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Featured A Powerful explosion rocks Beirut.

Every one will blame this on iran and hezbolla . espcially those sunny's

We all know this was Hezbollah weapons. Hezbollah controls that port. What else explodes like this? not gas, not fireworks. This is military grade explosions.

Hezbollah were on the scene within minutes. They will block everyone else from entering and 'clean up' their mess/evidence.
We all know this was Hezbollah weapons. Hezbollah controls that port. What else explodes like this? not gas, not fireworks. This is military grade explosions.

Hezbollah were on the scene within minutes. They will block everyone else from entering and 'clean up' their mess/evidence.
maybe it was a Hezbollah lighting up a cigarette in the wrong place ?
Any idea on the cause of the blast ? looks massive
Every one will blame this on iran and hezbolla . espcially those sunny's

Well the timing suggests it may be possible I dont think Hezbollah would engage in such a large bomb blast in the vicinity of the largest city where they draw their biggest support base from (south beirut).

It could most likely be an Israeli operation to target a large weapons shipment/storage site.

The Israelis might have calculated the benefits vs expected risk and concluded they had far more to lose by not acting.
The entire port area has disappeared. There are tens of billions of dollars lost. Port's bonded areas and industrial zone, related service sectors and hundreds of residences, all turned into pile of rubble. Small apocalypse for the Lebanese people. May Allah(c.c.) help the Lebanese people.
The entire port area has disappeared. There are tens of billions of dollars lost. Small apocalypse for the Lebanese people. May Allah(c.c.) help the Lebanese people.

Dude this is expected to easily cost 100 billion USD lost to the lebanese economy. Ports are a huge piece of infrastructure with many moving components costing billions. Not to mention an economic lifeline for the country. The opportunity cost in lost revenue will be absolutely enormous. A huge burden for the lebanese people.
The 'fireworks' going up at the beginning now look like they could be ammo/bullets.
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