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"A message to every liberal [Pakistani] to shut up or be shot"

Its a long term fight , there are no short cuts .. this isnt going to go away just like that

The talk of changing the mind set of a nation-- is a infinity in itself-
...The majority does not want to change -

You guys don't get it, do you? How did Egypt change? It didn't happen by men and women moping around and waiting for a future generation to do the job. It happened because people took the battle for freedom personally and did things like protesting and organizing. An Egyptian would tell you that every moment you spend doing nothing is time spent acquiescing with the current system.

...Let them kill us, eventually they will run out of bullets and steam.... Then we will reveal the power of the pen and the power of the woman.
You can't wait for someone to bomb you or conscript your son into terror and then expect to be able to win by your own moral resources. When the terrorists are at your door it's too late.

I guess you have fight them now, when their weapons are still mostly words and their ideology can be countered and denounced. What battlefield will you choose?
We want a man like 'Akmal kamal pasha' who can load a vessel with these whole mullahs including fazalulrahman in bonus,and throw them into red sea.
i am liberal and i will never . do whatever you can do .go to hell.
It takes a specific mindset to approach anything close to an Egypt like revolution. While there is an overwhelming number of liberals in pakistan one must not forget that any deviance from the pro-religious point of view is met with violence and is crushed right at the outset. Regular pakistanis have to deal with persecution and indifference from the ruling regime on a daily basis. The common man on the street chooses therefore to keep a low profile as to avoid being singled out by the powers that be and perhaps wisely so.
While there is an overwhelming number of liberals in pakistan one must not forget that any deviance from the pro-religious point of view is met is violence and is crushed right at the outset -
When I marched with the Egyptians four years ago to protest Mubarak's tyranny, he had just crushed the democratic opposition. We could do this because we protested in Washington, D.C., outside the Egyptian embassy. If people in Pakistan can't do then Pakistani expats can, just as the Egyptian Revolution got started.

On a lark I drove past the Pakistani and Egyptian embassies today. One lone protester outside the Egyptian embassy - unsurprising, for there isn't so much to protest right now. But not a single one outside the Pakistani embassy. Are all you expats too busy advancing your own personal interests to really give a d--n about injustices at home?
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