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A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

Let us assume Israel lunched an attack on Iran. How would Iran retaliate?

Obama, in his recent trip to Israel, made a deal with Netanyahu that an attack on Iran would only be done jointly by US-Israel. Behind-the-door partnerships with GCC states is being sought right now. This approach is better as it allows intelligence coordination between CIA, Mossad and other intelligence agencies, which is crucial for the operation's success.

The threat perception of Iran depends on the stage that they're in right now in their quest to build the atomic bomb. Thus, the severity of the attack would depend on it's threat perception. One thing for sure is that any attack would be a surprise one and would take out ALL suspected nuclear and missile sites using tactical nuclear weapons and EMPs within the first few hours, leaving Iran incapable of reacting
One thing for sure is that any attack would be a surprise one and would take out ALL suspected nuclear and missile sites using tactical nuclear weapons within the first few hours, leaving Iran incapable of reacting

It is easy to say that. But a first-strike nuclear attack on Iran would be seen as an Israeli nuclear attack on Muslims.

Even if they did not want to nuke Israel before, they will change their mind after an Israeli nuclear first-strike. After that, how long can you keep holding back the technology?
It is easy to say that. But a first-strike nuclear attack on Iran would be seen as an Israeli nuclear attack on Muslims.

Even if they did not want to nuke Israel before, they will change their mind after an Israeli nuclear first-strike. After that, how long can you keep holding back the technology?

I didn't say it would be a nuclear attack. But certain sites which Iran is operating, such as the Quds site, are located deep underground and according to some assessment, not possible to be destroyed using conventional bunker busters. So, it's not unreasonable to assume that an attack on such sites would have small nuke warheads of around 1-5 kT to ensure the underground sites are destroyed. In such an operation, you cannot really take chances.

Most Muslims, especially from GCC do not like iran for good reasons. If a partnership can be reached with GCC, it wouldn't be a problem at all. Although this account is debateable, wikileaks stated that king Abdullah is eager for US and Israel to attack Iran. If this is true, such a partnership isn't improbable.

Also there is the EMP option, which is apparently much better.
Obama, in his recent trip to Israel, made a deal with Netanyahu that an attack on Iran would only be done jointly by US-Israel. Behind-the-door partnerships with GCC states is being sought right now. This approach is better as it allows intelligence coordination between CIA, Mossad and other intelligence agencies, which is crucial for the operation's success.

The threat perception of Iran depends on the stage that they're in right now in their quest to build the atomic bomb. Thus, the severity of the attack would depend on it's threat perception. One thing for sure is that any attack would be a surprise one and would take out ALL suspected nuclear and missile sites using tactical nuclear weapons and EMPs within the first few hours, leaving Iran incapable of reacting
That will provoke the Muslim world :/ using these offensive WMDs won't guarantee the survivor of the Jewish State
For more than 10 years.
That will provoke the Muslim world :/ using these offensive WMDs won't guarantee the survivor of the Jewish State
For more than 10 years.

It would not be a nuclear attack per se, but it is reasonable to expect the usage of tactical nukes, only for destroying underground military sites.
It would not be a nuclear attack per se, but it is reasonable to expect the usage of tactical nukes, only for destroying underground military sites.

Tactical nuke is nuclear attack and you can't sugar coat it with any means , and a 1-5 kilo ton bomb can't do anything to a deeply buried site like Fordow

Just look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki Ground zero and those bombs were several time more powerful


Not only a village idiot, but also a handicapped schizophrenic psycho...Yesterday it was kill the jews, and today nuke the iranians and love the jews...Stop whipping your behind with Kat...use a rock, its a lot healthier for you...

Being against Zionism is not the same at being against the regular Jews. Maybe you need to learn to differentiate. Not sure if they teach that in the Berber schools you grew up in while living in a primitive desert village in the middle of Sahara like most of you Berbers do. No wonder that you have no country.

Go attack some Jews on your own.

Secondly, I know that your intellectual ability and English comprehension skills are somewhat lacking but if Iran is threatening the world/region with an atomic nuclear attack, then the world has my support to deal with Iran before such a thing materializes. Very simple.

The security of the world/Arab world/Middle East is 100000 times as important as the security of just one country (Iran).
@Yzd Khalifa

A nuclear or EMP attack on Iran will,affect a very pisssed off Pakistan,as the radiation will spread to Pakistan too. If that happens,Israelis won't be laughing.
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And the GCC most definitely :/
Of course that's why countries have 2nd strike capability.

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Tehran’s intercession in the Korean crisis on the side of its ally in Pyongyang was predictable, even though the US preferrs to ignore the close interrelations between the two allies.
And so, on Friday, April 5, Deputy Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Brig. Gen. Masoud Jazayeri stepped forward to point the finger at Washington:
[“The presence of the Americans in [South] Korea has been the root cause of tensions in this sensitive region in the past and present. The US and its allies will suffer great losses if a war breaks out in this region,” he said, adding for good measure: “Independent countries will not submit to the US mischief. The time for Washington’s bullying and extortion is long past.”
debkafile’s Iranian sources: The second part of the statement was a perfect fit for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s flat refusal to accept US demands on Iran’s nuclear program. The Korean crisis gave the Iranians the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.
As Kim Jong-Un moved two intermediate missiles to the east coast of North Korea, Gen. Jazayeri’s rhetoric landed on the latest round of talks the six powers were holding with Iran in Amaty, Kazhakstan for a diplomatic resolution of Iran’s nuclear challenge.
Washington hoped to spread some cheer over a diplomatic process that had long past proven futile by planting advance reports that Khamenei had ordered a slowdown of Iran’s nuclear program up to the June presidential election to avoid crossing a red line that would trigger a military response.
But when the parties came to the table, Iran’s senior negotiator Saeed Jalili refused outright to respond to the proposals put before Tehran in the previous session.
He seemed to have taken his cue from Kim Jong-Un, who too has stuck to his father’s rejectionism in the face of every American proposal for dismantling North Korea’s nuclear program.
debkafile: The inevitable convergence of the Korean and Iranian crises confronts America’s three top officials, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, with their most challenging international test.
Kerry would be well advised to take a break from his Sisyphean efforts to crack the latest of umpteen Israel-Palestinian disputes, call off his weekend appointments with Israeli and Palestinians leaders and instead fly to Moscow and Beijing.
There, he could start bargaining with Russian and Chinese rulers for preliminary understandings with Washington on Iran and Syria that would make it worth their while to use their leverage for bringing the out-of-control North Korean firebrand to heel.
So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.

A Jewish news agency

Seriously? you use a mossad/terrorrist/zionist propaganda article as your source? even hardcore zio's dont take that site seriously.
@Yzd Khalifa

A nuclear or EMP attack on Iran will,affect a very pisssed off Pakistan,as the radiation will spread to Pakistan too. If that happens,Israelis won't be laughing.

Why's that? Pakistan will attack Israel? Let's stop deluding ourselves. If the US or Israel attacks Iran, all Pakistan will do is condemn the "Zionist aggression" or the current nonsense most Muslim countries say when Israel kills terrorists.
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If it affected Pakistan of course things will get ugly @Aeronaut ,however I don't think the Israelis won't to commit suicide ,that's a very dangerous game. I guess the Iranains have the bomb by now anyhow.
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Why's that? Pakistan will attack Israel? Let's stop deluding ourselves. If the US or Israel attacks Iran, all Pakistan will do is condemn the "Zionist aggression" or the current nonsense most Muslim countries say when Israel kills terrorists.

You will hear us. We are not Iranians,we will hit you and you won't survive it. If radiation fallout, from any such misadventure affects our country, we will response in the most appropriate way. As for terrorist, in my eyes you perfectly fit that description.
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