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Aamir Khan taking on BJP

For a moment i thought Aamir Khan the Boxer. He can take down anyone... :D
why are these actos getting involved in politics?
No in fact he is blasting BJP
Nope! He ain't 'blasting' the BJP at al! He's just asking why social audits are not being done in BJP ruled states.

No big deal. You're just making a mountain out of a molehill. Move on....
Aamir Khan is apolitical in public life, and he has a right to ask questions and demand answers. We are favouring BJP over Congress doesn't mean that BJP is above all criticism.
Aamir Khan is apolitical in public life, and he has a right to ask questions and demand answers. We are favouring BJP over Congress doesn't mean that BJP is above all criticism.

Thats totally right.
Its a free country,he has every right to express his opinion
Muslims will never support extremist Modi. He is dangerous for 'secular' India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. His hatred for Muslims and Bangladesh is immense.
Modi does not hate bangladesh. BJP makes routine noise about bangladeshi illegals but when they rule, they remain silent on the issue. All for votes.

i dont know whom are you talking about
as far as i am concerned,my hate for aamir is for other reasons

i dont like him as a person,he aint a gud human being
you are refering to his marriages, right?:frown:
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