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A year for the First Flotilla to Gaza: Turkey was found Guilty by UN

It is interesting to see how these guys cope with these imposed adverse conditions. I will just tell'em, do not leave your lands. This is actually the goal of the Government. You guys just need to hunker down and keep multiplying at a geometric progression.
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All the holy places are open in Israel for all religions, and Israel preserve the rights of all believers to have access to their sacred temples.

Germany is a German state but still gives full civil rights to all its citizens. Same applies for Israel.

Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more political rights than Pakistanis who could not elect their government half of the time since Pakistan's independence. The Israeli Palestinians can vote and have their own representatives in Parliament since 1949!

No one prosecute them like non-Muslims are prosecuted in Pakistan.

umm excuse me?? all the holy places are open for everyone?? and the age restriction to enter is not a form of control? the frisking the specifying the amount of people who can enter at a certain time is some how meaning that it is very open?? it is you mister who is living in fantasies.
The Muslims could not care less about the holy land and it was half deserted when the Jewish began to return and build new villages and town - less than half of million of Arabs lived in a neglected and primitive country. The Zionist movement was positive that this small land would not make a difference to the Arabs who would still control the entire region from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf. Only in the 1920's the Arabs in this land began to call themselves Palestinians and demanded a separate country - until then they wanted to be part of Syria.

The Zionist movement was ready for compromise that will let to establish two independent states - one Jewish and one Palestinian - but the Arabs have been rejecting this compromise until this very days.

The Jewish people has a very strong historical connection to the land of Israel, no less than the Arabs, and there is no chance that we would give up our country!

Hmm yes when your parents or your grand parents came to "Palastine" they found lots of empty houses and villages because people deserted them huh??

I wonder why? Is it because the genocides that was done to them when they didn't leave? Saliha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Al-Dawayima massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Abu Shusha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder if these had anything to do with it???
Anyway, just do not try that trick again.

you can blame turkey for whatever you want, the only thing i am mad for is that they don't blame israel for killing them in INTERNATIONAL water!

that is not an excuse, you had plenty of time and the power to take them out once they entered the blocked area!

just a little note, it would be better if you had posted this in the turkish section instead! maybe some more turks and israelis would have participated in thsi then!
Hmm yes when your parents or your grand parents came to "Palastine" they found lots of empty houses and villages because people deserted them huh??

I wonder why? Is it because the genocides that was done to them when they didn't leave? Saliha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Al-Dawayima massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abu Shusha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder if these had anything to do with it???

When the Zionist movement began in late 19th century to build Jewish communities in the land of Israel less than half a million people lived in the country, most of the in the mountains and in Jerusalem (which already had a Jewish majority). Before 1947-1948 War there were already 600,000 Jews in the land of Israel.

Regarding the refugee problem, blame only the Arab ad Palestinian leaders for what happened - like today they refused to any compromise with Israel and to accept its existence and live with it in peace.
umm excuse me?? all the holy places are open for everyone?? and the age restriction to enter is not a form of control? the frisking the specifying the amount of people who can enter at a certain time is some how meaning that it is very open?? it is you mister who is living in fantasies.

The age limit only in the Haram a-Shrif (temple mount) is a result of the riots of Muslims who came allegedly to pray there and exploited this right to attack the security forces and Jewish prayers in the Western Wall. However, as far as I know, the age limit regularly is not imposed only when there is a risk for another round of riots.

Israel secure the religious rights of all the believers and it is part of its policy since its independence.

On the other hand, does KSA allow any Muslim to visit Mecca while non-Muslims are not even allowed to visit as tourists?

Here is a testimony of a Saudi citizen before US Congress about the religious apartheid in KSA:

"Saudi Arabia is a glaring example of religious apartheid. The religious institutions from government clerics to judges, to religious curricula, and all religious instructions in media are restricted to the Wahhabi understanding of Islam, adhered to by less than 40% of the population. The Saudi government communized Islam, through its monopoly of both religious thoughts and practice. Wahhabi Islam is imposed and enforced on all Saudis regardless of their religious orientations. The Wahhabi sect does not tolerate other religious or ideological beliefs, Muslim or not. Religious symbols by Muslims, Christians, Jewish and other believers are all banned. The Saudi embassy in Washington is a living example of religious apartheid. In its 50 years, there has not been a single non-Sunni Muslim diplomat in the embassy. The branch of Imam Mohamed Bin Saud University in Fairfax, Virginia instructs its students that Shia Islam is a Jewish conspiracy".

Is this true? More lecturing for Israel about religious freedom?

Go ahead, they would not go very far and would have the privilege to visit the port of Ashdod.

Why not organising flotillas for the poor and miserable people in Pakistan? Most of them have worse life conditions than the Palestinians in Gaza:

Infant mortality: Pakistan - 65/1000, Gaza - 17/1000

literacy: Pakistan - 57% Gaza- 92%

Life expectancy: Pakistan - 65 Gaza -73

Should I continue?

You all should immediately organise a humanitarian flotilla to Karachi!
This excellent programme of BBC Panorama explain why turkey and the organisers of the flotilla should be blamed for the tragic consequences and why Israel's security forces should be admired for their professionalism and restraint:

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I am so glad of this news, although it is a shame that it is not as publicised as the event itself- but that's the world we live in. It was clear the flotilla were determined to break the blockade and gain as much international attention as possible by provoking IDF into taking action. depite numerous requests to stop or dock at Isreali port where goods would be unloaded, checked and transferred to Gaza by IDF- a perfectly fair demand given attacks on Isreal from Gaza using smuggled in weapons. And it is clear the members on the flotilla were ready and wanting a clash- they had made weapons and BROUGHT ALONG GAS MASKS long before IDF boarded, why if not to attack IDF? thar fact is these people claimed they were working for peace but they attacked and dragged off the first IDF commando who fast-roped onto platform. And what do you expect these soldiers to do when attacked and outnumbered but not use whatever means available and use their weapons in a non-lethal manner. Which unfortuanlty lead to some deaths and got what those on the flotilla wanted- attention and the demonisation of Isreal. BS!!! GREAT NEWS!! Turkey got shamed!!

I'm with you Isreal!!
deserted? the ottoman empire ruled israel for several decades! where do you get that muslims deserted that land?

It was underdeveloped with less than half a million people when the Zionist movement began to establish Jewish communities and to develop the country. Later, in WWI, the British conquered the country and began to develop it properly.
Of course you obsessed with Israel and you are not even aware of it.

First of all you don't represent me, and you don't know me personally...like I said before I don't really give a damn about a small country known as Israel...that is fact not some hallucination which you have concocted.

You judging it on a much severe scale than other countries, you fake all kinds of accusations about Israel that you eventually cannot prove. If it is walk like a duck and looks like a duck then it is a brain wash.

Second the thread is about the Flotilla which is link to Israel, so obviously I will have an opinion on it. Third at least other Nations don't cry about there ancestors who died some odd 60 years ago. Fourth you claim to be a justice Nation but you openly kill innocent civilians...don't you have no shame....looks like your nation has learnt nothing from WWII.
I advise you to open your eyes and see things clearly and not through the Arab media and propaganda. Read a bit, educate yourself about Israel, WWII and the conflict and then come back and we could have a serious discussion.

Yes but that is your opinion that Arab media is a propaganda outlet..the same can be said by Israel which is sickening in my opinion. End of the day you won't change your opinion because you love your Nation, fair enough but don't expect others or quite frankly me to change my opinion.
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