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AAP wants Naxals in its fold


Jan 14, 2012
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New Delhi: After seeking a referendum on the presence of the Army in Kashmir, senior Aam Aadmi Party leader Prashant Bhushan on Saturday favoured that Maoists should join the “AAP movement”.

While the Centre and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have labelled Maoists as the main “security threat”, Bhushan called for a “referendum”on the issue of deployment of paramilitary forces in the red corridor.

Explaining his contention on the deployment of special forces like the Army and paramilitary jawans, he said that there can only be three conditions under which such a security measure could be taken by the governments, both at the Centre and in states on their own.

“The first case would be prevention of infiltration through the borders and the national government should have discretion to deploy the Army and the second situation could be communal riots, where state governments should have the liberty to deploy military forces to protect minority from genocide, as it happened during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots or in 2002 in Gujarat.

In the third situation, in which normal civil security is to be provided, for any such deployment in this case, consent of the people of the area should be ascertained,” he insisted.

When pointedly asked if he favoured a referendum on the deployment of the paramilitary forces in Naxal-affected areas, Bhushan said this falls under the third category as, in this case also, the special armed forces serve the interest of big corporates more than the displaced and hapless tribals.


Naxals claim to fight for their rights , they fight against oppression
Taliban fight to impose their religion upon others , they fight for oppression
How can you equate the two ...... ??

It is simple . Both are two faces of the same coin .

Both may claim many things but in the end both kills innocent people based on their ideology .

Both Naxals and Taliban are noting but bloody terrorists .
It is simple . Both are two faces of the same coin .

Both may claim many things but in the end both kills innocent people based on their ideology .

Both Naxals and Taliban are noting but bloody terrorists .

And how many civilians have the naxalites killed so far ? based on authentic reports
@levina : naxal sympathies out in the open ... :-)

Grenade can take life of innocent people. :astagh: Or he can be locked in a room and then Grenade. ..:girl_wacko:

True , no harm to innocents .

On other thoughts harming PB is not going to help .

A dead PB will give a martyr to AAP which will be even more dangerous ..... :agree:

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