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A man who tried to rescue Sri Lankan engineer Prianatha Kumara facing threats and leaving Pakistan


May 21, 2006
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Receiving constant threats and afraid to go out for work. Confined himself at home and quit his job.

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Anyone threatening this man should be jailed
But Dr. Afridi is still jailed. Legal system in Pakistan can be upside down. Guilty are venerated and virtuous are punished.

You have to be a moron of highest degree to mix that case with this
Not that I expect anything better from your people
No sir I am not a moron. Jailing a man who helped take out a notorious terrorist is well remembered in this side of globe. I will also give you a little inside information: it forms part of the reason why U.S., especially the Congress, is in off hook mode for Pakistan's concerns.
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Since ayub khan's time there's been a mushroom growth of Astana alia carp, infact it was encouraged at state level to keep the masses in sheep mode . Adab this and Adab that ----.
All he was doing is to prepare factory for auditor's visit
Gave his life just for removing a sticker from machinery






While true sunnat is this

@ 4:00+ Qureish sweared, kantay bichaay, galay mai phandaa daalaa, camel's stomach (oojhrey) oper phainkee, patharr maraay = blasphemy.

But how did he respond! He practiced forgiveness.

That's Sunnah.

(Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Malik)

@ 9:40+ mother of a companion blasphemed. Listen how Prophet responded. Now it's upto you whose example you want to follow.

Prophet prayed for her. Did not call for death sentence

Corrupt to core, evil people of South Asia somehow think that the need to supersede Prophet's own Sunnat.
They come up with bogus logic & take religious text out of context to justify their own mental & moral corruption.

(following is from old posts & I didn't proof read it for grammar or spelling)
A simple approach to follow is to find out how Prophet himself would have behaved if someone insulted him on his face..!!! Sunnah is what Prophet would have done in a situation. How would he have responded if someone insulted him in his face??? What he himself would have done???

Do we have examples of such incidences? Yes we do. What did prophet himself do? He practiced forgiveness & polite reciprocation.

The lady (wife of Abu Lahab) who used to throw garbage on him. He used to pass a smile in return. Once she wasn't there to blaspheme, messenger got worried & went to see her. She was sick with fever, Prophet took care of her & treated her well & offered his help with chores . . . . . I don't see Prophet issuing fatwa of death sentence for her...!!! Rather her punishment is reserved for the next-life (Kiyaamat=Day-of-judgement). Read Surah-e-Lahab that mentions what would happen to that couple in hereafter (no worldly punishment).

Then remember once prophet went to preach somewhere & ppl threw stones at him till he bleed so much & blood clotted in his shoes. Angel Gabriel(Jibraeel) asked him if prophet say, he can slam a mountain on that colony . . . . . What did he do? He said NO. Instead prophet prayed for ppl of that colony. I don't see sunnah of issuing death sentences even for those who stoned him...!!!

Once a guy peed in a mosque... Companions(Sahabah) ran to get that guy... Prophet stopped them & told them to let him go. And told them just to wash that spot with water. That's it. No death sentence for such a blasphemy . . . . . It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that: A Bedouin urinated in the mosque, and some of the people rushed at him. The Messenger of Allah said: "Do not interrupt him." Then he called for a bucket of water and poured it over (the urine). Sunan Ibn Majah: Arabic ref:1:571

A scribe who had converted from christianity & used to write revelation for prophet, went apostate. He reverted back to christianity & started alleging false allegations against Prophet. Did prophet issue death sentence for him??? NO. He later died a natural death

One thing that is commonly taken as blasphemy is, if someone makes images of Prophet... Is making image of prophet an insult??? If image itself was offensive, then of course it is. But if image was not offensive, then is it blasphemy? . . . . . . . Why did prophet stop us from making his images??? Because he feared later generations might start to worship his pictures. That's why. Not because making his picture was an insult to him. He feared SHIRK . . . . . . just like we know ppl had fallen into worshiping pictures of Ibraheim, Ismail & Maryam. Prophet did NOT want that to happen again, so he forbade making of his pictures. Not because it was an insult to him.! . . . . . . . Narrated Ibn `Abbas:When the Prophet saw pictures in the Ka`ba, he did not enter it till he ordered them to be erased. When he saw (the pictures of Abraham and Ishmael carrying the arrows of divination, he said, "May Allah curse them (i.e. the Quraish)! By ALLAH, neither Abraham nor Ishmael practiced divination by arrows." Sahih al-Bukhari 3352, In-book ref:Book 60, Hadith 32 Online English ref:Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 571

Prophet was blasphemed in his lifetime many times & in many ways. He NEVER issued fatwa of death or any other worldly punishment exclusively for insulting him. . . . . . He was accused of forgery " . . . nay, he forged it." [Qur'an 21:5], was stigmatized as a man 'possessed' [Qur'an 23:70] and 'mad' [Qur'an 68:2] And no death sentence in Quran either: instead I see recommendation to deal with ignorant nicely. Q:73:10:And be patient (O Muhammad SAW) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way. . . . . . Q:9:74:....but indeed they uttered blasphemy, .... but if they turn back (to their evil ways), Allah will punish them.... (NOT us,,, but ALLAH will take care of them HIMSELF. It's NOT made our job to penalize them.) . . . . . . . Q:28:55:And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "To us our deeds and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant." Q:7:199:Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant. . . . . . . Q:25:63:And the (faithful) slaves of the Most Gracious (Allâh) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness....other translation..And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say "Peace!" . . . . . . . Q:16:126:"And if you punished, let your punishment be proportionate to the wrong that has been done to you; but if you show patience, that is indeed the best course . . . . . . . Q:62:40:"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgets and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah." . . . . . . Q:28:54:"Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, (and) they avert evil with good."

If there is opposing behaviours seen in recorded history, I would prioritize. Quran over Hadees. Sunnah of prophet over sunnah of Sahabah.
If any action of sahaba, as described in recorded history is in conflict with Sunnah of Prophet. I would disregard that part of recorded history & prefer to follow Quran & Prophet... As history was recorded by corruptible humans.
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How the heck can removing a sticker from a machine become blasphemy? What does it even mean? Was it some icon or talisman?
But Dr. Afridi is still jailed. Legal system in Pakistan can be upside down. Guilty are venerated and virtuous are punished.

No sir I am not a moron. Jailing a man who helped take out a notorious terrorist is well remembered in this side of globe. I will also give you a little inside information: it forms part off the reason why U.S., especially the Congress, is in off hook mode for Pakistan's concerns.
Idc about what Congress thinks or don't think, none of my concern or even the conversation at hand

Ends do not justify the means
He was jailed for working with CIA a foreign, hostile agency not for anything related to laden

Apply it to anyother country, they'd probably do the same for working with foreign agencies - if mullah Umar was hiding in China or Russia and Chinese, Russian citizen helped CIA for whatever reason
He'd be in jail
Citizens who work with foreign agencies are not well liked anywhere
So yes, it's a Moronic comparison
I dont know the back story but it's stupid to announce I'm planning to vanish

I agree that he shouldn't vanish but instead join progressive movements like the Socialists and Communists which have been there in Pakistan for a 100 years ( he should establish contact with Arooj Aurangzeb's group ) and there are other progressives and rationals too. He should seek their help in moving his house somewhere safer.

It is unfortunate that most modern desi Muslims are filth, totally unaware of the gentleness, empathy, progressiveness and rationality of Islam and instead they are just ritualist and literalist zombies who think Islam is all about praying and doing three hajjs every five years and wearing burqa ( especially in India ) and marching on the roads chanting "Ghustak-e-rasool ki ek hi saza sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda" in support of a man from 1400 years ago who would have laughed at their imbecility at the least. Who are these irrational ritualist filths to speak on behalf of Islam and take it upon themselves to lynch someone for it ?

I see that in India of recent, since the mid-2000s :



Should these above uglies be allowed to represent Islam and the magnificent history of Muslims who lived the Islamic Golden Age that contributed to a good bit of the modern amenities that we now in the modern world use daily ?

And the first photo with the crooks holding a poster saying Raza Academy... these idiots grandly went to Iraq in 2003 just before the American military and its allies were about to invade and when the invasion became imminent these Tableeghi idiots ran back to India, never once thinking of staying there to defend Iraq even by helping with ambulance work.

This situation is somewhat same in Pakistan, including the lynching of Mashal Khan in 2017 but Pakistan has Aurat Marches who openly challenge these zombies and there are some on PDF who join the Lal Masjid crooks in throwing stones on the Aurat March under the cover of Haya March and these PDFers will not be seen on this thread in expressing sadness about Malik Adnan leaving Pakistan and expressing outrage that there are people who threaten him for save a human from a frenzied lynch mob : @Areesh,@Sayfullah, @Mujahid Memon, @hussain0216, @MultaniGuy and @Titanium100. We will also not see on this thread the non-desi mullahs : @Indos, @SalarHaqq, @Muhammed45 and @_Nabil_. We will also not see on this thread the Indian mullah @xeuss who can go on and on about the "depraved Hindu society" but will not condemn the undeniable depravity among Muslims which he should be striving to eradicate because Islam came to end depravity. Sayfullah declared me murtad a few days ago in a thread that thread Areesh started to complain about my blasphemy. No, it is not me blaspheming and being a murtad but each and every one of these mullahs who lynch and destroy usually on orders of NATO who are the blasphemers and murtads.

Bangladesh though more progressive than India and Pakistan, is also getting mullah'fied especially with NATO now speaking for "democratic elections" so that NATO can do regime change and insert a mullah regime there too.

Yes, this lynching was posted on PDF. Absolutely tragic, done by zombies

Sur, you want to do good so please do not spread misinfo. Mashal Khan was himself a Socialist and a secularist and hated by the mullahs and he was lynched by them on charges of blasphemy. I am myself a Communist and we Communists are not mindless zombies to lynch a sensitive, poetry-filled youth. Please watch this wonderful interview of "Leather Jacket Girl" Arooj Aurangzeb who is a Pakistani leftist and she and her comrades hold Mashal Khan as their ideal :

Why would she and her group lynch their comrade Mashal ?

Any inclusion of ANP in this investigation either is an afterthought by the government which is opposed to leftism anyway or an ANP member was involved in the lynching but he was in ANP not for ideological reason but only because of being power-hungry. Below is from the Wikipedia page for Mashal's lynching :
Awami National Party (ANP) President Asfandyar Wali Khan said, "No culprit, no matter who he is, should be spared from punishment. Even hang my son if he is involved in Mashal's lynching.

Yes, it is said that many a time a female is the worst enemy of a female.

And yes, many desi "Muslims" still carry the Hindu caste system. Only a few days ago Mujahid Memon and Titanium called me Bhangi derisively. This was my response to them, appealing in the name of the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad who spoke for Muslims not to discriminate amongst themselves based on race and also that everyone is a child of Adam and Eve. Yet these members continued calling me Bhangi in derision.
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Kutta system could not provide the protections to its senators, how can be a poor man survive from the hostile molbies ?
I agree that he shouldn't vanish but instead join progressive movements like the Socialists and Communists which have been there in Pakistan for a 100 years ( he should establish contact with Arooj Aurangzeb's group ) and there are other progressives and rationals too. He should seek their help in moving his house somewhere safer.

It is unfortunate that most modern desi Muslims are filth, totally unaware of the gentleness, empathy, progressiveness and rationality of Islam and instead they are just ritualist and literalist zombies who think Islam is all about praying and doing three hajjs every five years and wearing burqa ( especially in India ) and marching on the roads chanting "Ghustak-e-rasool ki ek hi saza sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda" in support of a man from 1400 years ago who would have laughed at their imbecility at the least. Who are these irrational ritualist filths to speak on behalf of Islam and take it upon themselves to lynch someone for it ?

I see that in India of recent, since the mid-2000s :



Should these above uglies be allowed to represent Islam and the magnificent history of Muslims who lived the Islamic Golden Age that contributed to a good bit of the modern amenities that we now in the modern world use daily ?

And the first photo with the crooks holding a poster saying Raza Academy... these idiots grandly went to Iraq in 2003 just before the American military and its allies were about to invade and when the invasion became imminent these Tableeghi idiots ran back to India, never once thinking of staying there to defend Iraq even by helping with ambulance work.

This situation is somewhat same in Pakistan, including the lynching of Mashal Khan in 2017 but Pakistan has Aurat Marches who openly challenge these zombies and there are some on PDF who join the Lal Masjid crooks in throwing stones on the Aurat March under the cover of Haya March and these PDFers will not be seen on this thread in expressing sadness about Malik Adnan leaving Pakistan and expressing outrage that there are people who threaten him for save a human from a frenzied lynch mob : @Areesh, @Sayfullah, @Mujahid Memon, @hussain0216, @MultaniGuy and @Titanium100. We will also not see on this thread the non-desi mullahs : @Indos, @SalarHaqq, @Muhammed45 and @_Nabil_. We will also not see on this thread the Indian mullah @xeuss who can go on and on about the "depraved Hindu society" but will not condemn the undeniable depravity among Muslims which he should be striving to eradicate. Sayfullah declared me murtad a few days ago in a thread that thread Areesh started to complain about my blasphemy. No, it is not me blaspheming and being a murtad but each and every one of these mullahs who lynch and destroy usually on orders of NATO who are the blasphemers and murtads.

Bangladesh though more progressive than India and Pakistan, is also getting mullah'fied especially with NATO now speaking for "democratic elections" so that NATO can do regime change and insert a mullah regime there too.

Yes, this lynching was posted on PDF. Absolutely tragic, done by zombies

Sur, you want to do good so please do not spread misinfo. Mashal Khan was himself a Socialist and a secularist and hated by the mullahs and he was lynched by them on charges of blasphemy. I am myself a Communist and we Communists are not mindless zombies to lynch a sensitive, poetry-filled youth. Please watch this wonderful interview of "Leather Jacket Girl" Arooj Aurangzeb who is a Pakistani leftist and she and her comrades hold Mashal Khan as their ideal :

Why would she and her group lynch their comrade Mashal ?

Yes, it is said that many a time a female is the worst enemy of a female.

And yes, many desi "Muslims" still carry the Hindu caste system. Only a few days ago Mujahid Memon and Titanium called me Bhangi derisively. This was my response to them, appealing in the name of the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad who spoke for Muslims not to discriminate amongst themselves based on race and also that everyone is a child of Adam and Eve. Yet these members continued calling me Bhangi in derision.
I am not aware of what happened to that guy. But has it ever crossed your brilliant mind my friend, what the communists like Xi have done to people of China?

I thought that it is just a coup plan but man, they are humiliating Chinese people. People of China are hardworking, honest and brave but what i see now, is that commies are abusing their unmatched loyalty. During tge lockdown, they humiliated Chinese people. It was inhumane to say the least.

I can upload videos of beating Chinese women and men to death by governmental agents forcing Chinese citizens to bow against them.

Bad deeds exist everywhere and among every group. Our problem is, we act on our own will far away Quranic teachings. Biggest problem of Muslims is staying away from Quran.
I am not aware of what happened to that guy.

OK, what happened is that in December 2021 Priyantha, a Sri Lankan manager in a factory in Pakistan for 11 years was accused by some workers of blasphemy against Islam via deliberately tearing up a poster or a sticker written with Quranic verses. These workers informed their co-zombies and about 800 of them gathered near the factory and he was pulled out of the factory and the zombies began lynching him. The hero of this thread, Malik Adnan, was a deputy manager in the factory and he tried saving him but the Sri Lankan was pulled away from Adnan's rescuing hands and lynched and then his body set on fire. This is the Wikipedia page for it. This lynching is the same what the Irani mullah government has been doing since September so please do not support the Irani mullahs and the South Asian lynching mullahs.

But has it ever crossed your brilliant mind my friend, what the communists like Xi have done to people of China?

I thought that it is just a coup plan but man, they are humiliating Chinese people. People of China are hardworking, honest and brave but what i see now, is that commies are abusing their unmatched loyalty. During tge lockdown, they humiliated Chinese people. It was inhumane to say the least.

I can upload videos of beating Chinese women and men to death by governmental agents forcing Chinese citizens to bow against them.

About India's experience of COVID the reasonable Indian experts and foreign experts agreed that four million more Indians died than was the official government number. Why did you not speak about this but instead bring in "Ebeel Commies" via mentioning China and Xi ?

Bad deeds exist everywhere and among every group. Our problem is, we act on our own will far away Quranic teachings. Biggest problem of Muslims is staying away from Quran.

The mob lynching Priyantha last year and Mashal Khan in 2017 and Asia bibi before, all acted on their will that they know Islam whereas they didn't. It is these ritualists and literalists who are staying away from Islam and not the progressives, Communists and so-called liberals. :)
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