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A request to Shaan, Faisal and Hamza - Act Responsibly

I support/believe in restraining of emotions while dealing with issues, but then there are times when one needs to aggressive & needs to show few the hole they belong too, ur freedom stops where my nose starts...

You're absolutely right. However the language, the reaction, and the approach used by these personalities (especially Faisal Qureshi) was cheap and 3rd class. Jibran Nasir is absolutely right, Saif Ali Khan is a non-issue....the movie Phantom is a non-issue...it was literally a non-issue but the whole saga got that wave of publicity due to the Pakistanis.

This video is not about the movie or the actor's statement but the way...the manner in which Pakistanis usually respond. Cheap shots...cheap language...getting personal...really 3rd class stuff.
Honestly speaking it was not much about the movie nor the actor but the BS as to lost faith in Pakistan....

Seriously, when and what faith did he have that he was promoting his movie with such shitty thing?

I dont think anyone gave a shit about phantom as much as they did about what shit he echoed for foreign media! We already have a notorious image which we are trying to fix the last thing we want is our neighbour bitching about us!

Like it was Saif' right to BS it was our celebrities right to reply him...Sure Faisal Qureshi went over board but the other 2 were normal and just telling questioning him regarding what faith he had lost when none was there to begin with!

I disagree with him on 1 or 2 issues (or non issues ) but I largely agree with him ...

Jibran needs to shut up and stop talking thrash to please master India

The man stood up against Mullani burqay wali of lal masjid ... He stands up against alot of social issues and even contested elections ... Please tell us how he's pleasing his "indian" masters?
Didn't hear good things from someone who knew Jibran anyhow he has his views and should be respected as do the three actors. They are free to respond, however I do agree a far effective message can be sent without mocking and under the belt remarks.
I disagree with him on 1 or 2 issues (or non issues ) but I largely agree with him ...

The man stood up against Mullani burqay wali of lal masjid ... He stands up against alot of social issues and even contested elections ... Please tell us how he's pleasing his "indian" masters?
I know these Indian puppets and because of this and those who along with him were protesting against Mullah Aziz. The Mullah started getting his support base back because all of these liberals are known as famous stooges of India and USA and supporter of every Haram from vulgarity to homosexuality and other crap. Army rightly gave them the message to stay away. As for this video all these people are in pain after Pakistan took the stand against Indian thrash against Pakistan and our people. Jibran Nasir and Marvi Sarmad and others like them are famous puppets of India and west.
I know these Indian puppets and because of this and those who along with him were protesting against Mullah Aziz. The Mullah started getting his support base back because all of these liberals are known as famous stooges of India and USA and supporter of every Haram from vulgarity to homosexuality and other crap. Army rightly gave them the message to stay away. As for this video all these people are in pain after Pakistan took the stand against Indian thrash against Pakistan and our people. Jibran Nasir and Marvi Sarmad and others like them are famous puppets of India and west.
Bs ! That bastards only support comes from people like yourself... This guy along with people surrounded that terrorism center after that son of a bitch mocked our martyred soldiers!

I don't give s flying fuk about di called liberals but that doesn't mean I won't call a spade a spade !

Nasir jiban neither runs some NGO.. Nor any indian or foriegn supported company or charity .. Just because you can't digest reality doesn't mean he's an indian agent!

Point out one 1 invalid point he raised!

Isn't mocking somebody's wife or getting personal on TV pathetic?
Why even give so much importance to such douchebag in india?
Why act holier than thou... When you are in the same boat ?
Why only point out fingers at issues and not use whatever resources or your office to right the wrong?

Use your brain...
Bs ! That bastards only support comes from people like yourself... This guy along with people surrounded that terrorism center after that son of a bitch mocked our martyred soldiers!

I don't give s flying fuk about di called liberals but that doesn't mean I won't call a spade a spade !

Nasir jiban neither runs some NGO.. Nor any indian or foriegn supported company or charity .. Just because you can't digest reality doesn't mean he's an indian agent!

Point out one 1 invalid point he raised!

Isn't mocking somebody's wife or getting personal on TV pathetic?
Why even give so much importance to such douchebag in india?
Why act holier than thou... When you are in the same boat ?
Why only point out fingers at issues and not use whatever resources or your office to right the wrong?

Use your brain...
Jibran Nasir and his links with Indians are well known . Yes threatening to kill some one in Pakistan is more pathetic and some one comes abuse your family and keeps on doing for hours what are you going to do ? I at least will teach a lesson person who abuses my family. Jibran Nasir runs NGO and he also is trying to get funds from west to do their dirty work
An easy way to earn money these days is to stage few leftist demonstrations, make one NGO, badmouth Mullahs and establishment, make a visit to Washington come back a millionaire. These days I always look with suspicion who tries to be unusually aggressive against any other group, quite frequently there are sinister agendas. Leftist, rightest, centrist ,Mullah ,secular, establishment tout in short can be from any background.
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