How sad that some people get their sense of identity from envying and tearing down others. Have you ever stopped to consider that Pakistan would disappear if India disappeared? It's only reason for existence is for its citizens to remind themselves at frequent intervals that they are blessed and fortunate to have escaped the clutches of the evil Hindu, because this is the only unifying theme in Pakistan. Without this hatred to hold it together, the country would turn inwards and focus on its various death-wishes - Muslim against Hindu, Muslim against Christian, orthodox Muslims against Ahmaddiyas, Sunni against Shia, and, of course, the ethno-linguistic bits - migrants against Sindhis, migrants and Sindhis against Pathans, Punjabis against Baloch, Punjabis against Pathans, the lot.
For those idiots among Indian commentators who asked why four times as many Pakistanis (by percentage) flee Pakistan as the percentage that migrates from India, just look at that, read their papers and journals, and stop asking silly questions.
It is noteworthy that the fiercest Pakistanis are those who sit abroad and preach the virtue of dying to the last man to the unfortunates that they have left behind to stew in their own juice.
A contemptible post, in terms of the context and motivation for posting it. Not for the content.