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A Series of Heroic(Unfortunate) Events by Abhinandan

I don't agree with these posts degrading Abhinandan

He fought for his country, got himself betrayed by equipment and planners and was shot down.

He could have easily capitalized on his fame and become a mascot for BJP. He kept his mouth shut, maintaining the false dignity of his government, but refusing to become a part of their propaganda.

For as long as he stays this way, I have nothing but respect for him.
Yea !!!

Even DG ISPR respects him on twitter.

It takes courage to fight for country and even more when the Rival is non other than King of Skies - PAF
I agree and respect your sentiments, sir and I believe us being courteous to Wg Cdr Abinandan showed the world that propaganda against us is false. Higher ideals do wonders.

Sometimes Wars are only won and lost in PROPAGANDA alone.

Never give enemy a whisker of benefit as it may work against us.
My favorite part of all this tamasha was when we first captured him, Gangus went crazy saying no Indian pilot has that kind of facial hair and PAKISTAN IS LIAARRRRRRR....
Then the next thing we know, all Gangus are wearing that facial air because their "hero" had it :rofl:
My favorite part of all this tamasha was when we first captured him, Gangus went crazy saying no Indian pilot has that kind of facial hair and PAKISTAN IS LIAARRRRRRR....
Then the next thing we know, all Gangus are wearing that facial air because their "hero" had it :rofl:

Rofl, my wife standing behind me spilled water laughing at your post. She said it’s so true.
Poor chap wont be seen in international war games. He has been a disgrace to the military community for accepting medals for something he didnt do.
It was either that or face the wrath of an irrationally fascist and retrogressive regime.
I liked the guy... But remember any Prisoner of war is someone who came to kill you but could not. Same was Abhinandan..
And no he did not take on any F-16, he had no clue where he was as all Radio Communications of IAF were jammed.
Yes thats true he had no idea where he was because when the landed on our side of Kashmir he asked the people on ground is he in India.
Excellent work by Pakistani Awacs of jamming his equipment.

9)For his outstanding heroics he was awarded the Vir Chakra.
Yes it looks like abhinandan shot down that mi5 helicopter killing 6 IAF personnel :rofl:
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