the western governments has its hands in, there is chaos and destruction...
May peace return to our region and our countries!
Well that is what you get for importing Wahabi ideology.
It has also got a lot to do with Pakistan trying to be a Arab nation instead of being a Nation whose links and ties are linked with India.They hate India so much that in order to create a new identity for themselves they adopted Arab nation model, So naturally when you adopt such model, you also import all their grudges,fights,sectarian violence,politics etc.
My answer to that is: Shea are hypocrites!!!.

Look what happen to them in Iraq with all the killing and rape of their women they still blame on terrorists and baathist while both words are vague and pointing to no one in particular.

that's just to satisfy sunnis while we know that sunnis in general takfiris when it comes to the Shea.

You can't solve a problem if you don't put your finger on the real cause of that problem.

Ignoring the real cause make you circling in an endless circle you just cheat your self.

Sunni weather in Iraq or Pakistan support the terrorism mainly for religious reasons.

the main thing is that they believe that Shea are either Kuffar or Fasiq (punk). Ask any Sunni how many Islamic Branch we have he or she will answer you like that ( Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali) So what does that means?

It means that every one out of these four is not Muslim add to that a little bit of fabricated slur then you have inhuman that is ready to be killed by any way.

I think the cure to that is that Sunni clerics recognize the Shea as Muslims and admit that takfiries are the enemy of the nation other wise this slaughter of shea will continue for only god knows how long.

No doubt that is some others fueling the hate towards the shea since their main goal is trigger a Sunni-Shea war that will last decades!!! within that period of time they have already done their goals.

I believe the main feeders to this conflicts are two Saudis who support the Wahhabis and Qattaries who feed the extremists.

That fire once ignited it will spare no regime but who care since they already build their futures some where where they think no one will get to them.

First of all---this term of SHAHEED has bee used very loosely----nobody should be termed a shaheed until and unless they are fighting a war for the defence of their nation.

To the dead either a sunni mosque or a shia mosque or a suicide attack---those whose lives got sacrificed for the ideology of the nation.

First of all---this term of SHAHEED has bee used very loosely----nobody should be termed a shaheed until and unless they are fighting a war for the defence of their nation.

To the dead either a sunni mosque or a shia mosque or a suicide attack---those whose lives got sacrificed for the ideology of the nation.
Correct. Even convicted criminals such as Bhutto is called Shaheed. In Pakistan, every Tom, Dick, and Harry is Shaheed.
Saddening to read. The part where press has to decide what word to use for the victims.... :shocked:

The really weird part of the whole thing....during independence, Sunni hardliners and Deobandis were actually pro-united India, while Shias and other sects were the ones that actually fought really hard for division. (from what I've read). But the situation is different. I remember seeing pics of Old pakistan, and now looking at pictures come out it seems to have changed a lot.

To me this due to the huge influx of Wahabi ideology, money, for multiple purposes.....and hence influences thoughts. LeJ for example was created to counter Shia nationalism post the Iranian revolution...and it just went out of control. Then there is the whole anti-India ideas at work aswell...all of this has resulted in a really explosive situation.
Unless drastic steps are taken, and some force and will is required, but sadly the orgs capable of doing this seems to be the ones that have a stake in this too.
uring independence, Sunni hardliners and Deobandis were actually pro-united India, while Shias and other sects were the ones that actually fought really hard for division.
That's them! in Iraq during the invasion of the brits. Sunnis sided with Brits betraying their brothers the Turks while the Shea fauight hardly!!! that's led to the Brits look at the Shea as the enemy hence they cooperate with the Sunnis to bring a king to the country from Hijaz betraying is their product mark what a shame.
@Norwegian ,

Here the lesson to be learned is that you support radicalization thinking that it will Hurt others sparing us, it is a great mistake. Way to out for Pakistan is to educate people good things, stop military intervention in each and evry matter, take welfare measures and heal the wounds of people who have suffered. To be a secular country is a primary condition.
Little do people know that Pakistan is the only Sunni majority country to have shia leaders

@Norwegian ,

Here the lesson to be learned is that you support radicalization thinking that it will Hurt others sparing us, it is a great mistake. Way to out for Pakistan is to educate people good things, stop military intervention in each and evry matter, take welfare measures and heal the wounds of people who have suffered. To be a secular country is a primary condition.
Now we all know what happened to Taseer so keep your secularism to yourself.
I wish Pakistan all the best!
What is going on now, is happening all over the world, Muslims killing each other, that is because of the west's divide and conquer, what needs to happen that is each country must have its own independent foreign policy... when a country follows not its own policy, their interest in the long run will be damaged...

notice that wherever the western governments has its hands in, there is chaos and destruction...
May peace return to our region and our countries!
First of all we r talking about Pakistan and not Syria or some other country
On this thread,what has the West go to do with the killings of Sunni Shia voilence in Pakistan.
What about the attacks on Hazars, Christians, Ahmediyas. Why r they demanding asylum in other countries (China,Sri Lanka, Australia).Why r Pakistani Hindus from Sindh migrating to India in large numbers.
Is the West responsible for this madness.
Please remove the blinkers which u were wearing
I wish Pakistan all the best!
What is going on now, is happening all over the world, Muslims killing each other, that is because of the west's divide and conquer, what needs to happen that is each country must have its own independent foreign policy... when a country follows not its own policy, their interest in the long run will be damaged...

notice that wherever the western governments has its hands in, there is chaos and destruction...
May peace return to our region and our countries!
This has nothing to do with Western governments. This has to do with Pakistan's own policy of using terrorists against neighbouring countries.

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