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A Looming Superpower Clash Triggered by Pakistan - The Middle East Media Research Ins

I haven't read of anyone disputing the accuracy of MEMRI's translations. One can argue whether their choices are representative or not.

I think that is what he is saying. Surely you realize that misrepresentation is as effective as lying.
Cardsharp is right. I don't dispute the accuracy of the MEMRI translations. Rather, they like to cherry-pick Arab media that reinforces the American stereotype that Muslims are uneducated, violent, and terrorists.
Some tims is feels nice to be in the lime light-- if not for the right reasons-- who cares-- i dont-- it seems like worlds fate depends on Pakistans actions-- lol
Hahah... Agree, in the limelight, but for all the wrong reasons..
America and there media can do what ever they want to hide there wrong doings they killed thousands of civilians just to find one man they are still killing people for man who is considerd dead by many the more you press the more they will fight
An important critique, thanks. Unfortunately it comes from the Guardian, which always seems to promote Israel-bashing as its ticket to anti-Zionist and anti-Western sources and circulation. I'm afraid this British newspaper deliberately misrepresented the context of the situations being translated in order to bash MEMRI. For example, the claim that
The normal translation of this would be "We're going to [or want to] resist" but Memri's translation puts a more aggressive spin on it: "We want to fight."
might be correct, but notice that word, "normal". This particular TV show is notorious for encouraging Arab children growing up to become suicide bombers link. That isn't exactly normal, is it? In the context of the program, then, MEMRI's translation seems to be correct.

Can anyone critique specifics in the quoted article, or are people secretly in agreement and all that can be done is criticize its creators?

Hell it's easy to look right if you write off everyone that doesn't agree with you as anti-Semite.

Guardian? anti-western? It's a 200 year old paper with the third largest circulation in the UK.
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