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A Message For India and others from Chinese Soldiers

im scared already
You will be very soon.
keep on posting, this is what you shall always do......

these are our heroes and they must be remembered on every thread.... unlike other countries who dont even know their dead soldiers...

Jai Hind... Jai Bharat
Sorry that picture hurt Indians feeling
Sorry that picture hurt Indians feeling
hurt ? sorry?... i feel proud..... they achieved Veergati.... post again and again and again... next time if you dont post i'll make you post this picture.... keep that in mind
hurt ? sorry?... i feel proud..... they achieved Veergati.... post again and again and again... next time if you dont post i'll make you post this picture.... keep that in mind
Ok proud Indian boy

Ok proud Indian boy
you came to this step very fast... false propaganda :lol::lol: my 10 year old neighbor can beat you and dont break a sweat.... :lol::lol:

you cant beat me...im too good for you.... wont get exited to reply on each piece of shit.....

Jai Hind... Jai Bharat
you came to this step very fast... false propaganda :lol::lol: my 10 year old neighbor can beat you and dont break a sweat.... :lol::lol:

you cant beat me...im too good for you.... wont get exited to reply on each piece of shit.....

Jai Hind... Jai Bharat
Delusional Indian boy talking to himself

Man, this is nuts! Every time I see you and your fellow Chinese post this specific image of all dead Indian soldiers as a taunt. It just reminds me of China's historical baggage and its unbecoming military history of choosing to save face and dishonor their dead soldier's sacrifices. It is deeply offensive to me especially since I come from a family that has several active-duty and retired members from the military. I dumbfounded about what kind of military disrespects their soldiers and finds acknowledging their death as shameful? What could the morale of their soldiers in that platoon be, when told they could not speak of their dead comrades. wow!

Worse yet we see this influx of Chinese posters with American flags showing these images of Indian soldiers as some taunt. There's got to be a modicum of decency when it comes to all soldiers on a military forum, even if there is none shown by a country.
Cartoons are fun ,but do you know chinese have not constructed the road which the indians stopped in Bhutan claimed land called doklam. No you don't it's been more than 2 years ,you must have forgotten it.
hahahaha.... no one care about your propaganda.... nationalistic agenda will win.... you can spend your time on such foolish posts.....

we do things on ground, and not on calendar ... you get this point
The tea was fantastic lmfao

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