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A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

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Dear Iyer,

Why did you name a park after him if you hate him so much?

The folks with the Kudumi, need to stop treating those, without one, with utter contempt and hate.

That's the only solution to the demands of the Tamilians.

Are you the moron. how did you call me as a iyer. am a mudiliar. not only my nationality but my caste,religion everything is my india only. are you the tamilan or atleast a indian. did you know the real history of tamilnadu and its leaders. what ever you say you can't the fact. you know right now also more than 60% of tamilans are ready to caste their there votes or support to anyone if you give money to them or any free things if you give to them.
Indian Stalinism, at display. Silence anyone who speaks against Vaishnavite supremacist bigotry.

i had srilankan neighbours, they were actually muslims, i also met one british in a mosque he was muslim too, we were attending jumma and the britsh guy instructed my brother that he wasnt doing wuzu correctly :cheesy:

Thats interesting.

Karachi is truly one of the most diverse cities in the region

This is Razpak and I approve this message by Gotti. :tup:

Tamil Nadu, isn't it a separate country/nation?

The real question is brothers, what are you doing, if you're not promoting Pakistani Tamil relations on the social platforms that are available to us?

Unlike Baluchestan, where there is nothing but mountains and plains, Tamilians can hear us and communicate with us because they are all urbanized and have access to technology, no different than our urban centers.

They are also not tribal like the Baluch, who only listen to their Sardars and if one of them, like Mengal, says something, they all follow suit, even if they are holding conferences and lobbying in US, UK and other places.

The Tamilians had recently locked down the entire state, schools and colleges over the Indian indifference toward the Tamils in Eelam, which showed to them how much influence or interest Indians really have in them or their concerns.

You need to show, as Pakistanis, and the followers of the Quaid, that you truly do care and sympathize with them.

Show them moral support, make Facebook pages and get their voices heard - the Indians would never allow it and even here, you can see their paranoid and desperate attempts at trying to silence the Tamilian concerns.
Please make this thread a sticky in a funny section. I am loving the gotti comedy here.

To be perfect in pronunciation it must be "sootha moodu".
On a recent Pak backed terror attack in Kashmir a Jawan from Tamil Nadu got killed and people hear are very angry over the death of that Jawan and will send you to hell if you come to my state with your Pak-Tamil unwanted Friendship...I will consider your friendship proposal as garbage...

Slain CRPF jawan's family was preparing for his marriage - Times Of India

Typical Indian police state mentality.

Use the CRPF, and being in cohorts with the North Indian as what it truly means to be a "sane" person.

We sympathize with the Tamilian but also sympathize with the Indians having placed the soldiers of the Tamilians into harms way, in an occupation of Kashmir (Outlook India's words, not mine).
Unlike Baluchestan, where there is nothing but mountains and plains, Tamilians can hear us and communicate with us because they are all urbanized and have access to technology, no different than our urban centers.

They are also not tribal like the Baluch, who only listen to their Sardars and if one of them, like Mengal, says something, they all follow suit, even if they are holding conferences and lobbying in US, UK and other places.

:rofl: These two lines express how utterly frustrated this guy/girl/shemale is of how Baluchistan has been in the spotlight and trying desperately to shift the focus. I gotta admit you had my attention, now I know that you cowards are living a pathetic life.

By the way these are pretty fresh.



Balochistan ministers up in arms over bid to
I responded to the Karachi point, earlier.

Karunanidhi was in power, not once or twice by accident, but five.

You're behaving as if I mentioned Vaiko and not Karunanidhi - I was careful not to mention the former.

BTW, you Nadars are sell-out landlords no different than the Uncle Toms among the slaves.

You are willing to be bought out by the Brahmins and Vellalas.

You have no credibility, as a capitalist, to speak for the common Tamilians or their rights.

"Doing well".

Just because they feed you some cash, you think you're on the right track?

People like you would be the first ones to go for the Tamilian state, the day the North Indian decides to go "Robin Hood" to feed their poor in UP/Bihar.

Don't give me that non-sense about how well fed you are in the next post.

It is better not to argue with a lunatic like you, Mulla do you know the history of Nadar community?? - Nadars are backward caste, but today we are a progressive community that is because of sheer hard work and dedication as a community, and the Indian setup of quota system and opportunity for backward caste allowed us to improve our social standing and I am really happy & proud to be an Indian...
Typical Indian police state mentality.

Use the CRPF, and being in cohorts with the North Indian as what it truly means to be a "sane" person.

We sympathize with the Tamilian but also sympathize with the Indians having placed the soldiers of the Tamilians into harms way, in an occupation of Kashmir (Outlook India's words, not mine).

As if we need your sympathies.We salute these brave men who died defending their homeland from the designs of foreign extremists and terrorists.

A Picture of Mr. Jinnah, with the bearded leader of the Tamilians, Mr. Periyar

By the 1940s, Periyar supported Muslim League's claim for a separate Pakistan, and expected its support in return.

In an interview with the Governor of Madras, Jinnah, the main leader of Muslim League, said that India should be divided into four regions: Dravidistan, Hindustan, Bengalistan and Pakistan; Dravidistan would approximately consist of the area under the Madras Presidency.

Jinnah stated "I have every sympathy and shall do all to help, and you establish Dravidistan where the 7 per cent Muslim population will stretch its hands of friendship and live with you on lines of security, justice and fairplay."

We see only three countries, where's the fourth?

Where are those who take the 11th August speech of our founder to heart and are ignoring this?

They are doing a great injustice by ignoring his golden words.

If we are granted freedom from Vaishnavite extremists, then why should we take it for granted and not show moral support to other oppressed peoples?​

The movement will have to be peaceful and of civil disobedience like MLK Jr. and Mandela (but not Gandhi because he only served the interests of North Indian Vaishnavites).

Also, you can see here, that unlike other Liberals, Mr. Kasuri has not forgotten the oppressed and persecuted people of Tamil Nadu/Dravida Desham.

Here's the ex-foreign minister of Pakistan, Mr. Kasuri, with the Nawab of Arcot, heir to a Tamil Muslim dynasty​


پاک تامل دوستی زندہ باد​

வாழ்க பாக்கிஸ்தான்-தமிழர் நட்பு

why are no tamils thanking this?
The real question is brothers, what are you doing, if you're not promoting Pakistani Tamil relations on the social platforms that are available to us?

Unlike Baluchestan, where there is nothing but mountains and plains, Tamilians can hear us and communicate with us because they are all urbanized and have access to technology, no different than our urban centers.

They are also not tribal like the Baluch, who only listen to their Sardars and if one of them, like Mengal, says something, they all follow suit, even if they are holding conferences and lobbying in US, UK and other places.

The Tamilians had recently locked down the entire state, schools and colleges over the Indian indifference toward the Tamils in Eelam, which showed to them how much influence or interest Indians really have in them or their concerns.

You need to show, as Pakistanis, and the followers of the Quaid, that you truly do care and sympathize with them.

Show them moral support, make Facebook pages and get their voices heard - the Indians would never allow it and even here, you can see their paranoid and desperate attempts at trying to silence the Tamilian concerns.

News Flash!!! we Indians are not stupid to be brainwashed by a few Mullahs like the marde momins Muslims of the world who go on to blow themselves up.

and, if Indians start promoting friendship with Free Balawaristan, Baluchistan, Puktunistan, Sindudesh etc etc then just imagine what a Billion plus people can make of it, I vaguely recall Bangladesh here..
What! Rajnikanth is not Tamil? What is he?

Marathi (Shivajirao Gaikwad), brought up in Karnataka, was a bus conductor with the Bangalore Transport Service before getting lucky in films. Great life story, don't you think?
@gotti What do Pakistan has to do with Tamils, You are are wannabe arabs and you are fond of Arabic language, Are you planning to import that desert culture to Tamils also ?

Marathi (Shivajirao Gaikwad), brought up in Karnataka, was a bus conductor with the Bangalore Transport Service before getting lucky in films. Great life story, don't you think?

Rajini Kanth's life is an example of the "idea of modern India"

Born in Maharashtrian Family, Brought up in Kannada place and a true super star in Tamil :cheers:
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