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A Zillion reasons to escape from India

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If the article is long, please post a part of it, and give link so that those who are interested will read it.
Dont post the whole article.

I like to make it easier for forum members. On the other hand if you dont want to read it just ignore it and the truth about Incredible and shining India
Longbrain you summed it up. We did not want to be ruled by a bunch of racist Hindus simple as that
Don't you think its a matter of great honor and we should thank Jinnah for separating Pakistan out of us...or we might would have had to burden the tag of terrorism factory of the world..hideout of Osama Bin Laden and the worst performing country in the world!
I think this thread is a trap set by this dude Aryan to get Indian members riled up and get banned. Since Premium members cant be banned, he wont have to worry about it..

:lol: games that some kids play .. Aryan, mate, you need to get a real life..
above reasons or every day bomb blasts? Which one is better?

mate after reading all that I would rather have the odd bombing. I mean you have them as well or did you miss that bit of the article

Just the social fabric of india which is balatant manipulation or others for benefit, frequent lying, deception and interference is enough an excuse to escape from India

thats why we need to thank Allah for Pakistan.
mate after reading all that I would rather have the odd bombing. I mean you have them as well or did you miss that bit of the article

thats why we need to thank Allah for Pakistan.
Drones..Shia Sunni clashes...daily bombings,global embarrassment,hideout of Osama Bin Laden..then Pakistanis posing as Indians in New York..
Aren't you ashamed really?
Reason to read the whole thread...?? nothing better to do...which in itself is quite commendable..to read this u gotta be quite the useless guy.
The reason to like this thread..?? Well the same stuff Aryan B has stuffed his brains with...we all know that
The reason not to read this thread?? Being grown up
Common dude.....do yourself a favor ....stop making such threads.. will avoid u looking desperate to justify your creation.

I love personal attacks from people like you cos I know that I have burst your bubble that you live in about not incredible not shining India
I love personal attacks from people like you cos I know that I have burst your bubble that you live in about not incredible not shining India

I agree that whenever Indians lose an argument they resort to personal attack or they try to divert people's attention by dragging Pakistan into the thread.
One more well trained pakistani challenging Aryab's top spot :lol::lol::lol:

I'm gonna support the underdog! he has quallity, but can he beat the champ's quantity? Stay tuned.

After reading the article I thought Indians were the underdogs. But hey whatever makes you feel good. Congrats by the way on having escaped India
If there are zillion reasons to escape from India then why 1 billion people are still living there. Also instead of Pakistan, why huge number people from India are not seeing asylum world over? Ahmadis are not running away from India and that's just an small example..
Why Indians are FLEEing India :

Why 1 million Indians Escape from India every year?
A Zillion reasons to escape from India

Untouchables: My Family's Triumphant Escape from India's Caste System
Amazon.com: Untouchables: My Family's Triumphant Escape from India's Caste System (9780520252639): Narendra Jadhav: Books

India's economy: Losing its magic | The Economist

Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops
Law Management: The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops

Thank you for those useful supporting articles
It is ridiculous you are allowed to start these hate-mongering threads but if I even tried to start a similar one about Pakistan I'd receive a ban/infraction within minuets.

That article is an article by an Indian Dalit. How is it hate mongering telling the truth. What you want me to buy the lie that India is incredible and shining?? I wont cos it is lies
Rupeenews article and a never ending pakistani obsession with India is all that is glaring on this thread..

Guys, let us know when you find out any addition to these Zillion already existing reasons.. I am sure, drone attacks/daily blasts will not be one of the reasons..
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