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I dont see any problem with the word bharatiya(which they never use) or or whatever they call bharti(ok no problem)

But the problem is how they use the word,u can see a lot of arrogance and sarcasm and probably a kind of racial behavior(i still dont know on which basis they claim racial superiority) while Pakistanis use this word like

Stupid bharti media
The spineless bharti army
2 million bharti's starving
Bharti's lack toilets

just search around the forum,u will see this lines again and again

One more word utterly misused here is the word Hindus by calling it hinduks,of lately many Chinese r also giving Pakistanis a hand on this matter

One other word they like to poke fun is monkey god(ya we know hanuman is monkey,and this especially come from certain chinese member and a self claimed thai member here)

But anyway u r all free to call as by whatever names u want,we dont care a damn,so keep it churning out
I dont see any problem with the word bharatiya(which they never use) or or whatever they call bharti(ok no problem)


while Pakistanis use this word like

Stupid bharti media
The spineless bharti army
2 million bharti's starving
Bharti's lack toilets

But again only stupid and spineless are odd in the above not bharti.

One more word utterly misused here is the word Hindus by calling it hinduks,of lately many Chinese r also giving Pakistanis a hand on this matter

One other word they like to poke fun is monkey god(ya we know hanuman is money,and this especially come from certain chinese member and a self claimed thai member here)

i am sure any such words used would had been deleted as we dont encourage such things.
:cheesy: to reciprocate your slang we should address you as a sabzi but yara bura maan jao gay so never mind

You mean 'bhin di' rite?
i thought of it too, and felt it will be offensive to other bharati members aswell.

See thats the point.. if we mean to say any thing in degoratory way, we have other words for it, but we say Bharti in respectful way. Bharati is from Bharat, just like Pakistani is from Pakistan.
But again only stupid and spineless are odd in the above not bharti.

But every time it came coupled with the word bharti,mostly i ha never seen India used in it,it is not that i am asking to couple India with this words,but again I am pointing the usage of bharti

i am sure any such words used would had been deleted as we dont encourage such things.

An honest question,
what is Indian Army called in Hindi?
As far as i remember i heard in some indian news channel they were calling it Bharti Senak..
So whats the fuss?
don't call me Abiri, I will take offense.
An honest question,
what is Indian Army called in Hindi?
As far as i remember i heard in some indian news channel they were calling it Bharti Senak..
So whats the fuss?

It's called 'Bharatiya Sena' or 'Thal (Land) Sena' or 'Bharatiya Thal Sena'.

It's called Bharat and Bharatiya and not Bhart and Bharti.
I think it would be more effective for those who find the term offensive, if you ask Webby to add the word "Bharti" in the word filter. That way, nobody will be able to use it...........
Okay now, From now on we will call you "Bharati" not "Bharti", Is that OK? :)
I didn't know Bharatis will mind it, Seriously we don't intend to tease you :D
i don't know why so much hue & cry on word bharati, why some fellow indian members find it offensive. one of our country name is bharat, so we are bharatis for that manner. its same as pakistanis, americans,sri lankans,nepalis,bangladeshis etc. i don't find any offence in this.
isnt it amazing that people come demanding respect who themselves dont know how to respect others.and use abusive language generally unheard of.
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