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A Light Sabre for the Third World: The FC-1 / JF-17

so does it means no or very litterl money comming our wasy through the project??

actually i hoped that who ever gets the order and where ever the planes are to be manufactured, both countries will pay half of the cost and thus the profit will also be evenly shared, thats how it could have worked for us!
first of all the intrested countries would prefer to get the planes from china rather that pakistan and even if someone order it to us, we wont be able to make it coze of capacity issues at Kamra!!

isnt the situation harming us??
what do you think?


There are two parts of the sale:
- the plane itself
- the after sales, technical documentation, building up infrastructure in the customer country, training, etc.

Even the plane itself it consists of various parts that are independently produced and the assembly line that fixes everything together, and gets it ready to be air-borne. Just like boeing parts are made from all over the world (including PAC kamra) t boeing is a US company. Airbus 380 parts are made in the different nations (france, UK and germany) and finally fitted at the assembly line in Toulouse (other smaller parts or 3rd party equipments are outsourced).

In my opinion, PAC kamra is fully booked till we replace our planes during the next 5 year or so. This means that the final assembly will be in China for any planes for the exports. However, this doesn't mean that certain parts will not or cannot be made in pakistan and exported to China for the final assembly if we have capacity for that.

Also the second issue is that of training, technical assistance, after sales service, etc which could also go to either country.
i heard that Bangladesh rejected jf17 thunder not cuz anythig else they had no money for baf don't know how did u come up with this list which make no sense at all.:azn:

well luftwaffe, it is better as "only you heard it" it seems a strange news!!

well for iioal malok, man can you provide any link to the source,, as luftwaffe said, its is only you on this forum with this news, a link will help us out!

China has made great technological progress and as proof of that today we have the J-10, a third generation modern fighter aircraft comparable to the F-16, Mirage or Gripen.

At present it is offering this fighter aircraft for export and many countries including Bangladesh showed interest in it.

The J-10 can potentially fulfill the Bangladesh Air Force's requirement for a multirole fighter aircraft alongside the F-7BG, which is its primary interceptor. It came into strong contention after the Bangladesh Air Force rejected the Sino-Pakistani JF-17, which did not meet its requirements for an advance multirole combat aircraft.

It is forecasted that after 2010 there will be a requirement of atleast 36 aircraft or basically two squadrons for carrying out offensive strike operations. The cost would vary in the final agreement though we estimate that it will not be less than $1.5 billion if the Chinese "friendship price" strategy is not applied.

The incumbent BAF chief visited China in July 2007 after his promotion to the rank of "Air Chief". There he inspected the Chengdu aircraft manufacturing factory where the J-10 and F-7BGs are built. He is going to continue procurement of fighter aircraft from China as it is the most politically, financially and strategically sound option for Bangladesh at this stage or the near future.

If the J-10 were to be procured it would be capable of being armed with laser guided munitions, advance air to air missiles and a number of conventional air to surface bombs. As an added bonus the J-10 can launch anti-ship missiles further strengthening its multirole application in the Bangladeshi war theatre. n this was posted 4 months ago when i was not a member here by the member of pakdefnce he name is syed arbab ali.....n yea stop makeing yourself look like a moron by calling other kids cuz when u say that it really shows the class u stand on
China has made great technological progress and as proof of that today we have the J-10, a third generation modern fighter aircraft comparable to the F-16, Mirage or Gripen.

At present it is offering this fighter aircraft for export and many countries including Bangladesh showed interest in it.

The J-10 can potentially fulfill the Bangladesh Air Force's requirement for a multirole fighter aircraft alongside the F-7BG, which is its primary interceptor. It came into strong contention after the Bangladesh Air Force rejected the Sino-Pakistani JF-17, which did not meet its requirements for an advance multirole combat aircraft.

It is forecasted that after 2010 there will be a requirement of atleast 36 aircraft or basically two squadrons for carrying out offensive strike operations. The cost would vary in the final agreement though we estimate that it will not be less than $1.5 billion if the Chinese "friendship price" strategy is not applied.

The incumbent BAF chief visited China in July 2007 after his promotion to the rank of "Air Chief". There he inspected the Chengdu aircraft manufacturing factory where the J-10 and F-7BGs are built. He is going to continue procurement of fighter aircraft from China as it is the most politically, financially and strategically sound option for Bangladesh at this stage or the near future.

If the J-10 were to be procured it would be capable of being armed with laser guided munitions, advance air to air missiles and a number of conventional air to surface bombs. As an added bonus the J-10 can launch anti-ship missiles further strengthening its multirole application in the Bangladeshi war theatre. n this was posted 4 months ago when i was not a member here by the member of pakdefnce he name is syed arbab ali.....n yea stop makeing yourself look like a moron by calling other kids cuz when u say that it really shows the class u stand on

this MAY have happened dear but look at the numbers!!36 !!

this deal is to get a high end aircraft for bangladesh, it wont the front liner or main stay!
they will have to replave there ageing fleet of F7 and that where JF17 comes handy! obviously they cannot affort replacing whole of there fleet with J10!

Very funny... The last edition of AFM is telling the opposite... There is a few pages interveiw with their ACM and it is said that they are looking at JF17. So how come someone wrote a few years ago that they skipped that and wanted J10 while at that moment the J10 was a nono to even Pakistan? :)
n this was posted 4 months ago when i was not a member here by the member of pakdefnce he name is syed arbab ali.....n yea stop makeing yourself look like a moron by calling other kids cuz when u say that it really shows the class u stand on

A forumers post is hardly a source. Could you tell use which credible newspaper or maganize or interview this appeared in?

Even if this is true, they (or anyone else) isn't likely to have any J-10s until the WS-10 or equivalent is ready for servicing a single engined plane.

And since Mig-29 is a competitor, even the JF-17 might face some hurdles as long as it uses Russian engines. Last I heard Russian had allowed re-export to some countries in the Far-East and Africa. I am not sure if Bangladesh is included in that list or not.

Lastly, JF-17 is not there to compete with J-10. Even pakistan feel J-10 is more capable than JF-17 and that is why we are going for 2 squadrons of J-10 in addition to JF-17. The JF-17 is there as a cheaper alternative to be acquired in large numbers in a lo-hi mix. It is not there to replace any airforce's "high-end" requirement... not even PAF's.
Ok, last june the JF17 was qualified for its standard ordnance... Here the pic from that period... In Pakistan they are verifying it whether the goals are met.

The Durandals are shipped from Pakistan (it is the Pakistani licensed copy) and these 4 were attached at one time.. The LGB are pretty known to you all. It was about the use in Peshawar against Taleban. I think they are now used. Looking at bullets are found it is either PG or JF17 doing some ground work...
this MAY have happened dear but look at the numbers!!36 !!

this deal is to get a high end aircraft for bangladesh, it wont the front liner or main stay!
they will have to replave there ageing fleet of F7 and that where JF17 comes handy! obviously they cannot affort replacing whole of there fleet with J10!

i have no 2nd thought JF 17 is very good for pakistan and the countries around pakistan i also belive that it will be exported to all the countries in the world due to it's price n high high class performances it all depend how paf endorse it to the world.i was only trying to tell that moron that i saw thread here on pak defence little long ago saying baf is not going for JF17 i don't know if that threat is ture or not but alot of people were agree with this threat n alot of them were not so ....u can just gogole it n see if u think it's right or not
well the it is like that curently pakistan is just making planes for its own requirments, azerbijan and zimbabwe are lined up with china!
no news of BAF either accepting or rejecting the plane! infact no news about them evaluating the JF17!

it have been disscussed earlier that best way to attract customer is to show then what JF17 is capable of! we are currently not having battle ready squadron, once we got it PAF must be going to air sows and military exercise with JF17 showing it agility and fire power! this is were we can attract customers!

it is a fighter plane and no one will be willing to buy it just on our claims and paper proofs!

i hope this helps you

Can any name all these weapons??
well here is the list with holes in it that might well be filled in by some senior, particularly sir munir who have posted this pic:

A: the green and blue colored missiles on ground just below wing tips ?
B: next to A the white missile/ PL9
C: next to b the black colored bombs / general purpose drop bombs
D: at bottom of pic the four missile (pair of two on both sides) do not seem like the SD10 but are some sort of long/medium range missile for BVR purpose or are anti ship missiles!

if some one can kindly complete or correct this list please!

as for hasnain brother i hope it helps you a bit ,i couldnt have any more info!

a. LGB or TV (with mk82 or 83)
c. ordinary dumb bombs (mk82 or mk83)

Blue are test bombs
Under the wing are cluster bombs
There are no sd10 or bvr in the pic

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