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A US-Israel-Japan-India Military Alliance would dominate the world and keep China in check


Aug 8, 2014
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US Intelligence studies had predicted in 2009 that in the near future China would have a more profound impact on world geopolitical affairs than any other country. This has proven true and we are seeing an increasingly belligerent China, backed by an authoritarian regime, facing off with other countries in different parts of the world. That China should play a dominant role in world affairs would be acceptable to others were it not for the overtly aggressive stance adopted by its leaders time and again in their involvement with other countries.

The United States, although in decline, is still the most powerful country in the world. China, with its rise, is involved in a covert eyeball to eyeball confrontation with the United States in almost all areas of the geopolitical arena. Given the new reality, the other economic/military powers of the world are rethinking their strategies and re-aligning their philosophies to best suit their own interests. These players, Japan, Israel, and India among them are dynamically re-aligning themselves with the United States in a strategy which, albeit uncoordinated, is aimed at containing China.

Israel is one of the major players in the region and a long-standing US ally. Although in recent times it has been trying hard to gallop along with the galloping Chinese horse, strategic analysts are of the opinion that its relationship with China does not have a bright future. The main reason for this is that China does not want to ignore strategic and economic investments in the Middle East. It has very good relations with the Arab countries, Turkey, and Iran and has heavy oil related investments in the region, compared to which its investments in Israel are only a fraction. Also there is widespread suspicion in Israel with regard to having close strategic relations with China. A former head of the Mossad is on record for having publicly declared his displeasure with close Israel-China relations because these might jeopardize Israel's US ties.

Japan has had a historic military, economic, and cultural rivalry with China. The two countries came very close to a military confrontation as recently as in 2014, when Chinese jets scrambled over the South China Sea. Japan is also disturbed by the militaristic attitude of the Chinese, in relation to the Senkaku islands which are under Japanese control, which the Chinese are claiming.

India has already been the victim of Chinese military adventurism in 1962, when China invaded Northern India, and then later withdrew unilaterally. Since then India has made rapid strides both economically and militarily and is now in a better position to deal with China. However China still claims large tracts of Indian Territory and keeps making threatening intrusions into the northern regions of India.

Thus, there is a commonality of perception of China as being a domineering and an expansionistic military superpower. It is up to the US and to the other vulnerable countries to take a lead role in the campaign to contain China.

If unchecked with its growing clout, it would mean the imperceptibly subtle imposition of Chinese policies, cultural practices, and dominion, upon the world. It would mean the end of Democracy, and its underlying attitudes of respect for human values, openness, honesty, transparency. This would all be replaced by Totalitarian, Autocratic governments, with Big Brother watching over your shoulders all the time. We would collectively have taken a step back by up to 2500 years, to before the introduction of the concepts of humanitarianism to mankind.

But if the US-Israel-India-Japan alliance incorporates, and if Indian viewpoints are given due weight in this alliance, there appears the glimmer of the appearance of hope of a new world order.

For one, China - and its attendant expansionist attitudes - would be checked. The coastlines from the Mid-East, to the Indian Ocean, to the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean would be secured. The Chinese would be free to develop their economy, and the world would have use of their exports, and would give them needed raw materials.

Besides the above, we see the beginning of genuine warmth, honesty, and openness between the leaders and filtering down to the peoples of all countries. Indians have bred strong in these values for the last 5000 years of their civilization. A far cry from the lonely coldness of the Chinese, or of the modern Western world, the new world order, as influenced by Indian ideals, would be an ethical, colorful, honest, transparent system in which everybody would co-operate for mutual gains based on Gandhian principles of "non-violence at any cost".

And although the Western mind always looks askance at such good-intended scenarios, we must remember that a similar attitude is essential at this juncture of the co-evolution of Humanity and of the Earth, if we are to survive and scrape through at all.

There are too many decks stacked up against humanity already, for us to let the bull enter the China shop now, anyway.

This article was first published on Defence, Indian Defence, Indian Armed Forces, Defence News, India Defence News, Indian Defence News, Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, US Defense News, UK Defence News, World Defence News 3:28 p.m. 14th Sept 2015.
Article written by Vikram Joshi exclusively for Defence News.
Bachelor's of Commerce, NCR, Delhi
Author of the Book - 'The Alchemy of the Soul

My Personal thoughts is that soon we will have a bipolar World consisting of several poles.
NATO, Israel, Japan, South Korea, India on one side ................. Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and middle east on other side
1.Until economy reach $5 trillion we are in no position to join the alliance to dominate the world let alone contain china whom we have $60 billion trade,Though i must say both japan and Isarel possess superior Tech both military and civilian,India can compliment the alliance with huge manpower.
Really silly fanboy article. The US already dominates the world with its real NATO and non-NATO European allies.
Japan, Australia, Philippines and SK are the front-line in the Chinese containment policy.
India is very close to Russia and has many projects of strategic importance with it. More-over it has yet to get beyond its post-colonial paranoia of the 'Imperial West', hence you can discard any alliance with it.
Israel? WTF does Israel have to do with any Anti-China alliance? The author is seriously doped.
My Personal thoughts is that soon we will have a bipolar World consisting of several poles.
NATO, Israel, Japan, South Korea, India on one side ................. Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and middle east on other side

I think it's going to be multipolar in long run rather than bipolar. As Europe is tired of America's wars.
All the war mongers i.e. US, Israel and India can have a club of their own for their future wars :) Yes, Japan can join them as a lonely neighbor of Russia and China.
. .
I don't think soo, India can't help in World policing neither Israel, because first they need to resolve their issues with neighbors, US and Japan can
I think it's going to be multipolar in long run rather than bipolar
Bipolar ............. each poles consisting of further poles............

Really silly fanboy article. The US already dominates the world with its real NATO and non-NATO European allies.
Japan, Australia, Philippines and SK are the front-line in the Chinese containment policy.
India is very close to Russia and has many projects of strategic importance with it. More-over it has yet to get beyond its post-colonial paranoia of the 'Imperial West', hence you can discard any alliance with it.
Israel? WTF does Israel have to do with any Anti-China alliance? The author is seriously doped.

Written by Indian author .................
Really silly fanboy article. The US already dominates the world with its real NATO and non-NATO European allies.
Japan, Australia, Philippines and SK are the front-line in the Chinese containment policy.
India is very close to Russia and has many projects of strategic importance with it. More-over it has yet to get beyond its post-colonial paranoia of the 'Imperial West', hence you can discard any alliance with it.
Israel? WTF does Israel have to do with any Anti-China alliance? The author is seriously doped.
you sir nailed the acessnce of this thread ... cheers mate

I don't think soo, India can't help in World policing neither Israel, because first they need to resolve their issues with neighbors, US and Japan can
nanhe rajkumar world politics runs on the socio economick clout of a given nation not just its wepons of mass destruction had that been the criteria USSR would still be alive
Just imagine USA and India being bracketed with these:


Democracy, and its underlying attitudes of respect for human values, openness, honesty, transparency. :omghaha:


Desperate Indians will kiss anyone's whatever to make them somehow relevant... :lol:
you sir nailed the acessnce of this thread ... cheers mate

Bro all the strategist write many things about this axis but seeing the Indian foreign policy India wont be in US camp for too long its going to be Russia- China-India. Russia will help calming effect on china -india and in any case our relations with china are on hight note already if we see economically and on border its one of the safest and peaceful in world with not a single bullet fired. Things will move in this axis of BRICS as India do not has policy to join any camp except for a period of nixon and reagan era when we were very close to Russia
Bro all the strategist write many things about this axis but seeing the Indian foreign policy India wont be in US camp for too long its going to be Russia- China-India. Russia will help calming effect on china -india and in any case our relations with china are on hight note already if we see economically and on border its one of the safest and peaceful in world with not a single bullet fired. Things will move in this axis of BRICS as India do not has policy to join any camp except for a period of nixon and reagan era when we were very close to Russia
you are right this article writer seems to me like a troublemaking presstitute than anything else .... even USA knows india will never join any such group
. .
you are right this article writer seems to me like a troublemaking presstitute than anything else .... even USA knows india will never join any such group

The word "alliance" died the day it was understood that Nation's don't have permanent friends only permanent interests and only that needs to be secured; Interestingly the idea was promulgated by USA itself.

The so called alliances in the post war (ww2) era has been giving signs of withering. The Allies of the WW2 fought Cold War, the Allies of the Cold war fought Each other in The "war against terrorism". The next line of allies will be in the firing lines of the guns, a decade or two later.

Next point is with respect to China, in these times with high economic dependency upon each other it is unlikely that there will be military alliances formed just to contain China. Just Coinciding alliance of Interests will be pursued, military posturing at maximum, No one wants war. Exactly like a situation where everyone shows off their muscle abut no one fights. Mind games albeit expensive ones

P.S. USA has the Gun power to take on the world alone. It just can't be everywhere. That's why only 'strategic' alliances are happening.
"check" China from what? China and India are poor countries and there cannot be anything more important than removal of poverty.

China has adopted the strategy of manufacturing exports and India that of services exports.
China has adopted a totally controlled system, so moves faster in the short term; India has adopted a mostly democratic system, so things move a bit slower.

Articles such as these simply miss the big picture.
you sir nailed the acessnce of this thread ... cheers mate

nanhe rajkumar world politics runs on the socio economick clout of a given nation not just its wepons of mass destruction had that been the criteria USSR would still be alive

I don't agree !!! The role of world policing is for nations which are economically, defencievly and socially fullfil.

And with all due respect, India is not fulfill in all of above mentioned. You first have to become regional power before you conqure the bad world out there and further to this US wont let us go and you know why :P
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