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A new Pakistani Taliban chief emerging?


Sep 12, 2010
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WANA: The Pakistani Taliban, one of the world’s most feared militant groups, are preparing for a leadership change that could mean less violence against the state but more attacks against US-led forces in Afghanistan, Pakistani military sources said.

Hakimullah Mehsud, a ruthless commander who has led the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) for the last three years, has lost operational control of the movement and the trust of his fighters, said a senior Pakistan army official based in the South Waziristan tribal region, the group’s stronghold.

The organisation’s more moderate deputy leader, Wali-ur-Rehman, 40, is poised to succeed Mehsud, whose extreme violence has alienated enough of his fighters to significantly weaken him, the military sources told Reuters.

“Rehman is fast emerging as a consensus candidate to formally replace Hakimullah,” said the army official, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter. “Now we may see the brutal commander replaced by a more pragmatic one for whom reconciliation with the Pakistani government has become a priority.”

The TTP, known as the Pakistani Taliban, was set up as an umbrella group of militants in 2007.

Its main aim is to topple the US-backed government in Pakistan and impose its austere brand of Islam across the country of 185 million people, although it has also carried out attacks in neighbouring Afghanistan.

The militants intensified their battle against the Pakistani state after an army raid on Islamabad’s Red Mosque in 2007, which had been seized by allies of the group.

Mehsud, believed to be in his mid-30s, took over the Pakistani Taliban in August 2009. He rose to prominence in 2010 when US prosecutors charged him with involvement in an attack that killed seven CIA employees at a US base in Afghanistan.

His profile was raised further when he appeared in a farewell video with the Jordanian suicide bomber who killed the employees.

Reuters interviewed several senior Pakistan military officials as well as tribal elders and locals during a three-day trip with the army in South Waziristan last week, getting rare access to an area that has been a virtual no-go zone for journalists since an army offensive was launched in October 2009.

Three senior military officials said informers in the Pakistani Taliban told them Mehsud was no longer steering the group.

Pakistani Taliban commanders did not respond to repeated requests for comment on the possible leadership change.

US officials said that while Rehman was Mehsud’s natural successor, they cautioned about expecting an imminent transition. Mehsud’s standing in the Pakistani Taliban might have weakened, but he still had followers, they said.

Washington has offered a reward of $5 million for information leading to the capture of either Mehsud or Rehman.

One Pakistan military official, who has served in South Waziristan for more than two years, said his Pakistani Taliban contacts first alerted him to Mehsud’s waning power six months ago, when constant pressure from the Pakistan military, US drone strikes and poor health had hurt his ability to lead.

“Representing the moderate point of view, there is a probability that under Rehman, TTP will dial down its fight against the Pakistani state, unlike Hakimullah who believes in wanton destruction here,” said the military official based in the South Waziristani capital of Wana.

The official said this might lead to more attacks across the border in Afghanistan because Rehman has been pushing for the group’s fighters to turn their guns on Western forces.

Other factions within the Pakistani Taliban such as the Nazir group in South Waziristan and the Hafiz Gul Bahadur faction in North Waziristan have struck peace deals with the Pakistani military while focusing attacks on Western and Afghan forces in Afghanistan.

A change in the Pakistan Taliban’s focus would complicate Western efforts to stabilise Afghanistan before most Nato troops leave by the end of 2014, said Riaz Mohammad Khan, a Pakistani diplomat who has held several posts dealing with Afghanistan.

The United States is already fighting the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network, which is based along the unruly frontier between Afghanistan and Pakistan and which is perhaps Washington’s deadliest foe in Afghanistan.

The last thing US-led Nato troops need is a new, formidable enemy in the approach to 2014.

Such a shift in emphasis, however, could reduce the number of suicide bombings that have plagued Pakistan in recent years, scaring off investment needed to prop up an economy that has barely managed to grow since 2007.

At each other’s throats

The Pakistani Taliban, who are close to al Qaeda, remain resilient despite a series of military offensives. They took part in a number of high-profile operations, including an attack on army headquarters in 2009, assaults on military bases, and the attempted assassination of Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai in October, who had campaigned for girls’ education.

The Pakistani Taliban were also blamed for the 2008 bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad which killed more than 50 people.

Under Mehsud, the organisation formed complex alliances with other militant groups spread across Pakistan.

But it has long been strained by internal rivalries over strategy. Mehsud has pushed the war with the Pakistani state, while others such as Rehman want the battle to be against US and allied forces in Afghanistan.

“Rehman has even held secret negotiations with the Pakistani government in the past but Hakimullah always stood in his way, wanting to carry on fighting the Pakistani military,” a second Wana-based military official said.

The two were at each other’s throats earlier this year and hostilities were close to open warfare, Taliban sources said.

“Differences within the ranks have only gotten worse, not better, rendering the TTP a much weaker force today than a few years ago,” the second military official said.

A source close to the Taliban told Reuters there had been months of internal talks on the Pakistani Taliban’s decreasing support among locals and fighters in tribal areas where the group has assassinated many pro-government elders.

“The Taliban know they are fighting a public relations war, and under someone like Hakimullah, they will only lose it,” added the source who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

It isn’t clear whether Mehsud will hand over the leadership to Rehman without a fight.

A power struggle could split the group, making it more difficult to recruit young fighters and also disrupt the safe havens in Pakistan used by Afghan militants.

According to accepted practice, a leadership council, or shura, will ultimately decide whether to formally replace Mehsud with Rehman.

Intelligence officials said Mehsud had not commanded any recent operations, including an Aug 16 attack on the Minhas Airbase in Pakistan and a suicide attack on a street market in May that killed 24 people.

Military sources said Rehman planned the April 15 jail break in Bannu in Pakistan that freed 384 prisoners, including an estimated 200 Taliban members and an al Qaeda-linked militant who had attempted to assassinate former president Pervez Musharraf.

Fall from grace

Intelligence officials in the area said Mehsud’s brutality had turned his own subordinates against him, while the more measured Rehman had emerged as the group’s primary military strategist.

“If a leader doesn’t behave like a leader, he loses support. For the longest time now, Hakimullah has done the dirty work while Wali-ur-Rehman is the thinker. Taliban fighters recognise this,” said the first Pakistani military source.

A local elder described Mehsud as “short-tempered and trigger-happy”.

“(Mehsud) used to work 24 hours a day, tirelessly. But he would also put a gun to anyone’s head and kill them for his cause,” said a local shopkeeper who has family members involved in the Pakistan Taliban.

Mehsud gained his reputation fighting with the Afghan Taliban against US and allied forces in Helmand province in Afghanistan. He was later given command of Taliban factions in the Bajaur, Orakzai, Khyber and Kurram regions.

He took over the Pakistani Taliban after a weeks-long succession battle with Rehman following the death of Baitullah Mehsud in a drone strike. The two Mehsuds were not related.

A new Pakistani Taliban chief emerging? | DAWN.COM

I'll take this with a pinch of salt, but I personally think that this would be beneficial for us in a way, because TTP toning down their activities against us is what we all want don't we?

What do you folks think?

@Icarus, @Irfan Baloch, your comments and views would be appreciated.
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I personally think that none of them should even be allowed to breathe, however, Wali-ur-Rehman is marginally saner than Hakimullah.
If TTP stops attacking Pakistani forces and people and start attacking only US and other foreign troops, will the stance of Pakistan towards it change ?
Here we go. This is playing out as expected. These people will now, once again, become strategic assets. They will once again start tormenting more trouble in Afghanistan and India. The Pakistani state will term them mujahi deen and not terrorists. Then 10 years down the line when they start attacking Pak once again, the Pakistani state will cry as to how it is the victim.

Gayee bhains paani mein......
TTP is created by enemies of Pakistan they will not stop attacking us.
Okies, who are those enemies. Don't give usual suspects - RAW, CIA, MOSSAD. TTP already vowed to take revenge of Kasab's execution.

Again, I am asking IF TTP stops targeting Pakistan, what will be your stance ?
Okies, who are those enemies. Don't give usual suspects - RAW, CIA, MOSSAD. TTP already vowed to take revenge of Kasab's execution.

Again, I am asking IF TTP stops targeting Pakistan, what will be your stance ?

kasab was a hindu, there wont be any action against a hindu execution

TTP is an nato loving group, fazlullah remains for a year hiding in afghanistan, he is there in the safe heavens, attacking pakistan, looks like a strategic asset of NATO and US
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3673429 said:
kasab was a hindu, there wont be any action against a hindu execution

TTP is an indian loving group, fazlullah remains for a year hiding in afghanistan, he is there in the safe heavens, attacking pakistan, looks like a strategic asset of NATO and US
Sorry I stated something that is so controversial.

Pardon me. I take back my question.

Evil Indians like me can't resist.
If TTP stops attacking Pakistani forces and people and start attacking only US and other foreign troops, will the stance of Pakistan towards it change ?

Why would they do this in first place? A hypothetical question gets a hypothetical answer.. I am sure whatever we answer we simply can not escape a pre-forged blame! If you know what I mean? :D
TTP is created by enemies of Pakistan they will not stop attacking us.

That could be true and the next chief is selected by a board of recruiters by the original employers.

Already candidates are asked to bring in their biodata to review their actions and new chief will be crowned sooner by them.

Pay package is of industry standards and this time there will tax cuts, travel bonus, other allowances , all paid through HSBC ( worlds local banK) situated somewhere in that tribal area.
Can we cut the trolling and hate posts please?

This isn't quite a we support you stance, look through our eyes Krait.

We all want the TTP to be not against us, and to tone down it's activities. With a new chief in Rehman coming in, who is supposedly more pragmatic in his approach and not gung ho, and has clear objectives in his mind, the TTP activities will tone down according to the article. So, ofcourse we would all want this guy to get the throne!

What he does or does not do to the US/ISAF is a secondary thought for me, the primary issue is his stance on Pakistan. If he advocates for peace with us, I am all for him, but do not confuse this with me supporting him to launch attacks at ISAF from NW.

Nobody should be harbored by us, nor given a safe haven to launch attacks on the other side, but in the present scenario, where we are already fighting other factions, why would we want to get our hand in another beehive, a beehive of those bees that are not doing anything to us?

When the other ops tone down, and things on other fronts stabilize a little bit, then maybe we can divert our attention towards this one.

Think of it as two beehives in your house, one is attacking your house and your family members, while the other one is right on the boundary of your home, but still within your property. This second beehive attacks your neighbor. You will of course first turn your attention first to the beehive that is attacking you and your family, not the one that attacks the neighbors. Although your neighbor constantly whines about it, you will not get into a fight with this other nest, because you already are having enough problems with the first one. You getting my point?
The Pakistani Taliban, one of the world’s most feared militant groups, are preparing for a leadership change that could mean less violence against the state but more attacks against US-led forces in Afghanistan, Pakistani military sources said.

Worlds Most feared Oh My i am shacking in my dhoti.

If this Garbadge was in any civilized part of the world where leaders cared for their country this **** would have been flushed down the toilet long ago and the rest of their sympathizers would have been rotting in jails.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3673429 said:
kasab was a hindu, there wont be any action against a hindu execution

TTP is an nato loving group, fazlullah remains for a year hiding in afghanistan, he is there in the safe heavens, attacking pakistan, looks like a strategic asset of NATO and US

Why Kasab , every one in Indian subcontinent was hindu... (Before the bow down to Sword of Invadors).
I get your point but isn't TTP responsible for most of the killings in Pakistan. If I am not wrong they killed more people than drone strikes or any other groups.

If they tone down their activities, wouldn't it be the right time to attack them ? Is it right to delay action against them even when they have killed so many Pakistanis ?

My point is no matter what is the new strategy or leadership of a terrorist group, a country can't allow it grow by any means. Even if they stop attacking Pakistan, over the period of time, they will get more recruits especially now when people have no qualms against them. Support to this group will increase if they target ISAF as many people in Pakistan and Afghanistan hate ISAF. It will give them time to re-organize as one of their enemy is neutralized by change in strategy.

They will increase their depth, capability and once they are over with ISAF especially after 2014 pullout, they may turn back on you.

All I am saying is no matter what they say, they will always be the enemy of Pakistan and there shouldn't be any decrease in actions against them rather it should increase as this change in strategy reflects that they are not able to handle ISAF and Pakistani security forces at the same time. They are just temporarily stopping action against Pakistan to focus on US and trying to make Pakistan establishment to stop acting against them.

Can you allow one bee hive to extend too much that when you turn back after acting against the other bee hive, the first one is too large too handle and will attack more family members of yours with more lethality ?

Hope you can understand what I mean by this change in strategy by TTP, reasons behind it and its repercussions.
Sure my detailed analysis will follow but just to give you the taster

-TTP wont shoot on its foot, i.e. it wont do anything that would jepordise its relationship with its "handlers" so its focus will remain against the Pakistani state

-there is no concept of change of leadership apart from death from unnatural causes and concept of dissent is as alien to TTP as the concept of existence of Shias.

-there might have been "small" infightings among some TTP elements but that was quickly rectified by the TTP handlers in order to keep it focused towards its main objective, which is degredation of the state of Pakistan.
-there is no mention of Mullah Fazlullah who is currently a guest in Kunar or Noristan province of Afghanistan.
-just to jog the memory of my fellow readers, recall the video tape of Colonnel Imam under the captivity of “lashker e Jhagvi al Alami” & his eventual execution, this group forms the part of TTP which is coined by analysts across the globe as Punjabi Taliban, who have recently acquired the taste for the Sunni blood as well in addition to murdering over 150k shias for decades. This same group works on the same lines as the BLA does in Balochistan but keeps its focus on (you guessed it) shias, in order to fan the unrest & insecurity. It would be really foolish to bite the hand that feeds it and decide to take on its masters in Afghanistan.
-TTP is able to escape into Afghanistan and sneak back in just because it has willing hosts in Afghanistan. And when the Pakistani forces retaliate & foil their infiltration then we have artillery exchanges with Afghan & NATO forces ( some alliance that).
So in short, pinch of salt may not be enough might as well order a sack of few kg salt.
Without mincing anymore words. TTP solely exists because it has full American backing. Its leadership has time and again said it that its focus is only Pakistan and it considers the people of Pakistan as its enemy as well. And it cant care less about Afghanistan or Americans. We cant let our guard down and hope that these snakes will crawl back to Afghanistan and sting their masters. If such thing ever happens then they will be eliminated and replaced by more obliging leadership

 More later
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