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A lesson for Pakistani establishment on handling traitors from Russia

Sometimes I begin to wonder if the establishment is indeed the biggest set of traitors, but we assume the best and prepare for the worst. Nawaz Sharif escaped Pakistan faking ill health as we all know. Either the government and military let him escape in some sort of deal or were genuinely stupid enough to fall for his tricks - i'm not sure which I should be more concerned about.

Anyway, it seems someone tried the same BS with Putin, and he took a different approach. He sent a KGB agent into prison and secretly recorded the politician who claimed to be on his death bed in perfectly good health. He has then released the footage.

This is how real patriots handle traitors.
See, only handling traitors is one thing, and that we have been doing since past 74 years. But everything depends on the final order we are working for. And then everything revolves around it.
For example Holy Prophets migration to Madina, wars and conquest of Makkah.... What was that? Handling traitors, fighting wars, conquering cities? Or working on a new order? Or may be restoring an old lost order again?
Working on order, our order, our rules, our economics, our culture should be the main goal. Everything else will follow. And that thing we are lacking. We need to align everything from education to military doctrine.
Russia and Putin are hardly a model to look up to. He has created a highly unequal society and is a very corrupt ruler.
Janab the ones with power are mere puppets being controlled by colonial powers. You are witnessing remote controlled colonialism. Remove these puppets, and the Americans will swoop down on the nuclear weapons, and then who knows what will be left of the country. Step 1 is leadership who can stand up to the West. Raheel Sharif was such a person, but he was alone. They sideline him and his team to Saudi Arabia. Zia ul Haq was such a man. They got rid of him. Bhutto was such a man. They got rid of him. Your leaders today are afraid of being assassinated by their Western overlords. And so, we don't just need a leader, we need a team in which someone else can step up if the leader is assassinated and continue the resistance.

USA had nothing to do with the deaths of Bhutto. from what I understand from other pakistanis he screwed the wives, sisters and daughters of other powerful people. that was his cause of his death
The difference between two is ; Russian establishment works for their country while Pakistani establishment works for green cards and corner plots.

what kind of country is Russia ? there are tens of thousands of russian women working as prostitutes around the world
Here we go again, people starting distributing certificates on patriotism.

We once decided to hang a traitor and than we all know what happened,

Musharraf: Death penalty for ex-Pakistan president thrown out
Russia and Putin are hardly a model to look up to. He has created a highly unequal society and is a very corrupt ruler.

The deep rooted military presence in Pakistani civil institutes bring this kind of autocratic thinking where they look up to China and Russia for examples.
Here we go again, people starting distributing certificates on patriotism.

We once decided to hang a traitor and than we all know what happened,

Musharraf: Death penalty for ex-Pakistan president thrown out

The deep rooted military presence in Pakistani civil institutes bring this kind of autocratic thinking where they look up to China and Russia for examples.

Yes because behaving like Luxumberg and Britain has worked really well for us. Parliamentary democracy has worked wonders in Pakistan, mixed in with the odd spell of elitist generals playing "house nigga" to foreign interests.

Heaven forbid anyone from the elite get punished.

The day Bhutto died it ended the ZAB Bhutto problem. The day Benazir died it ended the Benazir problem. The day Zia died it ended the Zia problem. The legacy of thier misgovernance did not end, but thier opportunity to make it worse did.

If Musharraf had the testicular fortitude required to hang Nawaz Sharif, we wouldn't have seen the NRO and the third term and today's drama. Who knows we might have even seen a relatively competent Showbwz Sharif government.

Don't knock death, its nature's solution.
Pakistan's Establishment which includes the Judiciary, Military Generals, and Bureaucracy, are Corrupt to the core. The so called traitors in Pakistan are actually part of this corrupt establishment.
Yes because behaving like Luxumberg and Britain has worked really well for us. Parliamentary democracy has worked wonders in Pakistan, mixed in with the odd spell of elitist generals playing "house nigga" to foreign interests.

Heaven forbid anyone from the elite get punished.

The day Bhutto died it ended the ZAB Bhutto problem. The day Benazir died it ended the Benazir problem. The day Zia died it ended the Zia problem. The legacy of thier misgovernance did not end, but thier opportunity to make it worse did.

If Musharraf had the testicular fortitude required to hang Nawaz Sharif, we wouldn't have seen the NRO and the third term and today's drama. Who knows we might have even seen a relatively competent Showbwz Sharif government.

Don't knock death, its nature's solution.

Democracy is the only solution.

Dont blame system. The US, whole of Europe , scandinavian countries c, Australia and New Zealand are the most prosperous countries in the world.

If you know the Pakistani mentality they will always resist autocracy and dectaitorship from 1857 war of independence , than 1947, 1971 and see what's happening in today's India. You can never suppress them.

Pakistani deserve the best.
What a load of BS!!! @WebMaster @The Eagle @waz @Horus are you going to tolerate this kind of racism on the forum?

why are you crying take alook at members writing racist post against mirpuris, what do mods do nothing.
SO I thinks it fair to expose their face in the mirror. I kept quiet for long time but it is now time to show the mirror to our ummah ethnic brothers.
why are you crying take alook at members writing racist post against mirpuris, what do mods do nothing.
SO I thinks it fair to expose their face in the mirror. I kept quiet for long time but it is now time to show the mirror to our ummah ethnic brothers.

Call out their racism but don't delve into racism yourself. Because on top of being racist, it is actually biased and not representative of reality.
why are you crying take alook at members writing racist post against mirpuris, what do mods do nothing.
SO I thinks it fair to expose their face in the mirror. I kept quiet for long time but it is now time to show the mirror to our ummah ethnic brothers.

Keep calm brother and very few have done that here.
No need to go down that route (Punjabi this and that).
as long as punjab establishment is in power i say nothing will happen too much inferiority complex to the west.
Establishment is establishment, not Punjabi or Pukhtun. It is time to delink Punjabis, who dont even have a leader since decades, from establishment.
Call out their racism but don't delve into racism yourself. Because on top of being racist, it is actually biased and not representative of reality.

i have to be to give it back i am tired with this bull shit posted bout my ppl by punjabis or those idiot posh wannabe urdu speakers on this forum. truth is punjab establishment has fcuked up big time and now all other ethnic groups curse them. Dont blame me i just telling the truth.

plus punjab governmnet could not tackle few idiots like altaf hussein, cant hang nawaz sharif, zardaris or are they bought out. Soon china will also call in debt, and the common man will get screwed.

Let me explain how it is easy to get killed in UK, just go and borrow just 500 pounds and then expect to be stabbed on your door step. Pak government cant do nothing to the most softest fattest slowest of the thieves like nawaz, zardari, altaf.
Ever wondered why they go London not up north because they be flattened under car and beaten with bats.
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as long as punjab establishment is in power i say nothing will happen too much inferiority complex to the west.

You will be labelled as racist here. This is the reality and when u expose it, our punjabi brothers get angry. Our top military leadership, our top civil bureaucracy and our establishment is majority punjabis and support punjabis. Their policies are all clearly evident of being racist.
Its this establishment that is responsible for crooks like nawaz, zardari and fazlu. They also do deals for them and help them save their looted money. They become pacifists infront of india and now even doing deals with TTP. I feel the real reason for Pakistan being in shithole today is because of this shaitaan establishment. From mullah to religion to sect to nationalism to corruption, they have used all those tricks to divide and weaken Pakistan.
Now the Punjabi bashing will continue. SMH
Sometimes I begin to wonder if the establishment is indeed the biggest set of traitors, but we assume the best and prepare for the worst. Nawaz Sharif escaped Pakistan faking ill health as we all know. Either the government and military let him escape in some sort of deal or were genuinely stupid enough to fall for his tricks - i'm not sure which I should be more concerned about.

Anyway, it seems someone tried the same BS with Putin, and he took a different approach. He sent a KGB agent into prison and secretly recorded the politician who claimed to be on his death bed in perfectly good health. He has then released the footage.

This is how real patriots handle traitors.
Establishment is equal criminal in this. They were the ones who imposed Bhutto and Zardari and Nawaz Shareef on us. They are equal partners in all the crimes done by PPPP and PML N.
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