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A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

Iran is not saying we are against the regime (like the US was against Communism in Russia), but Iran says we are against the existence of a country which is a nation state for the Jewish people. On the other hand, Israel never threatened to eliminate Iran and in the past had good relations with it.

Iran is not threatening to attack Israel, it is already has been attacking Israel since the 1980's through its terror proxy Hizbualla and in terror attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world.

But you know that already, so stop with the pretending.

Unlike with its Arab neighbours and Palestinians, Israel never had any conflict with Iran, Iran's threats and terrorism ignited Israel to make every effort to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
You are repeating the same lie again and again.You didn't bring me the proof.If Iran has any problems with Jews,it would start from 25,000 Jews living in Iran.U.S wanted Communism to be annihilated in Russia and Iran wants Zionism annihilated in Israel.That doesn't mean killing Jews or destroying Israel.You know better than me that Iran will never attack Israel.About those proxies,they are just fighting Israeli aggression.Besides,calling them terrorist is nonsense since Israel has killed much more civilians of its enemies,has assassinated officials,has killed Iranian scientists,believe me,you win the prize of being the number one terrorist.
Hamas is fighting to take back their land,Hezbollah was established to fight Israeli aggression of Lebanon and Yes,Iran helped them very much.Israel continues to build settlements in Palestinian lands,while the whole world,even the west is against it.
In a free Palestine,Jews can live there just as they are living like today.In a free Palestine,people can actually decide their fate,they can elect a Palestinian or a Jew as their leader.in a free Palestine,there is no sign of Zionism ideology,there is no more wars with neighbors,there is no more threatening and there is no more blackmailing and assasination.
You are repeating the same lie again and again.You didn't bring me the proof.If Iran has any problems with Jews,it would start from 25,000 Jews living in Iran.U.S wanted Communism to be annihilated in Russia and Iran wants Zionism annihilated in Israel.That doesn't mean killing Jews or destroying Israel.You know better than me that Iran will never attack Israel.About those proxies,they are just fighting Israeli aggression.Besides,calling them terrorist is nonsense since Israel has killed much more civilians of its enemies,has assassinated officials,has killed Iranian scientists,believe me,you win the prize of being the number one terrorist.
Hamas is fighting to take back their land,Hezbollah was established to fight Israeli aggression of Lebanon and Yes,Iran helped them very much.Israel continues to build settlements in Palestinian lands,while the whole world,even the west is against it.
In a free Palestine,Jews can live there just as they are living like today.In a free Palestine,people can actually decide their fate,they can elect a Palestinian or a Jew as their leader.in a free Palestine,there is no sign of Zionism ideology,there is no more wars with neighbors,there is no more threatening and there is no more blackmailing and assasination.

You are ignoring that Israel without Zionism (e.g., Israel as a nation states of the Jewish People) is eliminated. You will have an Arab country with Arab majority and Jews as a minority, like in any other country. Israel is the only country in the world which give the Jewish people as a nation its political rights. Why the Persian and the Arabs deserves their own countries, but not the Jewish people? This is exactly what the Iranian regime objects and fight against and this is why it tries so badly to eliminate Israel.

Are you ready to give up your independence and annex Iran with Russia? You still could live as a Russia citizen...

Hizbualla is not using terror against Israel over a dispute, what dispute? Israel exited its security strip in Lebanon in 2000, and this move was recognised by the UN. Hizbuhalla is Iranian proxy to terrorise Israel and mainly its civilian population.
come on how much you have been drinking today? US is responsible Nuke state? who told you this ? US IS THE ONLY COUNTRY EVER USED THAT NUKES TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE PAST....

ISRAEL on the other hand responsible of killing innocent people in Palestine on daily basis... how the world still things ISRAEL having this power making world safe..?

Who pushed US to join the ww2 ..who first attacked their installation...who kills more lives in Europe ......If US didn't used their nukes aganist Japan ..whats causes to the Americans as well as Russians.....


Who started Indefatha aganist Israel...
Who fires 10+ rockets into a country everyday

How much thinks that They does in Medical Field....

And I am Strongly say Most of our satellites and surveillance system helps to monitor our closes friend
Who pushed US to join the ww2 ..who first attacked their installation...who kills more lives in Europe ......If US didn't used their nukes aganist Japan ..whats causes to the Americans as well as Russians.....


Who started Indefatha aganist Israel...
Who fires 10+ rockets into a country everyday

How much thinks that They does in Medical Field....

And I am Strongly say Most of our satellites and surveillance system helps to monitor our closes friend

For your awareness it was not JAPAN who pushed US into WW2, it was british who needed US help to win from Germany and deal with the jewish lobby to have independent state of israel if they make US joins the forces...

Who is treating Palestine people like not humans and killing them for no reason, who captured their land for no reasons?
For your awareness it was not JAPAN who pushed US into WW2, it was british who needed US help to win from Germany and deal with the jewish lobby to have independent state of israel if they make US joins the forces...

Who is treating Palestine people like not humans and killing them for no reason, who captured their land for no reasons?

You forgot that we also killed Jesus...
For your awareness it was not JAPAN who pushed US into WW2, it was british who needed US help to win from Germany and deal with the jewish lobby to have independent state of israel if they make US joins the forces...

Who is treating Palestine people like not humans and killing them for no reason, who captured their land for no reasons?

US is in part time job in Ww2 .. the time that pearl harbour attacked they make it their main job in ww2..These are happens in 1944 ...Israel state announced in 1948.UK is responsible for Israel at that time not the US...US just helped to Build the Jewish nation

We ( India ) are also have encounter order to kill Terrorists ...not like Ajmal kasab any more time

Did you tell me that Israel treats Palestine Terrorists like Ajmal kasab in India
You forgot that we also killed Jesus...

lol , thats a fact.

BTW you cant change the reality by saying such things as they didnt happened :) anyway fight/war continues ....

US is in part time job in Ww2 .. the time that pearl harbour attacked they make it their main job in ww2..These are happens in 1944 ...Israel state announced in 1948.UK is responsible for Israel at that time not the US...US just helped to Build the Jewish nation

We ( India ) are also have encounter order to kill Terrorists ...not like Ajmal kasab any more time

Did you tell me that Israel treats Palestine Terrorists like Ajmal kasab in India

yeah i am getting your logic here, anyone india/israel/US kills that's a Terrorist, but if Muslim counter back that's make him Terrorist :) .

funny logic...
lol , thats a fact.

BTW you cant change the reality by saying such things as they didnt happened :) anyway fight/war continues ....

yeah i am getting your logic here, anyone india/israel/US kills that's a Terrorist, but if Muslim counter back that's make him Terrorist :) .

funny logic...

Who is responsible for

9/11 and 26/11

....who started India or US kills muslim peoples in their country.Then why you attack my Mumbai city...If every Indian thinks that Muslims are terrorist what happens...?
lol , thats a fact.

BTW you cant change the reality by saying such things as they didnt happened :) anyway fight/war continues ....

I see, only you can do that. There was no single word of true in your post about WWII.
Iran never called for 'destruction' of Israel you pathetic liar.
This is a lie that rotten-head Nutjobyahu is spreading everyday.
You think Israel is the only one that has a right for nuclear weapons?I'm not surprised.
Tell that -decision-maker' and Netanyahu,instead of barking everyday that 'we will attack',be man enough and do something on their own,without U.S or any other one's help,but but it's impossible,Israel is runnig on charity money from U.S and Europe.

nope .... these zionist only knew force language and threats ....

if you show any sign of weakness , they will come and bite you like a wild dogs ....

so , we should kill all of them without any sign of mercy ..... we should destruction them ....

and world !? are you think world could stop West from attacking Iraq , or it could stop Zionist from killing Palestinian !? NO

IMO good words are worth nothing, look at world military budgets and you will see the truth of our bloody world ....
nope .... these zionist only knew force language and threats ....

if you show any sign of weakness , they will come and bite you like a wild dogs ....

so , we should kill all of them without any sign of mercy ..... we should destruction them ....

and world !? are you think world could stop West from attacking Iraq , or it could stop Zionist from killing Palestinian !? NO

IMO good words are worth nothing, look at world military budgets and you will see the truth of our bloody world ....

And this is why Israel should prevent Iran from getting nukes.

Thank you, I rest my case.
Why is the assumption being made that Iranians are irrational? In my view, chances of peace in the region would be advanced if the countries realize and play by the rules of MAD. If the Israelis, Iranians, Saudis, Turks, Egyptians and the Khaleejis have this capability, they would be more open to discussing issues through non-military means because of the repercussions.

Iranians would need to control the actions of Hizbullah if they want long term peace in the Middle East. The Israelis too would need to be more accommodating of the Palestinians. At the end of the day, some give and take by ALL would be needed. Currently nobody feels this because of the power asymmetry in the region. Only when you have equals discussing peace will things move forward.
And this is why Israel should prevent Iran from getting nukes.

Thank you, I rest my case.

well , we will kill you , so what you will do !?

we will finish you .... so go and sleep in you bunkers ....

we knew the truth , if you could do a damn thing , you would do it without any word ... just like Iraq's Osirack .... .

I don't want playing with words ..... thereat us and we will answer you with another threat , bomb us and we will answer you with bigger bomb .... this is the truth ....

and are you really sure that we haven't nuke !?

@ Blaine

you saying nice words but in current middle east , nice words are worth as dogs pee .... sorry for bad words .....
You are ignoring that Israel without Zionism (e.g., Israel as a nation states of the Jewish People) is eliminated. You will have an Arab country with Arab majority and Jews as a minority, like in any other country. Israel is the only country in the world which give the Jewish people as a nation its political rights. Why the Persian and the Arabs deserves their own countries, but not the Jewish people? This is exactly what the Iranian regime objects and fight against and this is why it tries so badly to eliminate Israel.

Are you ready to give up your independence and annex Iran with Russia? You still could live as a Russia citizen...

Hizbualla is not using terror against Israel over a dispute, what dispute? Israel exited its security strip in Lebanon in 2000, and this move was recognised by the UN. Hizbuhalla is Iranian proxy to terrorise Israel and mainly its civilian population.
Your comparison is wrong,Iran is here,as a country for thousands of years.We haven't captured anyone's land,we haven't drive people out of their country.When was Iran part of Russia anytime in history?No,in a Palestine,Jews won't be a minority,the number of Arabs and Jews would be equal.
Why did Jews chose Palestine as a country?Why should those people pay the price if they want a land?I'm not against a Jewish country,my question is that Why U.S or Europe (who has massacred Jews more than anyone)didn't give their own land to Jews to establish a country?Why should Palestinians pay the price for Holocaust?
One obvious fact is that Israel doesn't want peace,you don't even agree with two state solution.Israel lives with war,and this will end very bad.You know better than me that all this 'nuclear Iran is a danger' bs is a lie to achieve a greater goal.You know better that Iran will never attack Israel or drop a nuclear weapon on it because of MAD.This is just a lie and an excuse.
You may want to see Hezbollah as terrorists,I see IDF as terrorist,perspective matters.
If Iran goes nuclear, I agree that there would be a domino effect of Sunni nations going nuclear as well.

That alone is enough reason to stop Iran from going Nuclear.

No they wont, US wont allow them, or will simply state Arabs are under US nuclear umbrella. Done.

About your second point, how do you stop Iran from going nuclear if it DOESNT WANT to go nuclear? :azn:

Its like some comedy:

US: "Stop making nukes, or we will bomb you"
Iran: "But we arent making any nukes"
US: "I repeat, STOP making nukes or we WILL bomb you!"
Iran: "Read our lips, we ARENT making any nukes!" :rolleyes:

Why do Sunni nations fear a nuclear Iran more than a nuclear Israel?

Because most Arabs are in US pocket, and US with Israel are... you know ;)
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