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A man held in his sneeze and ruptured the back of his throat


Dec 20, 2006
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You know the feeling: You're about to sneeze, but don't want to spread germs so you try to hold it in. But let this man's experience be a lesson that forcefully holding in a sneeze may not be a great plan – considering you could rupture the back of your throat in the process.

A 34-year-old man recently did just that and ended up in the emergency room in a Leicester hospital in the U.K., according to an article published Monday in BMJ Case Reports. Doctors wrote that the man's symptoms surprised medical professionals at first, given that spontaneous rupture like this is rare and brought on typically by trauma, vomiting, retching or intense coughing.

The man told doctors he was trying to halt a sneeze by pinching his nose and clamping his mouth shut simultaneously. This resulted in a popping sensation in his neck that swelled up following his attempt. Later, swallowing became painful and he practically lost his voice.

Upon examination, doctors heard popping and crackling sounds from his neck to his rib cage, meaning that air bubbles were in his chest. When a scan confirmed this diagnosis, they admitted him to the hospital due to his risk of serious complications.

"When you sneeze, air comes out of you at about 150 miles per hour," Dr. Anthony Aymat, director for ear, nose and throat services at London’s University Hospital Lewisham, told the Associated Press. "If you retain all that pressure, it could do a lot of damage and you could end up like the Michelin Man with air trapped in your body." Aymat didn't work on the case.

The man received tube-feeding and IV antibiotics until the pain and swelling went away. Doctors discharged him after a week – and advised him not to repeat this behavior again. Instead of holding in a sneeze, doctors recommend just sneezing into a tissue. The patient didn't face any complications or see the problem recur after a two-month follow-up.

To avoid a situation like this, the doctors offered several points of caution. "It may lead to numerous complications, such as pseudomediastinum [air trapped in the chest between both lungs], perforation of the tympanic membrane [perforated eardrum], and even rupture of a cerebral aneurysm [ballooning blood vessel in the brain]," they wrote.

And if you're about to sneeze right now, just let it out.

Thanks for sharing this informational article. I read in the comments section below this article that eardrums can be ruptured from holding in a sneeze also.
Thanks for sharing this informational article. I read in the comments section below this article that eardrums can be ruptured from holding in a sneeze also.
I do not know from which country you are since you do not have flags on your profile so Do not know if you believe this or not but in Islam we Muslims are asked to Thank God every time we sneeze because a sneeze can even lead to serious life risk if we hold it. Also those who hear someone sneezing should ask for God's mercy for the sneezing person.
I do not know from which country you are since you do not have flags on your profile so Do not know if you believe this or not but in Islam we Muslims are asked to Thank God every time we sneeze because a sneeze can even lead to serious life risk if we hold it. Also those who hear someone sneezing should ask for God's mercy for the sneezing person.
A yawning can also be dangerous in many ways too. Many of our daily activities are potentially deadly. The guy shut all the airways at the wrong time time. With the food pipe already blocked the only soft tissue was inner lining of throat. Glad his ear drums didn't pop. And this is just an accident. This doesn't mean sneezing is dangerous.
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