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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

The hounds of Baskerville let you out again?
Are you full retard or deliberately attempting to troll? Millions of Pakistani and Muslims live abroad and behave impeccably - they may billions in tax and employ 1000s and never set a foot wrong in their host nation. You can’t tarnish them with the acts of a retard. Your post is disrespectful to all and you ought to retract it.

Well that shpiel has gotten very old. The world has been very patient with the whole "don't tarnish the whole community with the acts of one person" schtick. It's time the said community started addressing the extremist elements within it.

Two weeks ago a man in Paris stabbed a Charlie Hebdo editor. No surprises for guessing who he was.

Oh if a Shia or Ahmedi dares to attack a Sunni in Pakistan. See what happens. Whole cities are burned down. Yesterday Karachi had a payya jaam strike by sectarian parties because a Sunni scholar was shot. Aurangzeb Farooqui- that ASWJ terrorist was out threatening Shias to stay in line. Where was your logic then?

Double standards no? If white people take out rallies then you start whining.
How do you equate a childish cartoon with a killing of human being?
It is Muslim behavior other faith peoples can not understand it
Footage captures the moment Chechen gunman, 18, is shot by French police after BEHEADING a teacher who 'showed his class cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed during lesson on freedom'
  • A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class
  • The attack occurred in Conflans-Saint-Honorine, 25 miles from the city centre, before a police chase ensued
  • Footage has been shared showing the moments the police caught up with the 18-year-old suspect on Friday
  • In the video, the police are seen advancing down a street towards the suspect while holding their firearms
  • The officers can be heard shouting at him to get on the ground before opening fire and killing him in the street

PUBLISHED: 17:42 BST, 16 October 2020 | UPDATED: 02:25 BST, 17 October 2020

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Footage has been released of the moment a teenage Chechen gunman was shot by French police after beheading a teacher for showing his class cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
The 18-year-old reportedly shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before attacking the teacher with a knife in a Paris suburb in broad daylight on Friday afternoon.
His victim was a 47-year-old middle school history teacher named as Samuel P, who had enraged parents by displaying cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils in a lesson on freedom of expression.
The suspect, whose identity has not been officially established, was shot by French officers as they tried to arrest him. He later died of his injuries, police said.
Four people, including a minor, have been arrested in connection with the incident, a judicial source told AFP early on Saturday. All were related to the assailant, the source added.
A video taken by a local resident shows the police arriving to attempt the arrest, ultimately leading to the shooting of the alleged assailant.
French resident films shooting of man who beheaded teacher


Shooting a Muslim is so easy
Those 1.9 billion will not be murderer. Cos in their own country, insulting the holy prophet will automatically carry death penalty. They are acting under those law. So how can they be murderer? Its like saying those French police who shot the chechen is murderer.

You'll find your answer in Surah 3:186

It preaches to be steadfast in your belief of Allah.
IMO the Quran preaches tolerance and reinforcement of ones faith in Allah.
Why is introspection so fcking hard for the majority people of my faith?

Its like they're taught from the start to obfuscate and deflect. A Muslim just can't be wrong and evil. It always has to be the fault of the White, the Zionist, the Hindu, the Kafir who provoked him.

And this phenomenon is compounded in my countrymen. They've added internal enemies like Ahmedis, Shias and different sects of Muslims to that list as well.
Abrahamic religions are scourge on earth because they taught the follower that everything else is wrong and only their own religion is right.

That's *not unique* to Abrahamic faiths, same *explicit* pattern is found in Hinduism unlike what secular hippies promote and this facts over feelings approach isn't something bad, it's even better

. I am going to get criticized but it is the Tablighi Jamaat responsible for all these reactionary / regressive / criminal acts of now. The TJ is brainwashing the youth.

You mean worldwide?
What has happened to young Muslims of recent times ? In earlier times they used to join left-wing activism. I am going to get criticized but it is the Tablighi Jamaat responsible for all these reactionary / regressive / criminal acts of now. The TJ is brainwashing the youth.

There isn't a TJ in Chechnya. The perpetrator was a Chechnyan.

And most Pakistanis always have been a tad bit extremist. Even people in family would never go out and do such a thing but they'd silently condone stuff like this- "haan sahi tou kia gustakhi ki yehi saza honi chahiye".....skewed sense of morality.
You mean worldwide?

Yes, the TJ is present everywhere. I feel that Saudis get blamed for many things but Saudia just provides the funding but the ideology is provided by the TJ.

Some years ago a Turkish member said to me that in Turkish language the TJ is called Teblegh ( or Tebligh ) and they were involved in rioting in some European city.

There isn't a TJ in Chechnya. The perpetrator was a Chechnyan.

Yes, TJ is banned in Russia and the Central Asian stan countries. But this young man was probably influenced by a TJ in France or via internet from Britain.
And most Pakistanis always have been a tad bit extremist. Even people in family would never go out and do such a thing but they'd silently condone stuff like this- "haan sahi tou kia gustakhi ki yehi saza honi chahiye".....skewed sense of morality.

I think that explains why Mumtaz Qadri is considered a hero by some and why some consider the shooting of Malala to be staged.
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This is quite normal & expected.
West should either stop letting these people in and deport the ones already let in. Or synchronize its laws with shariah.
Similarly, these people should either stop going to west and, if already in, should move to pure lands. Or accept the laws of the west.
Both are trying to have the cake & eat it too.
Result is confused zombie culture which does not know what to do and what not to do and how to do and how not to do.

also stop importing indians who ruin job market and healthcare system.
Well that shpiel has gotten very old. The world has been very patient with the whole "don't tarnish the whole community with the acts of one person" schtick. It's time the said community started addressing the extremist elements within it.

Two weeks ago a man in Paris stabbed a Charlie Hebdo editor. No surprises for guessing who he was.

Oh if a Shia or Ahmedi dares to attack a Sunni in Pakistan. See what happens. Whole cities are burned down. Yesterday Karachi had a payya jaam strike by sectarian parties because a Sunni scholar was shot. Aurangzeb Farooqui- that ASWJ terrorist was out threatening Shias to stay in line. Where was your logic then?

Double standards no? If white people take out rallies then you start whining.
You're drowning in your own stew! Stop looking at everything under the magnifying glass... it'll help you out of the bubble. France is a police state with some of the highest crime rate in the world... pickpockets around eiffle tower, gangs all over... is it all Muslims? Or that crime, murder, rape, prostitution and everything else in between a fair deal?
What is the overall crime rate of Muslims, compared to what?
In U.S. Islam is the way out for very messed up people... guys who have had rough childhood, had drug problems, broken homes and domestic violence... this is the path out for most and only hope for many...
Freedom of Speech is just a joke .. go & talk against Holocaust to see how you would be treated ... for example:

"Twitter follows Facebook on removing posts that deny the Holocaust" ...


Macron: I won't condemn caricatures of 'Prophet Muhammad'
France's Macron condemns Holocaust-denying graffiti daubed on memorial


In July 2008, Siné's column in the magazine Charlie Hebdo contained this comment on Jean Sarkozy's rumoured impending conversion to Judaism so he could marry a Jewish heiress of the wealthy Darty family, Jessica Sebaoun-Darty: "He'll go a long way in life, this lad!" Sarkozy and Sebaoun-Darty married but Sarkozy has affirmed that he did not convert to Judaism. The incident led to complaints of anti-Semitism and journalist Claude Askolovitch described the comments as anti-Semitic.
The magazine's editor, Philippe Val, ordered Siné to write a letter of apology or face termination. The cartoonist said he would rather "cut his own balls off", and was promptly fired. Both sides subsequently filed lawsuits, and in December 2010, Siné won a 40,000-euro court judgment against his former publisher for wrongful termination.

And the guy whom killed the teacher is a criminal and must stand in court of law for killing another human being which not possible due to being killed ...
good going man good going why these guys move to west first place . its EU fault why they let in these guys .
they dont only let them in but also facilitate them give them prime time to spread hate
give them accomidation and other support all that despite knowing their background

the western govts then wait for atrocities to happen. in UK earlier this year a Syrian who must have been a wahabi terrorist from jamat al nuara or daesh was given asylum in uk given accmodation and money and ignored for his violent tendencies until he knifed multiple people to death.

but an ordinary youth seeking education or better life might be rejected by them.

Chechens are fcked up people shame they had to belong to most intolerant and violent sect of Islam that has commercialized the concept of religious brutality. i won't let mu fellow muslims specially sunnis apologise for them. these are not sunni but Taqfiris following Saudi school of thought (wahabi which I need to aovid) whatever definitely NOT sunni. we have been bullied enough to stay quiet because saudis get annoyed.
its time sunni Muslim majority disassociate with these Taqfiris who been termed as hounds of hell by Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
I dont care about iran or shias. let them and their indian friends joke about the situation. but hating on them doesnt help us.

yes provocation of our faith is condemnable and it hurts me badly. but i dont want trolls to use it as an advantage to provoke us.
our violent outbursts helped the haters to organise and intensify the blasphemy incidents. there has to be a better nonviolent way to tackle the issue. bring in serious and respectable people from other faiths to legislate a policy and a platform to prevent such cases from happening it has worked for Jews through laws on antisemitism and denying holocaust. bitching that west dint care about muslims doesnt help neither a violent reaction reinforcing western argument that muslims are a bunch of violent shitheads and cant counter any challenge to their Faith in a peaceful manner.
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