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a modest proposal from the Soviets...duly rejected by Indian Babudom

To those people who are bashing the GoI, please note that Indian economy was in deep trouble during 90s... If u know today russian scientists r working on various INDEGENIOUS defence programs.cos today we r able to PAY them...
yeah right...india is waitn for u...go on and make wonders... but in order to grow in the future we must know our weaknesses today..ppl like you who argue with out any rationale must keep it in mind...i understand ur despateion..i too want india to grow fast...but nothing goin to change in overnight..getting some russian scientists was like buying some 10 a.c.c today..which we cannot afford

Are you kidding me? Not knowing our weaknesses? I point in almost every thread what the fuk are our weaknesses are and for that I get bombarded with all types of nasty comments. Get real. Employing Russian scientists is nowhere near the cost of 10 AC's. I proposed an idea could you point any holes with that? To eat bread in Russia at that time was damn costly...it wasn;t nearly as bad in India to eat a chappati

and i say we performed rather well inspite of all the problems we have at home with only 66 years of independence..whats 66 yrs in the evolution of a nation???ofcourse i agree that there are some problems with our leadership and all..but as the system matures problems get sorted out..people are getting active increasingly...it took america 300 years to reach this stage...dont expect change overnight

Why compare to America....compare to CHina. You are making excuses again....Im pointing where we went wrong....thts theonly way you correct these problems.
Please do not disrespect PV Narsimha Rao. He was one of India's greatest Prime Minister.

Its a shame how gujaral got a state funeral while Sri. PV Narsimha Rao body was left half burnt at the cremation ground by the congress just because Sonia Gandhi hated him. It breaks my heart and shames me.

Sri. PV Narsimha Rao was a genuine freedom fighter who apart from being the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh and had also served as Indian Home Minister, Defence Minister and Foreign Affairs minister and finally Prime Minister.

Not only did he have a Masters in Law but spoke eight Indian langues (Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tami) and 8 foreign languages (English, French, Arabic, Spanish, German, Greek, Latin and Persian).

The economic reform that was implemented by 'Maun' Mohan singh in 1991 was actually drawn up by him and Dr. IG Patel in 1990 itself. In fact MMS was not even his first choice as Finance Minster, Dr. IG Patel was (IAS, Padma Vibhushan, Director of RBI, Director of London School of Ecnomics).

He was the one who reversed idiot Rajiv Gandhi's moratorium on Nuclear Arms Research and made arrangements for Nuclear test to be conducted. (..which was delayed and conducted by Vajpayee)

I can only hope that you have insulted a great man (who is no more there to defend his good name) out of ignorance.

Nobody is knocking the guy but we dont give a damn about his ability to speak 8 languages or law degree. he could have streamlined the archaic system but did he? you are talking about disrespect and cremation, while others are trying to understnad why the hell our govt is all about talking no action.
Are you kidding me? Not knowing our weaknesses? I point in almost every thread what the fuk are our weaknesses are and for that I get bombarded with all types of nasty comments. Get real. Employing Russian scientists is nowhere near the cost of 10 AC's. I proposed an idea could you point any holes with that? To eat bread in Russia at that time was damn costly...it wasn;t nearly as bad in India to eat a chappati

Why compare to America....compare to CHina. You are making excuses again....Im pointing where we went wrong....thts theonly way you correct these problems.

my friend..we faced an economic crisis in 90s there was no enough money to pay salaries even to our staff leave alone russian ones..besides..we stopped all the science and tech because of the crisis..what do we do even if we hired them??
1991 India economic crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

im glad u brought up china..i know some one would.i used to think in the same way as u do...

comparing china with india is comparing apples and oranges..we are a democracy and they are authoritarian state..no one questions their authority if they wished to do something..but here everybody from media to cag to opposition to coilation partners..everybody questions the govt and govt has to satisfy everybody..they need to attract public for votes..ppl bash the govt if 1 rs is raised for fuel..this is the case with india..things go slow..we have our own strengths..and they have theirs..remember google dipute with chinese..thats their disadvantage..ppl are not held accountable there...and scandals do not come out..
we are safer there....but there must be a stronger political will..things go slow here..we sacrificed pace for democracy...also their economic reforms started much earlier than indian and their avg age was lower then..which gave them edge over us...our demographic dividend is now what is china's 30 years ago..so things will move at a faster rate from now on...
we did a smart thing when we took in german scientists and then they gave us HAL MARUT ! i wish INDIRA GANDHI were still alive , so today INDIA might actually be the world leader !
Nobody is knocking the guy but we dont give a damn about his ability to speak 8 languages or law degree. he could have streamlined the archaic system but did he? you are talking about disrespect and cremation, while others are trying to understnad why the hell our govt is all about talking no action.

because there was huge poverty in india then and govt decided to have a closed economy then..which means govt gives you everything and control the industries what to produce and how much to produce...that being failed..govt was forced to open its economy...it was with a good intention to support the poor govt decided to adopt closed economy initially..after the economy was opened the economic disparities in the country increased by leaps and bounds
my friend..we faced an economic crisis in 90s there was no enough money to pay salaries even to our staff leave alone russian ones..besides..we stopped all the science and tech because of the crisis..what do we do even if we hired them??
1991 India economic crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

im glad u brought up china..i know some one would.i used to think in the same way as u do...

comparing china with india is comparing apples and oranges..we are a democracy and they are authoritarian state..no one questions their authority if they wished to do something..but here everybody from media to cag to opposition to coilation partners..everybody questions the govt and govt has to satisfy everybody..they need to attract public for votes..ppl bash the govt if 1 rs is raised for fuel..this is the case with india..things go slow..we have our own strengths..and they have theirs..remember google dipute with chinese..thats their disadvantage..ppl are not held accountable there...and scandals do not come out..
we are safer there....but there must be a stronger political will..things go slow here..we sacrificed pace for democracy...also their economic reforms started much earlier than indian and their avg age was lower then..which gave them edge over us...our demographic dividend is now what is china's 30 years ago..so things will move at a faster rate from now on...

I know have different govt;s but we could really used this a an opportunity to showcase how and why Democracy can be mor effiicent than in the West. The same way China showcased how Communism is better than the way USSR did it. But I digress, i agree with your other points. At least from now, with a population focused on development at all times, we should be aware of each and every little thing. We have to teach our kids and their kids and cntinue this constant vigil. We need to do more to educate our ppl so they don;t believe voodoo and other BS rituals. That;s why I hope the Indian govt makes an effort with the Akash Tablet it will help propel us towards a better future. I still remember 2 yrs ago, when the announcement was made of Akash and its price and everybody in the US was amazed and congratulated India for doing something positive for its ppl and even bashed their own American govt for not doing enough for its ppl. That was inspiring....peace man
I know have different govt;s but we could really used this a an opportunity to showcase how and why Democracy can be mor effiicent than in the West. The same way China showcased how Communism is better than the way USSR did it. But I digress, i agree with your other points. At least from now, with a population focused on development at all times, we should be aware of each and every little thing. We have to teach our kids and their kids and cntinue this constant vigil. We need to do more to educate our ppl so they don;t believe voodoo and other BS rituals. That;s why I hope the Indian govt makes an effort with the Akash Tablet it will help propel us towards a better future. I still remember 2 yrs ago, when the announcement was made of Akash and its price and everybody in the US was amazed and congratulated India for doing something positive for its ppl and even bashed their own American govt for not doing enough for its ppl. That was inspiring....peace man

dont worry things will gain momentum from now on..ppl are becoming increasingly active..also we have a good soft power...ppl like you who went to western nations are an asset to india..u.s,u.k,aus or what ever be the nation indians are present significantly....things are changing fast my friend...
I know have different govt;s but we could really used this a an opportunity to showcase how and why Democracy can be mor effiicent than in the West. The same way China showcased how Communism is better than the way USSR did it. But I digress, i agree with your other points.

...yes yes ...we have to show this and show that. Appearance is everything. You do not disappoint. I am glad I chose you for 'supreme leader'. :tup:

At least from now, with a population focused on development at all times, we should be aware of each and every little thing. We have to teach our kids and their kids and cntinue this constant vigil. We need to do more to educate our ppl so they don;t believe voodoo and other BS rituals.

:tup: yes... let us instead educate them that Mary was a 'virgin', Muhammed spoke to Allah and Moses parted water :tup:

That;s why I hope the Indian govt makes an effort with the Akash Tablet it will help propel us towards a better future. I still remember 2 yrs ago, when the announcement was made of Akash and its price and everybody in the US was amazed and congratulated India for doing something positive for its ppl and even bashed their own American govt for not doing enough for its ppl. That was inspiring....peace man

Wow !!! AMRIKA congratulated us ? This is fantastik........We always wanted to be congratulated by the White Man :yahoo:

Truly inspiring! I am rejuvenated ....if we do better we an make an Akash 3..the even UK will congratulate us ....:enjoy:
dont worry things will gain momentum from now on..ppl are becoming increasingly active..also we have a good soft power...ppl like you who went to western nations are an asset to india..u.s,u.k,aus or what ever be the nation indians are present significantly....things are changing fast my friend...

Trust me... a lot of ppl of Indian descent want India to rise in every possible way. Many are willing to help in any possible way as long as corruption/bribery is not involved. As we develop, we need yo be conscious of the power of media and how we are perceived. People in the West and East take any chance to put us down, whether its extreme poverty, uncleanliness, etc. Not like it doesn;t happen elsewhere but they I noticed a particular zeal to subject India in a negative light. Hopefully, as we become more aware, we all make an effort to educate others who my not know.
...yes yes ...we have to show this and show that. Appearance is everything. You do not disappoint. I am glad I chose you for 'supreme leader'. :tup:

:tup: yes... let us instead educate them that Mary was a 'virgin', Muhammed spoke to Allah and Moses parted water :tup:

Wow !!! AMRIKA congratulated us ? This is fantastik........We always wanted to be congratulated by the White Man :yahoo:

Truly inspiring! I am rejuvenated ....if we do better we an make an Akash 3..the even UK will congratulate us ....:enjoy:

Why do think education has anything to do with religion? Again, I see you cannot comprehend English properly. Another example of why Katju was correct in his assessment lol :azn:. Im not saying we are looking for American's approval but its good to know what other think of us.....maybe we may be missing some problems that are evident to them. Thats; the world works...stop being to close minded....its forcing you to be blind to obvious issues we have. Have a nice day
Trust me... a lot of ppl of Indian descent want India to rise in every possible way. Many are willing to help in any possible way as long as corruption/bribery is not involved. As we develop, we need yo be conscious of the power of media and how we are perceived. People in the West and East take any chance to put us down, whether its extreme poverty, uncleanliness, etc. Not like it doesn;t happen elsewhere but they I noticed a particular zeal to subject India in a negative light. Hopefully, as we become more aware, we all make an effort to educate others who my not know.

i know..it doesnt matter what they think..india was one of the richest in the world ..and shes going to regain her glory back...its just a matter of time
my friend..we faced an economic crisis in 90s there was no enough money to pay salaries even to our staff leave alone russian ones..besides..we stopped all the science and tech because of the crisis..what do we do even if we hired them??
1991 India economic crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

im glad u brought up china..i know some one would.i used to think in the same way as u do...

comparing china with india is comparing apples and oranges..we are a democracy and they are authoritarian state.
.no one questions their authority if they wished to do something..but here everybody from media to cag to opposition to coilation partners..everybody questions the govt and govt has to satisfy everybody..they need to attract public for votes..ppl bash the govt if 1 rs is raised for fuel..this is the case with india..things go slow..we have our own strengths..and they have theirs..remember google dipute with chinese..thats their disadvantage..ppl are not held accountable there...and scandals do not come out..
we are safer there....but there must be a stronger political will..things go slow here..we sacrificed pace for democracy...also their economic reforms started much earlier than indian and their avg age was lower then..which gave them edge over us...our demographic dividend is now what is china's 30 years ago..so things will move at a faster rate from now on...
Then whoom do you compare yourself with South Africa which got freedom in 1990ies,Japan or Germany after second world war,Brazil or South Korea....
because there was huge poverty in india then and govt decided to have a closed economy then..which means govt gives you everything and control the industries what to produce and how much to produce...that being failed..govt was forced to open its economy...it was with a good intention to support the poor govt decided to adopt closed economy initially..after the economy was opened the economic disparities in the country increased by leaps and bounds

We need to examine why it failed. I think it could have been effective but we need to truly understand why it did not work out? Our first step after independence should have been education. This was suggested to Nehru by a MP....I forgot his name....I read about him on this site. He emphasized the need for primary education and guess what Nehru did ignored him. This is why I got so upset when i read bout the govt they never amaze me, coz they are yrs behind in formulating policy that our own capable ppl who are not in politics have done so yrs if not decades ago. I mean if there was ever a priority education and food should have been a priority right after independence.
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