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A Night of Defiance: Turkey marks third anniversary of failed coup

Dai Toruko

Mar 14, 2017
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Since 1923, when Turkey became the modern Republic it is today, the country has suffered a series of coups. It's made the nation aware of the sometimes fragile nature of democracy, but it's also made people determined to hold onto it. Three years ago, on July the 15th, a coup attempt was suppressed with the help of unarmed civilians who rejected military rule through the force of will alone.
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An ultra short summary of the coup



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It wasn’t a coup per se!!! It was the ultimate attempt to disintegrate Turkey from inside in such a manner that her geostrategic, defense productions, economic, social etc. gains are clocked back by around 100 years!!! They wanted a Turkey where even the horseshoes for the military had to be imported!!! And, they wanted a completely isolated Turkey ruled by a coterie of traitor proxy terrorists whose only allegiance lies to a country south of Turkey....

what ppl, what heros. May their souls rest in peace eternal.

And instead for the whole world, esspecially the western one that loud themself as the free world and defenders of democracy to applaud these ppl, turkish goverment and the nation.. its mostly criquets.

On the other hand, they showed time and time again their preference for military dictatorships from Africa to Asia. (They are much easier to control, cause their internatrional legitamacy depends on those same powers) If they dont like the ppls choice at the ballot boxes. Sissi and Haftar are latest examples. Algeria in the 90s, Gaza/palestine after Hamas won.
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Who, When, What, Why...

* Who is FETÖ( also known Gülen Cemaati which took the name afer its founder Fethullah Gülen) and its roots in Turkey:
  • He(Fetullah Gülen) charged in the year of 2000 by Ankara State Security Court (DGM) Republican Prosecutor Nuh Mete Yuksel***:
  1. "continued his policy [of] silently... infiltrat[ing] the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in order to take control over it"
  2. "trying to undermine the secular system and set up an Islamic dictatorship"
The source: http://www.refworld.org/docid/3f7d4e297.html (UNHCR's refugee document and news web site)

Conclusion: With a few changes for Anti-Terrorism Law, No. 3713 done by The AKP, The Ankara 11th High Criminal Court, in judgment number 2000/124 E-2003/20 K on May 5, 2006, acquitted Gülen.
  • A ''secret'' report about Fetullah Gülen written in 24 June 2004 by MIT (National Intelligence Organisation) on the page 17 in the link (Turk members can confirm the content):
  • National Security Council (MGK) action plan against Fetullah Gülen signed by The AKP ministers including Erdoğan and deputy PM also minister Mehmet Ali Şahin(no sign for absence in the meeting) in July 2004:
    • belge-01.jpg
*FETÖ terrorism (only some of them among many listed):

  • A plot against the Turkish army in cases like Balyaz, Ergenekon etc., jailing soldiers(mostly at high ranks even the chief of Turkish army), academicians, journalists.
  • Another case over Zirve publication house massacre
  • illegally-recorded phone conversations in the state
  • Colloboration with other terrorist organisaitons like PKK, especially giving the names of Turk agents in those terrorist organisatios, also operations' time and locations against those terrorist organisations; which resulted in martyrs of many Turk security forces
  • Case over Cosmic room search, with which the top secret state documents were stolen and most probably shared with many countries
  • Case over Attack at council of state
  • Case over Assasination of Hrant Dink
  • Case over OdaTv
  • Case over Match-fixing
  • Case over Poyrazköy
  • Assasination of Üzeyir Garih and Necip Hablemitoğlu
  • Suspicious death of Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu
  • Murder of a pope ''Santoro''
  • Stealing exam questions and using them to gain positions in the state
  • Suspicious suicides in ASELSAN (Turkish armed forces foundation company working on critical tech.)
  • Shutting down a Russian jet
  • Etc..etc.

*The AKP and Erdoğan fight against Fetullah Gülen(a.k.a FETÖ):

  • With taking the power in 2002, The AKP had put objections on decisions made by Supreme Military Council in order to cut the relations of high rank soldiers with suspicious activities

The National Security Council (MGK) action plan against Fethullah Gülen was signed by the AKP, but not had been put into force, which is confessed by the AKP members who are in high position and even ministers in the state. Here is those confessions:

Mr.Yalçın Akdoğan wrote in 2013:

  1. Başbakan Yardımcısı Emrullah İşler (Ocak 2014):''... herhangi bir Bakanlar Kurulu kararı alınmamıştır, herhangi bir adım atılmamıştır.''
  2. TBMM eski Başkanı, Başbakan eski Yardımcısı Bülent Arınç (28 Kasım2013): “Varsayılan konuların hiçbiri gerçekleşmedi. Tavsiyeydi. Uygulanmadı
  3. AKP Kurucular Kurulu Üyesi Salih Kapusuz (30 Kasım 2013):
    Bırakın bu MGK kararlarının uygulanmasını, bunun tam tersine uygulamaların yapıldığı gerekçesiyle AK Parti hakkında ‘kapatma davası’ açılmıştır. Fitne ve fesat üretenlere itibar etmeyelim, Gün; bir ve beraber olma günüdür.”
  4. Adalet eski Bakanı, Başbakan Yardımcısı Bekir Bozdağ (30 Kasım 2013):
    “MGK’nın gündemine bu konu hükümetimiz tarafından getirilmemiştir ve dönemin Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Sezer gündemi oluşturmuş, orada bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Birincisi, sanki gündeme AKP Hükümeti getirmiş gibi bir değerlendirme yapılıyor fevkalade yanlıştır. İkincisi MGK kararını hayata geçirme yönünde hükümetimiz döneminde herhangi bir Bakanlar Kurulu kararı alınmamıştır, herhangi bir adım atılmamıştır. Tarih bunun şahididir, kayıtlar bunun şahididir.
  5. TBMM eski Başkanı ve Adalet eski Bakanı Mehmet Ali Şahin (30 Kasım 2013): “Bu kararla ilgili tek bir adım atmadık”
  6. 24. Genelkurmay Başkanı Hilmi Özkök (19 Ekim 2016): “2004 MGK Toplantısı’nda AKP Hükümeti’ni FETÖ’ye karşı uyardık ama bir şey yapmadılar.
  7. CHP sordu (Aralık 2013): “2004 MGK kararları uygulanmış mıdır?''
    Başbakan Yardımcısı Emrullah İşler cevapladı (Ocak 2014):''... herhangi bir Bakanlar Kurulu kararı alınmamıştır, herhangi bir adım atılmamıştır.''

  • 22 Kasım 2010 tarihli ve 2010/1116 sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu: “irticanın tehdit olmaktan çıkarılması” ve “irticayla mücadele görevi bulunan devlet organlarının tasfiyesi”

  • Milli Güvenlik Siyaset Belgesi (MGSB) değiştirilerek: “irtica iç tehdit olmaktan çıkartılmış”

  • Başbakanlık Uygulamayı Takip ve Koordinasyon Kurulu (BUTKK) feshedilmiştir.

  • Başbakanlık 14 Aralık 2010 tarih ve 2010/27 Sayılı Genelgesi: 1997-1999 yıllarında çıkarılan ve 28 Şubat ürünü olarak adlandırdıkları 7 adet talimat ve genelge yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır.

***Ankara Devlet Güvenlik Mahkemesi Savcısı Nuh Mete Yuksel 2000 yılında Fethullah Gülen'e karşı dava açtı, internetten İddianamenin tamamını bulabilirsiniz:
S U Ç : Laik Devlet yapısını değiştirerek yerine dini kurallara dayalı bir devlet kurmak amacıyla yasadışı örgüt kurup bu amaç doğrultusunda faaliyetlerde bulunmak.
Suç Tarihi: 1989

İddianame(Başlıkları, detaylarını internette bulabilirsiniz):
I- Nurculuğun tarihi gelişimi
II- Nurculuk hakkında Ceza Genel Kurulu Kararı
III- Fethullah GÜLEN Grubu
IV- Fethullah GÜLEN hakkında Askeri Yargıtay 3 ncü Dairesi nin Kararı
V- Bir Nur talebesinin anlattıklarıyla Fethullahçılık
VI- Kitaplarına göre Fethullahçılık
1)- Cihad
2)- Tebliğ
3)- Strateji ve Taktik
4)- Fethullah GÜLEN Said-i Nursi nin devamıdır
‘5)- Örgütlenmede genel perspektif
‘6)- Fethullah GÜLEN in inkılapçılığı
‘7)- Işık evleri, tekke, zaviye ve medreseler
‘8)- Hizmet erleri Şakirtler
‘9)- Dava Adamı, dava sistem
10)- Atatürk ve Laik Cumhuriyet
11)- Gelir Kaynakları
12)- Arapça Eğitim

İddianameden kesitler:

  • Devletin tüm sistemlerinde İslam hükümlerini egemen kılarak teokratik bir İslam
    diktatörlüğünü kurmaktır
    ...demokratik usuller ile ılımlı İslam görüntüsü ile kamufle edilmiş
    yöntemi...Papa ile görüşerek sadece Türkiye'de değil, Dünyadaki Müslümanları yönetmeyi
    amaçlayan ruhani liderliğe olan ilgisi,
  • A- Bünyesinde bulunan vakıf, okul ve dershaneleri kullanarak eğitilmiş gençlerden
    oluşan bir taban oluşturmak,
    B- Devletin bütün kadrolarında, bütün bürokraside, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ve Emniyet
    Teşkilatında kadrolaşmak,
  • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini ele geçirme amacıyla sızma politikasını sessiz ve derinden
    devam ettirmektedir.
  • ...

Bu dava nasıl sonuçlandı?

Gülen’i AK Parti kurtardı
2000 yılında, 10 yıl hapis talebiyle DGM’de yargılanan Fethullah Hocaefendi; 2006 yılında AK Parti Hükümetinin Terörle Mücadele Kanunu’nda yaptığı değişiklikle beraat etti...
Kaynak: https://www.yeniakit.com.tr/haber/guleni-ak-parti-kurtardi-7682.html
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Dw news is a disgrace!!!

Families and a nation is in mourning what they do is peddle fake news and conspiracy theories.

Also check france24 they are all peddling fake news while at the same time defending the feto bastards they did nothing wrong.
2 things I'm going to say.

1) Anyone who celebrates celebrates July 15th is not only a fool but also an enemy of the Turkish nation. This is meant to be a day of mourning. Like any major terrorist attack it should not be celebrated. But our president and many of his followers see it as a 'victory' and even compare it to Gallipoli and the War of Independence. What an absolute joke. Dozens of newly recruited CONSCRIPTS were brutally killed by so called civilians. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. It only happened a few days after I joined this website and for months after I was in shock. This isn't a victory day. It was an absolutely tragic mess that should never be repeated.

2) AKP was fully responsible for it. They were the ones who allowed feto to enter TSK. Erdogan himself said that he was a supporter of the Ergenekon trials. It is absolutely hypocritical for any AKP fan to say that they are against FETO when their own leader was Gulen's biggest supporter.
2 things I'm going to say.

1) Anyone who celebrates celebrates July 15th is not only a fool but also an enemy of the Turkish nation. This is meant to be a day of mourning. Like any major terrorist attack it should not be celebrated. But our president and many of his followers see it as a 'victory' and even compare it to Gallipoli and the War of Independence. What an absolute joke. Dozens of newly recruited CONSCRIPTS were brutally killed by so called civilians. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. It only happened a few days after I joined this website and for months after I was in shock. This isn't a victory day. It was an absolutely tragic mess that should never be repeated.

2) AKP was fully responsible for it. They were the ones who allowed feto to enter TSK. Erdogan himself said that he was a supporter of the Ergenekon trials. It is absolutely hypocritical for any AKP fan to say that they are against FETO when their own leader was Gulen's biggest supporter.

You know I also find it retarded to compare july 15 to 1453, turkish independance war or gallipoli, kut or baku.

Coups or whatever it is never been celebrated. We should treat july 15 more like a internal tragedy thing rather than a celebration or a victory.

Soldiers deaths or getting treated like crap is also bad you gotta remember its a life or death situation between soldiers and civilians. Either way both would have killed each other.

Most soldiers easily surrendered without firing a shot which means civilians themselves violated a rule by killing soldiers. Turkish soldiers barely harm their own people they did not deserves but the higher ups it is a different story.

Once they surrendered they should have been treated properly but its civilians what you expect to see common sense with them in a life and death situation.
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You know I also find it retarded to compare july 15 to 1453, turkish independance war or gallipoli, kut or baku.

Coups or whatever it is never been celebrated. We should treat july 15 more like a internal tragedy thing rather than a celebration or a victory.

Soldiers deaths or getting treated like crap is also bad you gotta remember its a life or death situation between soldiers and civilians. Either way both would have killed each other.

Most soldiers easily surrendered without firing a shot which means civilians themselves violated a rule by killing soldiers. Turkish soldiers barely harm their own people they did not deserves but the higher ups it is a different story.

Once they surrendered they should have been treated properly but its civilians what you expect to

I saw a video not too long ago showing that in one of the clashes soldiers weren't even firing. Sadat operatives were firing at civilians from hidden positions. This so called coup was one of the most disgusting marks on our nation's history. Still to this day when you search up "Turkish military" on Google the first thing that pops up is conscripts getting beaten by civilians. It's embarrassing.
I know that Tayyip had knowledge of it. He knew that Gulenists were planning a coup attempt and he used it for his own sake.

I was so naive to believe in that 15 July was a coup which organizated by Gulan but it wasn't. Tayyip was also involved in that. Last year I visited Turkey after years. And I saw my friend. One of the oldest ones. He was/is an akp supporter to death. And you guys might guess he was a Gulenists to death and even we had a fight over him. Ones I said that "Gulen is a dog of Jews and works for Jews" it was in 2012. That time he was "hoca efendi" for 'em.

Well his uncle is one of the most wanted Gulenists. And he fled to Bosnia. He told me that before coup his aunt has told 'me to be ready for a coup. He said that they knew it a couple of weeks ago. His uncle had sold everything what he had before and fled with the money. I didn't believe at first and replied "even Tayyip himself didn't know it." he said "he knew it." I replied again "if he knew it why he let the f16 to hunt him in the air?"
He smiled and said yeah see you say it. The f16's were in the air but it was a miracle they couldn't find him. And another miracle was his hotel. When he was in Marmaris at the hotel a special team of SF units stormed in his hotel but thew were 15 minutes late. Tayyip was left the hotel just 15 minutes before the team. Let me tell you another miracle. Again another a team stormed the airport to catch Tayyip but ones again they were late coz Tayyip was left it just 15 minutes ago. Can you see hi is protected by Allah he said and smiled again. That night was a holy night Bro f16, awacs and tanker planes were in the air seeking for Tayyip, they couldn't find him. SF forces were tracking him but they were late again and again. He was smiling.

I said hundreds of innocents lost their lives at that night who will be responsible of it I said. He replied "they had to loose their lives to open the way of Tayyip. After those martyrs Tayyip became the first president of Turkey. It was necessary. Sometimes we must sacrifice someones for the sake of our country. Tayyip is our leader who will carry us future. With him we have a brighter further.

Well that day I understood how did they fool us by this 15 July socalled coup. Everything was for Tayyip and his presidential system.

I am sure most of akpeans will not believe in this truth and eat the story which told 'em.

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I saw a video not too long ago showing that in one of the clashes soldiers weren't even firing. Sadat operatives were firing at civilians from hidden positions. This so called coup was one of the most disgusting marks on our nation's history. Still to this day when you search up "Turkish military" on Google the first thing that pops up is conscripts getting beaten by civilians. It's embarrassing.

Indeed I agree, coup also damaged the prestige of the TSK which will take time to reocover.

If the faggots of google faced Turkish soldiers they will run like rats. I dont expect anyless from a bunch of zionists or americunts who have tranny and fag soldiers in the army.

But the israeli women soldiers are beautiful LOL
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Since 1923, when Turkey became the modern Republic it is today, the country has suffered a series of coups. It's made the nation aware of the sometimes fragile nature of democracy, but it's also made people determined to hold onto it. Three years ago, on July the 15th, a coup attempt was suppressed with the help of unarmed civilians who rejected military rule through the force of will alone.

Not targetting you bro, but every single person here who still celebrates this event. This was the darkest day in our history and yet people are making it seem like it was something to be proud about. Lets just be happy that it didn't spark a civil war.

I'm not going to address the fact that Tayyip knew about it and how he was allied with Gulen, etc. We all know that. But I'm going to say it is an insult to talk about how unarmed 'civilians' rejected military rule. You're talking about a few hundred conscripts that were sent out into the streets that had no idea what they were doing and then lynched by thousands of people and you're still calling this a freaking coup. Stop trashing on our military's reputation and prestige. Let's leave this event in the past.

The real heros on July the 15th were those military and police personnel who understood what was happening and calmed the situation in order to prevent a civil war.

Greeks, Armenians and all other Turk haters love to spread pictures of bloodied up Turkish soldiers. They never had the opportunity to defeat us at war so to them videos and images from July 15th were a joyful sight.

So to all my brothers on this forum please wake up and stop celebrating this sh!t. It is not respectful to TSK or any of the innocent people who died on that day including clueless conscripts who are now remembered as traitors. By all means mourn on this day. However don't call it a victory unless you're an enemy of our Army. Never forget the "15 Temmuz Destanı" posters that were everywhere, showing our soldiers crying. What embarrassing and disgusting times for the image of our army. All thanks to AKP's prior frendship with FETO.


F*ck FETO, AKP and KCK. I hope all three get destroyed.
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