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A top cop in Kashmir arrested for recruiting, then killing rebels


Jan 28, 2012
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A top cop in Kashmir arrested for recruiting - then killing - rebels for awards

Shiv Kumar Sharma had received*India's highest gallantry honor in the past. Now he's accused of encouraging men to join rebel groups before killing them.


A top counterinsurgency officer in Indian-controlled*Kashmir*has been arrested and is suspected of encouraging men to join rebel groups before turning them in or killing them to receive rewards, police said Wednesday, in a case that highlights corruption by authorities in the insurgency-wracked region.

Sub-inspector Shiv Kumar Sharma and his bodyguard were arrested Tuesday for alleged links to a militant cell involved in a grenade attack in April on a police station in the disputed Himalayan region, said police officer Ashkoor Wani.

Their alleged link to the grenade attack was discovered last month after the arrest of five men accused of carrying it out, Wani said. He said the five named Sharma as the mastermind of the attack.

Another police officer, who spoke on customary condition of anonymity, said the two are now the focus of a wider investigation into charges that they convinced local men to become insurgents in Indian*Kashmir*and then turned them in or killed them to receive rewards and promotions.

Experts and human rights workers say India's control over*Kashmir*through its military and its policy of rewards for officers who arrest or kill suspected rebels has deepened corruption in the police and the army. They routinely accuse the security forces of taking bribes, selling military supplies on the black market, and aiding and benefiting from timber smuggling.

Illegally detaining, torturing, and killing rebel suspects for rewards and promotions have been regular accusations against the troops for years.

Sharma is credited with killing at least 68 militants over 15 years in Indian*Kashmir, and has been awarded India's highest gallantry honor in the past.

"He would motivate young men to join militancy through his vast spy network and then get them arrested or even killed to win rewards and promotions," the second police officer said.

The arrests have rattled Indian authorities who administer and police the tense region against insurgents who are fighting for independence or merger with neighboring Pakistan.

"It's shocking news for all of us. He was so effective in fighting against militants," said another officer, who has worked with Sharma and also spoke on customary condition of anonymity.

Sharma joined counterinsurgency operations in Indian*Kashmir*as a "special police officer," part of a semi-official grouping run on special funding from India's Ministry of Home Affairs.

He soon became a big name in the region's efforts to control the decades-long separatist insurgency and was rewarded with promotions.

Since 1989, the violent insurgency and the ensuing crackdown by Indian forces have killed an estimated 68,000 people in*Kashmir. Although the armed rebellion has been largely suppressed, public resentment against Indian rule remains deep and the resistance is now principally expressed through street protests.

Khurram Parvez, a human rights worker in*Kashmir, said an important element in the case is to "probe how many of his kills were innocents he lured and recruited as militants."

In December, Parvez and other rights workers published a report that dismissed India's past claims that acts of brutality by Indian troops were aberrations. The report named, for the first time, nearly 500 specific police, military, and paramilitary soldiers suspected of crimes, which include rape, murder, and kidnapping. The government has not investigated the report's findings.

"Indian officials have committed these crimes with total impunity to retain control over*Kashmir," Parvez said.

A top cop in Kashmir arrested for recruiting - then killing - rebels for awards - CSMonitor.com
This is the definition of entrapment and creating armed rebels and fomenting your own insurgency. India consistently blames Pakistan for it's insurgency in Kashmir and says most of the fighters are Punjabi, and now it is known a major Indian police officer in IoK is recruiting rebels and fomenting their rebellion themselves via entrapment. It's not like they are able to kill all of those they recruited.

This also means the rebels India has killed recently may be rebels they themselves recruited and entrapped hence easily killed them.
India kay mohafiz b aisay aisay kartoot kartay hai na, kay in ko sharam b nahi aati.

This cop deserves whats coming to him,which by the way it wont be pretty.However,one bad apple in the basket,doesnt make em all bad.
Cop wanted to kill terrorists who beheaded jawans

Sub-inspector Shiv Kumar Sharma alias Sonu, arrested for allegedly plotting a grenade attack at a police station in Doda, was working on a plan to kill the terrorists involved in beheading of two jawans along with Pak soldiers in Mendhar sector on January
Sonu was shown the video
clip of beheading of army personnel by his source Abdul Rashid, alias Abdullah, a top terrorist of Lashkar-e-Taiba who was involved in a number of killings and had surrendered before him in 2008, and was subsequently released on bail.

Its may be its a mole of police officers who are aligned with militants might did, but India need these kinds of guys to wipe of cockroaches.

Cop wanted to kill terrorists who beheaded jawans - Hindustan Times
This is the definition of entrapment and creating armed rebels and fomenting your own insurgency. India consistently blames Pakistan for it's insurgency in Kashmir and says most of the fighters are Punjabi, and now it is known a major Indian police officer in IoK is recruiting rebels and fomenting their rebellion themselves via entrapment. It's not like they are able to kill all of those they recruited.

This also means the rebels India has killed recently may be rebels they themselves recruited and entrapped hence easily killed them.

He is arrested after these speculations unlike some states which award such atrocities by paying cash.So stop reading too much in between the lines and believing in your conspiracy theories.
first , thanks to the OP for posting this kashmir news , rightly in INDIAN section !

second , he did what he thought right by taking out terrorists who wouldn't hesitate slitting throat of infants in the name of jehad !
What the cop did is wrong, he recruited vulnerable young men (probably offering money and assistance) with the intention of killing them so that he can grab some medal..instead he could have warned, protected, and saved a few lives who are on the verge of becoming a terrorist.what a shame..No Indian should support such an act.
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