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A warning to people sitting in power circles in Pakistan.


May 27, 2015
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Basically this is self explanatory.
How our people are living, how they are approached by foreigners, and then one day, we kill them.
Only 3 kind of people can pull Pakistan out of this state of weakness.

1) Education related people and institutions
2) Law enforcement and Judiciary
3) Planners.

I am at a point of my life that I have had enough, and this is my utter believe that people of Pakistan, the people who really can make a difference, are prejudiced to core, shortsighted and are not ready to change their ways.
Anyway, I have left reading Pakistani newspapers and watching TV. I feel like a dead guy now, as far as the internal affairs of Pakistan are concerned.
If we will not plan for our future, somebody will. Enjoy the "constructive" documentary.

People sitting in Islamabad take whole of the country as Pakistans backyard. The mentality of people in power in Pakistan is no different from the imperial British forces.
Here I want to give a clear warning to the people in power in Pakistan, the day is not far when people will drag you guys out of palaces directly to guillotine.
Sudhar jao.
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This is exactly what I am thinking. People are loosing faith in the state and disappointed to the core. I know some people will point fingers at the masses, bu hay what about the corrupt bureaucracy, ad hocism who has choked and crippled the society inside out? With all the perks they get in this poor state of Pakistan what is the result? The ruling elite is thinking everything is hunky dory. Unfortunately, it includes Army. Let me be straight, Soviet Union broke and 30K odd nuclear arsenals could not make a difference.

Look at the APC joke they are conducting right now. All the corrupt and mafia sitting together, getting all the coverage from every corner as glorified beasts: makes everyone wonder. Is anyone looking after the state?

Sorry to say, those who think that they need time. I will say its short now, enough time is wasted. And there is no sense of direction.

This status quo cant work, I repeat will not work and if it persists, then India doesnt need to Invade or Interfere, Pakistani state will die I repeat will die with its own hand.
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You have a point. People in power which is the ruling bureaucracy of this country is corrupt and incompetent, but loves power. Sadly, this country is in hands of a venal elite and the irony is no one gets punished.
Their children study in elite schools in Pakistan and then leave Pakistan for higher education and then nationalities of other countries. And in last, these guys also join their children.
This is systematic rape of people of Pakistan and state of Pakistan. Bureaucracy, military, Judiciary politicians and political workers, journalists.... All of them.
This is exactly what I am thinking. People are loosing faith in the state and disappointed to the core. I know some people will point fingers at the masses, bu hay what about the corrupt bureaucracy, ad hocism who has choked and crippled the society inside out? With all the perks they get in this poor state of Pakistan what is the result? The ruling elite is thinking everything is hunky dory. Unfortunately, it includes Army. Let me be straight, Soviet Union broke and 30K odd nuclear arsenals could not make a difference.

Look at the APC joke they are conducting right now. All the corrupt and mafia sitting together, getting all the coverage from every corner as glorified beasts: makes everyone wonder. Is anyone looking after the state?

Sorry to say, those who think that they need time. I will say its short now, enough time is wasted. And there is no sense of direction.

This status quo cant work, I repeat will not work and if it persists, then India doesnt need to Invade or Interfere, Pakistani state will die I repeat will die with its own hand.
Apc was there on only one agenda " hamain Khanay ka moka wapas do".
Basically this is self explanatory.
How our people are living, how they are approached by foreigners, and then one day, we kill them.
Only 3 kind of people can pull Pakistan out of this state of weakness.

1) Education related people and institutions
2) Law enforcement and Judiciary
3) Planners.

I am at a point of my life that I have had enough, and this is my utter believe that people of Pakistan, the people who really can make a difference, are prejudiced to core, shortsighted and are not ready to change their ways.
Anyway, I have left reading Pakistani newspapers and watching TV. I feel like a dead guy now, as far as the internal affairs of Pakistan are concerned.
If we will not plan for our future, somebody will. Enjoy the "constructive" documentary.

Couldn't agree more.
Pakistan a hopeless case.

Pakistanis beyond re-approach. Most deluded, power hungry, self-importance seeking idiots.
They have ruined millions of lives, but have learned nothing. Not capable of learning anything, period.

God Bless Pakistan, long live Pakistan.
IMO silly title thread.
For the first time in my lifetime we seem to have a leader that has shown us he is not interested in lining his own pockets and trying to do his best for Pakistan. It may not be to everyone’s taste the way he has set out his stall but Rome wasn’t built in a day. It will take a decade of perseverance and dedication to see light at the end of the tunnel.
What is the point of creating negativity with threads like this ? Why not look at The positives and build on them?
There are many problems with Pakistan and imran Khan may not be perfect - but I do have faith that things will get better and improve! Don’t lose faith
Elites living in Islamabad will not last a day in Karachi. Hell even a burger *** city like Lahore is too much for them. Maybe having multiple capital cities will forces the burgers to spread across Pakistan and slightly improve it.
Basically this is self explanatory.
How our people are living, how they are approached by foreigners, and then one day, we kill them.
Only 3 kind of people can pull Pakistan out of this state of weakness.

1) Education related people and institutions
2) Law enforcement and Judiciary
3) Planners.

I am at a point of my life that I have had enough, and this is my utter believe that people of Pakistan, the people who really can make a difference, are prejudiced to core, shortsighted and are not ready to change their ways.
Anyway, I have left reading Pakistani newspapers and watching TV. I feel like a dead guy now, as far as the internal affairs of Pakistan are concerned.
If we will not plan for our future, somebody will. Enjoy the "constructive" documentary.

On WHAT evidence and facts do you base your above assertions and claims? Please specify.
Basically this is self explanatory.
How our people are living, how they are approached by foreigners, and then one day, we kill them.
Only 3 kind of people can pull Pakistan out of this state of weakness.

1) Education related people and institutions
2) Law enforcement and Judiciary
3) Planners.

I am at a point of my life that I have had enough, and this is my utter believe that people of Pakistan, the people who really can make a difference, are prejudiced to core, shortsighted and are not ready to change their ways.
Anyway, I have left reading Pakistani newspapers and watching TV. I feel like a dead guy now, as far as the internal affairs of Pakistan are concerned.
If we will not plan for our future, somebody will. Enjoy the "constructive" documentary.

The worst decision was not to bring land reforms immediately after getting independence. This could have been done by none other than Muhammad Ali Jinnah himself. Now it's too late.. as the feudals who control the bureaucracy are too powerful and are at the helm of affairs. They make the laws to implement whenever they want. They don't want that their servants get education, without which, they won't be able to question their masters. It's a vicious cycle and it's almost impossible break it keeping within the democracy.

A ruthless tyrant for at least 25 years is required who could snatch the lands from feudals, kill the usurpers and spread education. But I know I am asking for too much.
IMO silly title thread.
For the first time in my lifetime we seem to have a leader that has shown us he is not interested in lining his own pockets and trying to do his best for Pakistan. It may not be to everyone’s taste the way he has set out his stall but Rome wasn’t built in a day. It will take a decade of perseverance and dedication to see light at the end of the tunnel.
What is the point of creating negativity with threads like this ? Why not look at The positives and build on them?
There are many problems with Pakistan and imran Khan may not be perfect - but I do have faith that things will get better and improve! Don’t lose faith
PM Imran Khan can talk, but he hasn't exactly set a great example with his tax. He only pays around £1300 in taxes . Was told he net worth is close to £17 million. Actually in 37 years he has paid a total of 21,946.94 Pound sterling in taxes. https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/571131-how-much-tax-imran-paid-in-last-37-years
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PM Imran Khan can talk, but he hasn't exactly set a great example with his tax. He only pays around £1300 in taxes . Was told he net worth is close to £17 million.

Net worth is irrelevant in annual income tax calculations.

You need to look at what he is earning annually, i.e. Gross Income for tax purposes. What is he actually making from the assets he owns.

I have some land in Pakistan that has tripled in value over years and I pay zero tax as I have no income generation from any of my assets in Pakistan.

If government started charging land tax then everyone would start crying. Do you want that zakat on gold type taxes imposed on land?

I would like to see Capital Tax Gains on Land sales though! But with factoring in calculations. That will stop the files and short sales.
Net worth is irrelevant in annual income tax calculations.

You need to look at what he is earning annually, i.e. Gross Income for tax purposes. What is he actually making from the assets he owns.

I have some land in Pakistan that has tripled in value over years and I pay zero tax as I have no income generation from any of my assets in Pakistan.

If government started charging land tax then everyone would start crying. Do you want that zakat on gold type taxes imposed on land?
Zakat on gold type taxes not yet. You're right but how does he maintain his lifestyle with such little amount of money? $9700 yearly PM salary. Also £22,000 in total taxes paid in 37 years. Extremely low in number for a successful cricketer don't you think?

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