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A new Pakistani Taliban chief emerging?

Here we go. This is playing out as expected. These people will now, once again, become strategic assets. They will once again start tormenting more trouble in Afghanistan and India. The Pakistani state will term them mujahi deen and not terrorists. Then 10 years down the line when they start attacking Pak once again, the Pakistani state will cry as to how it is the victim.

Gayee bhains paani mein......

shows your little knowledge of issue but good knowledge of words
Afghan taliban are pakistani assets, always were, still are and always will be. any taliban in Pakistan is enemy of state and will be eliminated
TTP is Pakistani organization, Went rough after Pakistan (Fauj) left Islam for Dollars. Implement Sharia today, TTP will lay down there arms,..
SpArK;3673454] 98`Pay package is of industry standards and this time there will tax cuts, travel bonus, other allowances , all paid through HSBC ( worlds local banK) situated somewhere in that tribal area.

Well since HSBC pulled out of pakistan i guess they have to travel to India to deposit their Money as far as tax rate is concerned you tell us.:azn:
This isn't quite a we support you stance, look through our eyes Krait.

We all want the TTP to be not against us, and to tone down it's activities. With a new chief in Rehman coming in, who is supposedly more pragmatic in his approach and not gung ho, and has clear objectives in his mind, the TTP activities will tone down according to the article. So, ofcourse we would all want this guy to get the throne!

What he does or does not do to the US/ISAF is a secondary thought for me, the primary issue is his stance on Pakistan. If he advocates for peace with us, I am all for him, but do not confuse this with me supporting him to launch attacks at ISAF from NW.

Nobody should be harbored by us, nor given a safe haven to launch attacks on the other side, but in the present scenario, where we are already fighting other factions, why would we want to get our hand in another beehive, a beehive of those bees that are not doing anything to us?

When the other ops tone down, and things on other fronts stabilize a little bit, then maybe we can divert our attention towards this one.

Think of it as two beehives in your house, one is attacking your house and your family members, while the other one is right on the boundary of your home, but still within your property. This second beehive attacks your neighbor. You will of course first turn your attention first to the beehive that is attacking you and your family, not the one that attacks the neighbors. Although your neighbor constantly whines about it, you will not get into a fight with this other nest, because you already are having enough problems with the first one. You getting my point?

This is again the same idea of good taliban and bad taliban. The basic crux is not whether the PA has the capability to take down these chaps. It is whether they have the intent to do it. The PA is still playing with the idea of having strategic non-state players, which will be 'morally' supported. It is really absurd to think that the TTP or whatever changes its complete stance because a person at the top changed. This is just a storyline being played out. PA will make a deal. "You dont attack us. We will turn a blind eye."

And all the examples of the bees and beehives is naive to say the least. Think about it, you make peace with one guy and he knows he is next in the firing line. What is he going to do? wait for his chance or recruit more? There is only one serious logical answer. The post-2014 scenario has started playing out. Its back to the 80s again.
All I am saying is no matter what they say, they will always be the enemy of Pakistan and there shouldn't be any decrease in actions against them

I agree with this, and I am not advocating a halt or reduction in actions against these groups. This ideology must be rooted out from the country and region.

One more thing that you must keep in mind is that there is no one united front, there are multiple factions that do carry out attacks on their own. So we have to deal it on a person by person basis. A few months back, a couple of groups switched their allegiances from TTP to Pakistani state. So, this is a good thing right, why should we still be going after that specific group?

In the end, I think that the ISAF withdrawal will signal a change of bases for these groups, and majority will move to Afghanistan (most are already there), so the situation will change.

As for this leader issue, it's just a case of choosing between two evils, I'll take the lesser one (Rehman). Doesn't mean I support one or the other.
shows your little knowledge of issue but good knowledge of words
Afghan taliban are pakistani assets, always were, still are and always will be. any taliban in Pakistan is enemy of state and will be eliminated

Aaah. So when they are in Pakistan they are your enemy. But, when they are somewhere else you support them. So the mess in Afghanistan according to your sentnce is your creation and is continuing with your support.

Thnak you for proving my point.
This is again the same idea of good taliban and bad taliban. The basic crux is not whether the PA has the capability to take down these chaps. It is whether they have the intent to do it. The PA is still playing with the idea of having strategic non-state players, which will be 'morally' supported. It is really absurd to think that the TTP or whatever changes its complete stance because a person at the top changed. This is just a storyline being played out. PA will make a deal. "You dont attack us. We will turn a blind eye."

And all the examples of the bees and beehives is naive to say the least. Think about it, you make peace with one guy and he knows he is next in the firing line. What is he going to do? wait for his chance or recruit more? There is only one serious logical answer. The post-2014 scenario has started playing out. Its back to the 80s again.

There is no make peace with the other guy. Small scale skirmishes between the two sides will go on, and both will be hostile towards each other. It will only be a matter of time before the second group is also engaged.

Personally, I think that the ISAF pullout will have big affects regarding relocation of these groups from Pak to Afghanistan, and the scenario will change. They all might have a free hand in Afghanistan (I don't think Afghan government/army can keep the house in order). So then this excuse that Pak is a base for groups involved in Afghanistan might become void or at least subside.

There is no good or bad Taliban. It is two different groups fighting against two different people but from the same place. So first we take out the group that is fighting against us actively, and then take out the second one, this does not mean that the second one will be pampered during that time.

I am not advocating peace with any of these groups, but just a lenient eye so that one faction can be dealt with effectively with full force and then the second one. Why would we want to fight with two different groups at the same time, even though one of those groups isn't really doing any damage to us to the level that the first one is. This would mean that we would have to fight a much bigger adversary (possibly uniting in their effort), and then the whole scenario changes.

This all has to have a political solution to it as well rather than only military. The political thinkers and the governmental setup also has to get active.
Aaah. So when they are in Pakistan they are your enemy. But, when they are somewhere else you support them. So the mess in Afghanistan according to your sentnce is your creation and is continuing with your support.

Thnak you for proving my point.
dont thank him, thats a matter of his opinion. he didnt say it to prove your point because there was none. TTP is mainly Pakistani based terrorist group which exists to turn Pakistan into a Deobandi Utopian state Lal masjid was its political /less violent front ( keep salt handy for a pinch or more)

Afghan taliban on the other hand existed before the American invasion and are fighting the occupation forces on the premise of freedom fight and the right to take back what was theirs i.e control over Afghanistan. whether they are in the 70% of Afghanistan or 0.1% of Pakistan doesnt change their resolve which is to fight the invaders.
TTP on the other hand stays Pakistani focused.

and if you know me, in my opinion I dont consider either group an asset to Pakistan,
Can you allow one bee hive to extend too much that when you turn back after acting against the other bee hive, the first one is too large too handle and will attack more family members of yours with more lethality ?

No, you cannot.

You do not pamper the other beehive, nor turn a blind eye to it, but also do not agitate it such that it turns towards you. You just keep it in check, turn a little lenient towards it for the time it requires to clear the first beehive, and then go all on out on the second one.

You don't make anybody your friend.
dont thank him, thats a matter of his opinion. he didnt say it to prove your point because there was none. TTP is mainly Pakistani based terrorist group which exists to turn Pakistan into a Deobandi Utopian state Lal masjid was its political /less violent front ( keep salt handy for a pinch or more)

Afghan taliban on the other hand existed before the American invasion and are fighting the occupation forces on the premise of freedom fight and the right to take back what was theirs i.e control over Afghanistan. whether they are in the 70% of Afghanistan or 0.1% of Pakistan doesnt change their resolve which is to fight the invaders.
TTP on the other hand stays Pakistani focused.

and if you know me, in my opinion I dont consider either group an asset to Pakistan,

I know your views on the same. Hence, I tend to agree with most of them. But, again the emerging scenario will determine, what is the opinion of the PA. At the end of the day, that is what matters.
It is delusional thinking that the change in TTP leadership will change any ground realities. Taliban has its own agenda of rule by violence and deprive people of their basic rights. From day one they have been the enemy of peace. They have been tried and tested as recently as a few years ago in the Swat valley, and that area is still recovering from the Taliban menace. This common enemy has to be dealt with an iron fist- new leadership or not. Those who think that violence against Pakistanis will cease may be totally wrong. The group that is responsible for the death of over 40,000 innocent Pakistanis along with over 5,000 military personnel will change its stance overnight? Where does the argument stand that the TTP was created by the USA, when they say they will now attack NATO troops across the border from Pakistan? Rest assured, Taliban are our common enemy and they have been cornered. This new leadership drama is just a strategy to buy time and regroup. This is the time we all need to stand united and hit them from all sides for the sake of the innocent people of the region, who have been suffering at the hands of these ruthless killers for a very long time.

LTC T.G. Taylor
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
just how CIA were busted funding drug cartels in Mexico, it was on news sometime ago. TTP groups etc are NATO assets.
dont thank him, thats a matter of his opinion. he didnt say it to prove your point because there was none. TTP is mainly Pakistani based terrorist group which exists to turn Pakistan into a Deobandi Utopian state Lal masjid was its political /less violent front ( keep salt handy for a pinch or more)

Afghan taliban on the other hand existed before the American invasion and are fighting the occupation forces on the premise of freedom fight and the right to take back what was theirs i.e control over Afghanistan. whether they are in the 70% of Afghanistan or 0.1% of Pakistan doesnt change their resolve which is to fight the invaders.
TTP on the other hand stays Pakistani focused.

and if you know me, in my opinion I dont consider either group an asset to Pakistan,

80% of Pakistan's problems go away if all Pakistanis think on your lines (the bold part)
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